Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11338: Flash bones (fifth more outburst)

"Hurry up, keep up with them!"

As Ruotao was talking, she rushed towards the huge gap. Mandrill naturally followed them. Everyone chased them for a few breaths, vaguely seeing the thunderclap silhouettes moving in front of them. What to do, so he took a few steps and rushed forward.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, the little thunderhopper responsible for guiding the way screamed, then jumped to Ruotao's shoulders, and raised its paws and pointed forward.

"Hey, that's..." Ruotao looked closely, and noticed that the place surrounded by thunderbirds was shining with a strange light, and immediately said to the mandrill: "Go, go and take a look."

"Hullah-" Seeing Ruotao and Mandrill come by, the Banghorn Thunderhoppers immediately scattered and let everyone go forward.

"This seems to be the bones of some kind of spirit beast, right?"

"Really." Ruotao nodded when she heard the words of Mandrill, and then said: "But it seems that shining beast bones are rare."

"Hehehe, maybe something special is attached to the bone."

As he said, Mandrill touched the beast bone with the icebreaker in his hand. After seeing that there was no danger, he reached out and picked up the bone, and then said: "Except for the flash, there seems to be nothing special."

"Bring it to me to see." As she said, Ruotao stretched out her hand in front of it.

Taking the bone, Ruotao was about to take a closer look, suddenly the little golden wren next to him suddenly jumped up and lightly pecked the animal bone with his sharp beak.

"Hey!" In a short time, the bones pecked by the wren suddenly burst into several electric currents, and Ruotao jumped in fright: "What's the matter?"

"Pop!" But in the next moment, Ruotao had already gripped the bones of the beast tightly, and those electric energies gathered in one place, forming a small electric current, which caused the golden wren chick to **** into her mouth with just one beak. .

"Guru!" After the little golden wren swallowed the electric current, he yelled happily, "Chirp!"

"You child is always so surprised. It will scare my sister, don't you? Pay attention next time." Ruotao said, reaching out to touch the little golden wren's forehead, quite a bit of indulgence. , The golden wren chicks also squinted their eyes, enjoying it very much.

"Bhacha!" At the same time, the beast bone in Ruo Tao's hand shattered, and before it fell to the ground, it turned into countless powders and disappeared.

"Huh, that's it all?" Seeing this scene, Mandrill whispered in surprise.

But Ruotao seemed to understand a bit, and casually said: "It's no surprise that the reason why this animal bone has existed for so long is due to the power of thunder and lightning that it contains. Once it is absorbed by the electric energy, it is completely absorbed by the wren treasure. , Then this thing seemed to have been hollowed out, and immediately disappeared."

"It turns out that it's the eldest sister who doesn't lose, and the analysis is in place and reasonable." Mandrill nodded repeatedly, expressing agreement.

"Little thunderhopper led us to find this beast bone, meaning that even if this thing is not the source of the lightning power in the giant beast's corpse, it has some connection with that thing, it should be like this." There was a pause here. Ruotao turned her head and asked Leihopper, "Right?"

"Squeak, squeak." The little thunderhopper who led the way immediately nodded and whispered, which meant to say: "That's it!"

"If this is the case, let's search around to see if we can find more beast bones that carry the power of thunder and lightning."

"Okay, that's it." After the negotiation was made, Ruotao, Mandrill, Little Golden Wren, and Three-eyed Shougong all acted and began to constantly search for clues around. The rest of the little thunderhoppers naturally followed to help.

In a short while, they have searched all the areas within ten feet of a radius.

"I found three beast bones with electricity, which is quite a gain."

"Yes, but the thunder and lightning power carried by these animal bones is small and small. At most, they can be used as snacks for Wrenbao and Xiaoshougong, but they are not of much use to us."

Ruo Tao said, glanced at the small thunderhoppers around him, and said, "Hey, can you provide any other clues?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lei Yi and other companions looked at each other, and then nodded to Ruotao. After making a few low noises, they immediately jumped towards the left front area.

"Hey, if there is a clue, these little guys are really daunting." Mandrill muttered, Ruotao said: "Don't worry about these trivial things, hurry up." After that, she already took Mandrill and Little Golden Wren, Shou Palace, they rushed forward.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"


At this time, the whole group of horned thunderhoppers were hitting something in front of them with their bodies. This thing had completely blocked the way, and if they didn't break it, everyone would not be able to go through it.

"Okay, okay, don't have to be so troublesome, let me do it."

Ruotao waved their hands and signaled the thunderhoppers to retreat. She pulled out the Thunder-Swallowing Blade like lightning, and then slashed it violently. The thing blocking the road, abruptly cut it into two pieces.

"Uh, it always feels a little weird." After Ruotao returned the knife to its sheath, she looked up and down at the thing she had cut open, and said casually: "What is this thing on earth?"

"It seems to be some internal organ in the corpse of an ancient beast?" The Mandrill looked at it, and then said: "It is already in a dehydrated and shriveled state, so it is not easy to identify. I think it is either the liver or the lungs."

"That's it, what you said like this is indeed very similar." Ruotao nodded. At this time, the horned thundercutters had already flew into the gap where the internal organs were cut. Ruotao said: "Go, let's Follow up too."

"Okay." The Mandrill promised and immediately followed her behind and walked in together.

"Uh, it smells." Just a few steps in, Ruotao quickly covered her nose and said, "What's the matter with the smell here? It smells so unpleasant, it's suffocating."

"It smells like sulfur, as if it has entered a volcanic crater." The mandrill's sense of smell can hardly bear this smell. As soon as it rolled its eyes, it immediately opened its mouth and said: "By the way, the mysterious aura released by Mu Lingzhi's eyes can Protect us to breathe smoothly and purify the air."

"Uh, if you don't remind me, I will forget it."

While talking, Ruotao quickly took out Mu Lingzhi’s eyes and floated them in mid-air, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The air was purified to a normal state all at once, and Ruo Tao was relieved.

"Huh, I feel more comfortable now." Ruotao said as she walked forward, "What I hate the most is the harsh air environment, which is really unbearable."

"Hey, me too." Mandrill said with a wry smile.

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