Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11308: Ancient fossils (fifth more outburst)

"Be careful, this kind of wild germ breath cannot be inhaled too much." The mandrill next to it whispered: "It will confuse your brain, which is quite dangerous. You must wait for the breath to diffuse and fade a little before you walk over. "

"Is that so?" Hearing this, Heiteng Boy shook his head, expelling the weird feeling in his head, and then stepped back several steps in succession. He yelled, "This thing is so dangerous. Dare to get closer."

"Calm down, it's actually not a big deal."

King Jia Yao said nonchalantly at this time: "Actually, as long as I or the old monkey blows out a fire aura to counteract the smell of the wild fungus, it will be fine, just like this."

"Huh -" The moment the words fell, King Jia Yao had already exhaled a hot scent, and suddenly swept over the wild mushrooms, offsetting the spreading aroma of the wild mushrooms. Then, King Jia Yao said: "Okay. Now there is no problem at all."

"Really? I'll try it." As he said, Kurotodo had already stepped up to the wild fungus, raised his nose and smelled it, and then said: "Well, there is a light scent mixed with fire aura, and after smelling it I won’t feel dizzy anymore."

"Sure enough, brothers, let's do it. First, pull out these wild fungi and concentrate them. When you go out and meet the earth palace toad, let it be transplanted into the ethereal toad cauldron. Everyone will have wild fungus that can't be eaten in the future. "

"Good idea, just do it."

"Fat, I don’t think you can think of a good plan, admire and admire it." Hearing the advice of the king of armor, many partners applauded, and then followed the instructions and began to collect wild mushrooms. After a few breaths, a large number of wild mushrooms were collected. It was piled on the nearby road.

"What are you waiting for? Let's ship the things out quickly." Heiteng Boy said anxiously.

"Don't worry, there are still many areas in this underground gully that we haven't turned around yet." The Mandrill casually said, "Don't you want to wander around and look for other treasures?"

"Uh, that's also true." Upon hearing this, the boy nodded, and then, the king of armor said again: "That's why we will bring your kid with you, because it is useful to get you."

"Using me? What do you want to do?" Hei Teng Boy was a little puzzled when he heard the words of King Carapace, and the unicorn ice dragon said: "Stupid, you can't use your own black vine clone to send all the wild mushrooms. Go up there?"

"Oh, I see, you said it earlier, and you have to let me guess." Kurotodo said: "This is a trivial thing, just look at me."

"Although there is no way to transform a wood spirit soldier like Sister Sangsang, it is possible for me to move the Black Vine clone."

As the boy said, he released a large amount of aura, "huhuhu—whoo whoo—" In a short time, the aura penetrated into the ground, and then, a section of the dark cane that stretched out quickly drilled out, knitting. Become a black vine clone three feet tall.

They look like humans, with hands and feet. At this moment, they picked up a large pile of wild mushrooms and quickly walked toward the top of the ravine. Kurotodo said at this time: "Okay, it's okay to leave this little thing to them. Let's start wandering around now."

"Go, go to the innermost area first."

As the Mandrill said, he beckoned to his companions, and then walked quickly towards the inside. Shortly after everyone left, a dark shadow flew in from the outside hole. The other side looked left and right, and seemed to be sure. The direction they were heading, and then they rushed away.

"Hey, there is something here." Reaching out his hand to touch the uneven object embedded in the rock wall, the mandala muttered: "It seems to be an animal...what is it called, Lord Guan seems to have mentioned it."

"It's a'fossil'!" King Jia Yao's mind is so good now, he said: "Master Guan said that those things were formed after tens of thousands of years after weathering."

"What kind of fossil bells and whistles are pretty good-looking, do you want to dig it out and bring it back to the girls?" Mandrill's eyes rolled and said, "If it's too late to go back, we might as well make excuses for ourselves. "

"That's right, then dig it out." King Jia Yao said, suddenly lifted his hoof and kicked the rock wall fiercely, "Bang!" In a flash, there were many cracks in the rock wall, and then, Mandrill used his ancient gold icebreaker to pry at the edge of the cracked rock.

"Kacha, Kacha!" Immediately, several fossils of weird animals fell out and fell to the ground. The white-browed old monkey and the big-headed Yongxu picked up these things and looked up and down. They didn't see anything.

Mandrill immediately grabbed the things into his own hands and waved his claws at both of them: "Go to the side, you two are frivolous. Be careful to damage these things."

"Kiddy?! Kicked!" After hearing this, the white-browed old monkey grinned with anger, and stared at the mandrill, showing a sense of reluctance.

The Mandrill hurriedly said: "I am doing it for your good. This is to be taken back to make a gift for the elder sister and the others. If it is broken by you, can the eldest sister have a temper? Can I spare you?

As soon as it finished saying this, the old white-browed monkey scratched his head, seemingly moved in his heart.

The Mandrill said again: "If you are not afraid of your eldest sister to clean up yourself, then you can take this thing. Anyway, if you break or break it, you don't care about my business, because you have to carry it yourself if you get into trouble." Then, it was about to stuff things into the arms of the old monkey.


Hearing this, the white-browed old monkey jumped up to more than three feet as if it had been stung by a poisonous scorpion, and then hurriedly backed away while waving and screaming at the mandrill. It meant to say, "Don't do anything. Now, you should keep this tattered thing for yourself."

"Hahaha, good man, you scared the old monkey to throw off his helmet and remove his armor in a few words, you can do it." The armor king next to him said with a joke on his face.

The Mandrill glared at it at this moment, and then cursed: "What nonsense, if you don't say so, how can you calm the old monkey's anger, are you going to persuade him?"

"Uh, I don't have this ability." As soon as it said this, King Jia Yao shook his head like a rattle, and then continued: "Isn't it just a few fossils? It has nothing to do with me, so I don't do this. What a stupid thing, let's keep going."

"By the way, who has seen the ice scorpion, why haven't seen it for a long time?"

"Yes, Ice Jiao, Ice Jiao, where are you? Please reply if you hear it!"

At this moment, King Armor yelled loudly, and suddenly, from the area more than ten feet away, the cry of the unicorn ice scorpion came: "What is the noise? I'm here, but I acted faster than you guys. Can't you see me? What a fool, come here quickly, I need help here!"

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