Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11354: Tear it apart to see what happens! (First more)

In an instant, Bound Demon Ghost King took the lead, and he used the fiery blood blade trick he learned from Ying Baigui.

"Whistling call - whistled -" fresh blood blade Xieguo large fire disease channeling hurricane winds, successive momentary falls circular surface, just listen bared pop sound after another, this surface immediately Tim More than ten long narrow wounds.

"Chichichichi!" Immediately afterwards, a wisp of electric current rushed from the wound, rushing towards the Bound Demon Ghost King, to teach it a vicious lesson, but the Ghost King moved extremely fast, and immediately backed away after the shot. , Avoiding the edge.

At the same time, Four Arms Shanwei rushed up, facing the electric current, Shanwei didn't care. Suddenly swung his four arms, clenched his fists and beat, "Boom boom boom! Ping pong pong!" It was just a blink of an eye. The current was blocked by Shanwei's Huo Lingqi Fist.

"Roar!!" The next moment, Shanwei roared wildly, and his fists immediately slammed into the wind.

"Bang!" Fist Jin is like a flaming meteor falling from the sky. It is centered on the surface of a circular object. The object is constantly shaking. The surface of this object suddenly collapses. It seems to be squeezed by Shanwei's Fist Jin. This is a precursor to a gap. !

"Hiss, puff!" In an instant, the round object made bursts of violent noise, and then it couldn't continue to support it at the top. With a click, the whole object fell straight to the ground below!


It's too late to say, then soon, a huge round object fell to the ground, causing earth and rocks to fly in all directions, dust soaring, and the ground is not flat. After this thing fell to the ground, it wanted to bounce and roll. Quickly, suddenly jumped forward, releasing a lot of chill.


"Lala!" In an instant, the ice mysterious aura swept around the round object, and it abruptly frozen it in place. At this time, the mandrill galloped forward, slashing the ice-breaking wedge in his hand to the surface of the object. , Yelled: "Open!"

"Hiss!" Pressed to death. A long and narrow gap was opened on the surface of this round object. "Hey!" The harsh sound abruptly, a large amount of thunder and lightning burst out from it, and directly rushed to the nearest nearby. Mandrill.

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Ruotao whispered, and then shouted: "Baihua, come on!"

"Hey!" The moment she said this, Yao Zhi Baihua immediately jumped forward, and sprayed more than ten groups of slurry toward the mandrill's body, and the whole body of the mandrill was enveloped in it.


At the same time, the swift and fierce electric energy hit the mandrill's body viciously, but due to the protection of the serous covering the body surface, the mandrill hardly received any damage. On the other hand, the power of the thunder and lightning burst out one after another. Rushing away in all directions.

"Hehehe, don't waste these good things, let's take it together." After saying that, Ruotao waved his hand, and the thunderclap, three-eyed gecko, and golden wren chicks all greeted her with the power of thunder and lightning. The pouring rain fell on them in large swathes.

"Buzzing!" The Thunder-Swallowing Blade absorbed a lot of electric energy and suddenly screamed. This is exactly the performance of the magical soldiers. After the Thunder King and the little thunderhoppers absorbed the electric energy, they screamed happily, and they looked very Happy.

The three-eyed gecko is even more moisturizing. It jumps in the middle of the power of thunder and lightning, so happy, the patterns on its body surface are constantly flashing, and it seems extremely excited.

After more than ten breaths, the electric energy leaking from this huge round object gradually decreased. Ruotao waved his hand and said, "Be quiet, everyone, now it's time to see what's inside this thing."

"Uh...oh...big sister..." At this moment, the mandrill covered with dry slurry said with difficulty: "Before that, can you help me get rid of these things?"

"Hahaha... I'm sorry, Mandrill, I almost forgot you, Baihua, go help it."

Seeing this scene, Ruotao laughed forward and backward, and the little golden wren and the three-eyed gecko also squeaked, with a bit of playfulness. At this time, Yaozhi Baihua wrapped her branches around the body of the mandrill. With a little effort, all the pieces of solidified mucus fell off to the ground.

"Uh, my whole body is numb, so I have to quickly invigorate blood and relax my muscles."

While stretching out his arms and kicking his legs, the mandrill shouted to the little golden wrens, "You dare to laugh at me? Ingrateful little things, if I hadn't blocked those thunder and lightning forces just now, anyone would suffer from direct encounters, and you can't be normal. Why don’t you absorb it? Now that you’re full, don’t you even think about my benefits?"

"It's all right, Mandrill, why bother about such trivial things?" Ruotao persuaded with a smile. But the maniac still wanted to mumble a few words, Ruotao deliberately said with a straight face: "If you are more verbose, I won't give you the hundred thunder beads."

"Don't don't don't, big sister, I'm just teasing the little guys, don't care." Hearing this, Mandrill had to smile and whispered, "I, can't I stop talking?"

"Well, don't say anything else, just go over and check it out. After all, you cut this round object. I think it's most appropriate for you to see it at first glance."

"Eh? Me?" Hearing Ruotao's words, Mandrill was a little surprised, and pointed to the tip of his nose. Ruotao immediately said, "Of course it's you. Go over."

"Yes." The Mandrill promised, taking a quick step forward, three steps and two steps to the front of the thing. First, it lifted the icebreaker and shook it, intending to touch the thing.

But Ruotao reminded him: "Be careful, all metal weapons can conduct electricity."

"That's right." After hearing this, Mandrill immediately waved to Yao Zhi Baihua: "Come on, release some slurry to cover my icebreaker."

"Huh! Pap!" Bai Hua immediately spit out a mass of slurry and landed on the tip of the icebreaker. Then the mandrill confidently used the icebreaker to plunge into the surface of the round object, and then swiped it down.

"Hiss!" It was too late, and then soon, the gap of the object was abruptly torn open, and the mandrill flashed back to the side.

After noticing that there was no more electric energy rushing out, Mandrill, Ruotao and the others stepped forward boldly to confirm what was inside.

This round object also looks like a huge sarcoma, with a thick skin. The mandrill’s strength is already strong enough. If there is no icebreaker in hand, it would be very difficult to tear it apart. Ruotao and the little golden wren will simply go up to help, everyone. Start to tear together hard...

"Chi, chi, chi... His!" Suddenly, Ruo Tao and the mandarin brushed hard, and froze the entire circular object abruptly, tearing it in half, "Wow!" said It was too late, then fast, and a lot of oval-shaped things slid out of it.

The Mandrill was a little stunned. Suddenly, an elliptical object hit the surface of its feet, and it slowed down.

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