Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1132: Twisted hate

"I'm going to see the two captives now." Putting the wine glass on the table, Ma Ze stood up and said, "Remember, let all the skeleton warriors strictly observe the passages of Purgatory City, and be careful of the enemy to sneak in."

A moment later, in the single cell where Zowei was detained, Ma Ze asked the guard to open the door and walked in.

"How? Little girl." Ma Ze glanced at Zuo Wei, who was sitting on the corner of the cell with her knees, and said blankly, "Are you still used to living here?"

"Is this ironic to me?" Zuo Wei looked up stubbornly and stared at Ma Ze in front of her severely. She gritted her teeth and said, "Don't I say I'm not used to living, you will let go I go? "

"You're right." Ma Ze, who was silent for a few seconds, suddenly said, "When everything is over, I will let you go, because I never kill a woman. My purpose is only Guan Heng and Luo. The lives of those in the Resistance Army. "

Having said this, Ma Ze turned and was about to leave the cell. At this time, Zuo Wei suddenly exclaimed: "Hey, you, as a human, why do you help the Dragons to harm their own kind? You ... don't think Are you too much? "

"Excessive ?!" Ma Ze turned his head, looking at Zuo Wei's gaze suddenly emitting a ray of hatred, his teeth rattled: "In my opinion, the most extreme is no human being."

"I was an orphan. I was abandoned in the wilderness near Purgatory City from an early age. When I was most helpless, a dragon picked me up in my cave."

Unconsciously, Ma Ze suddenly told his life to Zuo Wei: "I call it Dragon Lord and treat it as my father. Life before I was twelve years old was actually full of happiness because of the dragon Grandpa is protecting me. "

"But ten years ago, when I returned from hunting in the woods, I saw Dragon Lord falling in a pool of blood, and it was covered with scars ..." Ma Ze continued, "Those are caused by human weapons. Obviously, Lord Long was attacked. "

"Ah ..." Zuo Wei was startled when she heard this, but Ma Ze ignored her expression, and said only herself: "Longye's most serious injury was a throat attack, which was a long blow. It was caused by a spear. After crying and burying it, a man suddenly appeared behind him. He held a blood-stained spear in his hand. "

"So, what happened after that?" Zuo Wei listened and listened. She was so absorbed that she couldn't help but ask the subsequent plot.

"Later? Of course, revenge." Ma Ze looked at his hands and said: "I lied that I was robbed by a dragon into the cave to prepare for food. The strong man named Rasius I actually believed it. "

"So, Lasius took me in. I learned from him full martial arts, and finally killed him, taking revenge for my dragonfather."

After Ma Ze said these things in one breath, he said arrogantly: "Human beings have abandoned me without any compassion. A family like this is better to adopt my dragon, so I will represent all the dragons Human revenge !!! "

"You are such a sad and poor person." At this moment, Zuo Wei frowned and looked at Ma Ze and said, "Just because a human has killed your Dragon adoptive father, you will be angry with all human beings. Extreme thoughts are terrible and difficult to understand. "

"Huh, I don't need to be understood!" Ma Ze said as he walked outside the cell. He said coldly, "I have said too much today. You still have to care about the life of that friend's Guan Heng. His life has already passed. It's time to count down. "

"Dang!" The iron door of the cell was closed tightly, and Zuo Wei sat sadly back to the corner: "Oh, when can Brother Guanheng come to save me?"

"Hey, if you want to save, you can't just save you?" At this time, Borui's lazy voice came from the opposite cell: "Zowei, you can't leave me alone."

"Uh, are you awake?" Zuo Wei stepped in front of the cell fence and asked in a low voice, "How about the injury?"

"That **** Maze actually sneaked into Master Ben. Hey ... it still hurts a bit." Borui said angrily: "Thanks to my good luck, I didn't get hurt, or I would have farted, hey, I I just woke up and heard that you were chatting with that guy, wouldn't you want to surrender to the Dragon Army? "

"You talk nonsense!" When she heard this, Zuo Wei almost cried. She snapped the iron fence with her hand: "Dead Bory, Stinky Bory, why would you want to be a traitor, and dare to wrong me? You shameless bitch. "

Although separated by a cell, Zuo Wei's cries shook Borui's ears, and he hurriedly said, "Grandma, don't swear, my ears will burst open."

"Sister-in-law, die ..." Zuo Wei was still reluctant, and was about to continue cursing, at this time I heard the sound of harsh bone friction, a skeleton warrior with a rusty steel sword, dangling When he came over, he waved his bones and cut his sword on the fence of Zuo Wei's cell: "Dangdang !!"

"Uh ?!" Zuo Wei shook her hands and hurried back a long way. "If ... more ... noise ..." the skeleton warrior said mechanically: "I ... chop chop chop ... you." After saying this, the skeleton turned away.

"Oh my mother." Zuo Wei groaned and said, "Frighten me to death, I really hate this kind of body that has no blood and no flesh, and will jump and jump."

"Hey, Zuo Wei." Borui whispered at this time: "Let's find a chance to slip out, otherwise, those skeletons, living corpses, etc. will be mad, maybe we will tear us up.

"What you said makes sense, now is not the time for quarrels." Zuo Wei quickly grabbed the iron fence and asked, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"I saw our wand hanging on a wall a few meters away." Borui whispered, "Now it's just like this ..."

At the same time, Guan Heng and Yimera are chatting with a bearded man with a thick armor in a forest cave near the ice vein volcano.

"So, Mr. Jeff, you are the current leader of the Roman Resistance Army?" Guan Heng smiled and said, "Then we need to help you more when we are preparing to rescue our companions."

"It's totally okay." Bearded Jeff slaps his chest loudly, and he smiles boldly: "We have also received a queen from the queen of Gageira. The battle dragon Lei Camo is really amazing, and everyone should help each other. "

—— [Second more in 2016.5.2, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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