Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11349: Dark Red Evil Spirit (first more)

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The skeleton trembled a few times, and he stood up from the ground.

"This thing can actually control the bones?" Seeing this, the Mandrill immediately whispered: "It seems quite rare."

"Don't be surprised, think of a way to get rid of this guy." Ruo Tao said at the moment: "Look, the horned thundercamps and the little shougong are a little scared."

"It's true. The invisible and intangible enemy will make the guy who saw it for the first time feel scared. It's not surprising." The Mandrill frowned slightly and said, "Big Sister, how do you say we should deal with it?"

"Ha ha ha, don't forget, this guy is afraid of fire." Ruo Tao said nonchalantly: "We'll draw the animal bones it controls first, and then..."

At this point, she deliberately lowered her voice and murmured a few words in Mandrill’s ears. The latter nodded and nodded after hearing this: "Okay, just do it."

"Wrenbao, Little Shougong, you two come here." Ruotao waved to the two little guys, and they walked closer, Ruotao whispered to her. After hearing her words, the two little guys immediately Nodded, and then rushed toward the beast bones controlled by the dark red aura.

"Tweet, twee, oh!"

It was too late, it was soon, the golden wren chicks screamed suddenly, and then swooped at the dark red beast bone that was staggering. In order to prevent the opponent from fearing, it did not even use electric power to attack the bone, just With his own sharp claws, he grabbed the dark red ancient beast's bones.

"Pop!" It was just a scratch with Wrenbao's claws, leaving deep scratches on the surface of the dark red beast's bones, showing that the power of the little golden wren is not what it used to be, and it has been greatly enhanced.


In the flash of lightning, the dark red beast bone that was attacked suddenly roared, and then swung its claws towards the little golden wren, but this little guy was never gluttonous, and suddenly fluttered to the sky, and the other party jumped up and down. Jump, just can't reach it, so angry that the beast bones roared.

"Hey!" At this moment, the three-eyed Shougong quickly slid to the vicinity with the help of the electric energy of the soles, and released a thunderbolt toward the beast bone fiercely.


The dark red beast bone that was shaking its claws suddenly shuddered, and the skeleton of his body kept creaking, but the red light burst into the pupils of the beast's skull, and this guy barely managed to stand firm and roar towards the three-eyed gecko. After a sound, this guy rushed to the palace madly, trying to get revenge.

This time, he changed his head to the three-eyed guard and fled.

"Swishwwww!" In the light of thunder and fire, the three-eyed Shougongmao rushed towards the rear with great strength, and the extremely angry dark red beast bones had no reason to speak, and they hurriedly chased immediately.

Before I knew it, the animal bone chased it out for several meters, "Woohoooo! Whoosh whoosh!" For a moment, the sound of the wind rose around it, and the dark red beast bone realized that the four-armed mountain ridge and **** appeared nearby. The demon king and a group of demon ghosts, they have surrounded the front, back, left, and right.

The dark red beast bones were shaking all over, and they were about to flee when they reversed their direction, because the dark red aura that controlled this skeleton was clear. Facing the flame attacks of the group of ghosts, it didn't even have a chance to win, so it could only escape.

It's a pity that the group of ghosts won't give it this opportunity, "Whhhhhhh!" In the blink of an eye, everyone surrounded the dark red beast bones in the middle, ready to go.

The beast bone saw that he was hopeless to get away, and suddenly the evil grew to the guts. In a short time, he let out a low roar, and the dark red mist spread to the surrounding area. There was a violent sound, and the dark red aura exploded the beast bone and fragments. It rushed towards the group of ghosts surrounded in all directions.

However, this little trick didn't work for Sibishanwei and the King of Ghosts at all. Everyone just released a little fire aura and burned the broken bones to the point.

But the dark red breath also took the opportunity to soar high in the sky, intending to escape.

"Want to go? It's not that easy." The demon roared, shaking his hands suddenly, and flew.

The next moment, the ice thorn penetrated the dark red mist, but did not cause the opponent to receive any harm. Seeing this, Ruotao whispered: "It's a pity."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter, burst!" The Mandrill shouted immediately, "Boom! Boom!" Three ice thorns burst into pieces in the air immediately, and the impact of the cold air released suddenly swept the dark red mist.

"Chuck!" The ferocious Bingxuan aura continued to spread, and unexpectedly caused the surrounding air temperature to drop suddenly. The speed of the dark red mist immediately slowed down a lot. Mandrill and Ruo Tao looked at each other and sneered at the same time. : "It looks like I can't run."

As expected by the two of them, the dark red mist felt that the sky was surrounded by the aura of Ice Profound. He had no hope of escape, so he had to fall towards the ground. But here, it has been released by the Four Arms Mountain Wing and the Bound Demon King. Surrounded by the original flames, it was completely a sea of ​​flames.

"Hey, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

Suddenly, the mist swirled sharply in the air, and then made a weird howling like a howling ghost: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Hey, it seems to be showing its true form." Ruotao said, looking intently.

"Well, I saw it too, it seems to be..." The Mandrill narrowed his eyes, carefully identified it, and then said with a certain tone: "It should be some kind of beast soul or evil spirit."

"I think it's more like an evil spirit, because the evil spirit that this guy emits is heavier." Ruo Tao said, "In short, whether the soul body is the spirit body, it's enough to figure out the true face of this guy, and grab it alive and throw it into the soul-recovering urn. , Can still extract a little soul power."

"Hahaha, what I'm talking about is that waste can also be used after all." The Mandrill sneered and said so.

"Shanwei, catch this guy alive and trap it with fire aura."

"Wow!" Ruotao gave an order, and Sibishanwei promised, and immediately rushed to the dark red evil spirit in the low altitude with the wind. Seeing the powerful enemy suddenly arrived, this guy was so scared that he was so scared that he wanted to drive away when he reversed the direction. But Shanwei has four hands, how can he let it escape?

With a "huh", this dark red evil spirit was caught by Shanwei's two claws. When it was still trying to struggle, Four Arms Shanwei suddenly released a fire aura and trapped it in it.

The dark red evil spirit screaming and screaming, struggling to be useless, until the end, it has been completely imprisoned by the fire spirit, and forced to compress it into a big fireball of walnut. The mandrill next to it took out the Persian Soul Orb and handed it over. The fireball received it.

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