Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1134: Solo fight (first)

"Stupid Borui, don't give up." Zuo Wei took a picture of the iron fence and lowered his voice. "If you don't run away, it must be a dead end. I'm fine, because that Maze sees me as a beautiful girl. He promised to let me go. As for you, he looks abominable. He will kill you. "

"Ah ?!" Borui cried with a crying face: "Ma Ze, this bastard, even value women over men, this one who kills thousands of swords, oh oh ... why didn't my mother turn me into a daughter? "

"I think, yes." Zuo Wei thought for a long time, and finally flashed, she said quickly: "The arms are not long enough, don't you still have a belt? Quickly come down."

"What is this?" Although Borui was somewhat inexplicable, he still took off his belt, and Zou Wei pulled it across the cage, and then connected it to her belt. Then she took off the metal hairpin on her head and twisted it into It has a three-claw hook shape.

"Woohoo-pop!" With Zuo Wei's vigorous shaking, the simple claw hook finally caught the wand on the wall and was dragged down by her.

"Dangyu." The sound of the staff falling to the ground made a crisp sound. Zuo Wei was afraid of getting the attention of the guard, so he kept pulling left and right hands back and forth, quickly pulling the staff.

Who knew that when there were two meters left, "slap!" A foot in boots suddenly stepped on the staff on the ground.

"Is there such a thing ... you ... dare ... run away ..." The one who stepped on the staff was the intermittent, some nervous skeleton warrior, the angry ghost flashing in the two black holes of the skull, it said: " I ... I want to chop ... "

Speaking, he waved the steel sword in his palm and rushed over. In a hurry, Borui immediately shouted, "Zou Wei, throw me the other belt."

"Slap!" Borui caught the belt, and Zuo Wei immediately pulled both sides straight, the skeleton warrior striding forward, and suddenly fell forward to the ground.

"Wow!" The broken bones immediately filled the ground, and Borui immediately picked up the steel sword on the ground, and picked up the nearby staff and threw it to Zowei: "Immediately flatten it with the magic of the Holy Light system, I will break it open. The cell door is locked. "


At the same time, Ymira has rushed down the underground tunnel to the stone tower in the eastern corner of the underground palace.

"Oh!" A few skeletal bone bats flew down from the top of the palace wall. There was no flesh on them, all of them were sensen bones, apparently also undead creatures.

"Yeah!" Imila whispered, suddenly jumped up, and then waved his fist, all the fist shadow suddenly hit all these bone bats.

"Squeak and squeak!" Bone Bat screamed and crashed to the ground, Imira didn't hesitate and pulled his leg forward.

Just then, there was a rattling giggle from the top of the stone tower: "Human race, you're finally here."

When she heard this voice, Imila was shocked. She was about to look up, just listening to the sound of the wind, and a huge dark shadow fell to the ground instantly: "Bang!"

"It's the evil bone dragon!" Imira took a half-step back subconsciously, and she said with a calm face, "It is unexpected that you guard the place yourself."

"Hahaha, Your Excellency the Army Chief had long anticipated that you sly bugs might sneak into Purgatory City in advance." Barbaro, the evil bone dragon, said proudly: "I didn't kill your little girl just now, but you come now Come home and die, then I will do it for you, Uncle Barbaro. "

The evil bone dragon said to do it, don't look at it's huge body, and it was very quick to move. "Hoo!" The huge, thick tail bone was drawn to Zuo Wei fiercely like a long whip.

However, even if the movement of the evil bone dragon is as fast as possible, it is still a bit worse than that of the rapid and unscrupulous Zuo Wei. I saw that Zuo Weiyu turned over in successive volleys, and under her left and right flash, the giant of the evil bone dragon The tail smashing attacks were all missed, only the green bricks on the ground kept breaking, but Zuo Wei's hair was not touched.

"Abominable, the Terran little girl is so slippery." The evil bone growled in anxiety: "The next blow is sure to make your body broken!"

"Uh ah-look at my bone dragon sword!"

"Oh!" Barbaro, the evil bone dragon, growled, and the nails of the two front paws suddenly extended a few feet, like a few sharp steel blades, shining brightly and glaringly toward Yimi. Pulled neck throat: "Go to death!"

"Whoa!" Facing the onslaught of the evil bone dragon, Imila desperately dodging again, but unfortunately a little slower, a strand of hair was cut off and drifted into the air.

"Wow, it's so dangerous." Imila said secretly, "You must not be hit by this kind of keel knife, otherwise you will lose your life."

"My ancient martial arts methods are all melee tricks, we must find a way to stay close to this guy and wait for the opportunity to attack its vital parts!"

Imila's heart turned like electricity, and she immediately shook her figure to take advantage of her speed. "Oh!" Suddenly, four or five afterimages were separated, and the evil bone dragon Barbaro was dazzled instantly.

"Abominable, **** girl, don't mess around everywhere, let me cut it in half!"

The evil bone dragon was stunned by the speed of Imira, and in anxiety, this guy even thought of a stupid idea, saying that time and time soon, the evil bone dragon suddenly turned around in place, the double-clawed sword and giant The tail suddenly formed an extremely sharp blade swirl in the rotation.

Whirling and spinning, the evil bone dragon was secretly proud at this moment: "Ha ha ha, dead girl, if you dare to approach me, let this whirlwind crush you alive into powder."

"Fool evil bone dragon, although you make the surroundings look like copper walls and iron walls, you ignore an important defensive position."

"Yeah!" Imeira didn't fall into her voice. She jumped to the outer wall of the stone tower, and then jumped into the air with an extraordinary bounce. She whispered, "That position is the top of your head!"

"Yeah!" Imira in mid-air instantly fell on the back of the evil bone dragon, and she yelled, "Take the move, the ancient martial arts, the tiger's teeth will attack!"

This move is one of Imeira's tricks. As the name suggests, the boxing strength is like the teeth of a tiger, aiming at the weak part of the opponent, a triple dark power will erupt after hitting.

"Bang!" Imira's tiger teeth would hit the connection between the neck of the evil bone dragon's neck and the spine without hesitation, just listening to the sound of crunching sounds.

However, the evil bone dragon suddenly took a step forward after being severely hit, and stood firmly. It suddenly turned back to Yimira as a black prison dragon breath.

"Woohoo--" The dark dragon breath spread through the breath of death and suddenly rolled towards Imila's face door.

"Well!" Imila suddenly shrank backwards and rolled, and after landing quickly, she could not escape the deadly dragon's breath. This is also because the neck of the evil bone dragon was hit hard by fists, and it was not easy to reverse, otherwise Imira is as fast as she can't escape the attack.

—— [First update of 2016.5.3, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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