Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11356: Thunder Ancient Crystal (third more)

Ruotao nodded and said, "The pattern and color of the small shougong's body seem to have changed."

"Hey, I knew it wasn't because of my dazzling look." After saying that, Mandrill placed the elevated three-eyed gecko parallel to his line of sight, and then continued to say: "The cyan twisted pattern is very beautiful. ."

"And it's like the veins in the body, with flashes of light from time to time, there is it!" Ruotao said, stroking her palms: "It's better to give Xiaoshougong a formal name based on this pattern and color."

"What is it to be called?" Mandrill asked.

"Um... I think about it..." Ruotao bit her lower lip, thought for a moment, and then said: "It's called'Electric Vein Green Lizard', how about?"

"Okay, the name is pretty." The Mandrill nodded repeatedly, and even the Three-eyed Shougong screamed, presumably it also liked the new name very much.

"But, I still like to call you Xiaoshougong in private. This is our secret." Ruo Tao said, holding the electric vein green lizard in her arms, and asked with a smile: "Well?"

"Squeak!" Upon hearing this, the green lizard yelled happily and nodded. At this moment, the mandrill also picked up a few black spar, squeezed it in his palm, and said casually: "Big sister, how do you think this black spar should be named?"

"Uh, this thing..."

Ruotao scratched at this time, and then said: "Oh, after naming the little shougong, I don’t have the energy to think about other things anymore. Let’s go, the names of Yao Zhi Baihua and Sorite will let the son go back. Take it, he's good at those anyway."

"Uh, that's right." The Mandrill nodded at this time and said to himself: "Master Guan really likes to name new things."

"King Thundercamp is unwilling to leave the vicinity of this ancient beast's corpse, and intends to lead most of the small Thundercamps to continue to rebuild their homes nearby, but the little guy who will lead us, there are seven or eight of its companions willing to go with us."

Ruotao discussed with King Thunderbird for a while, and then turned his head and said: "Madman, let's go, we should go back and have a round with everyone."

"Yes, big sister, wait for me." The Mandrill said as he waved to Ruotao who hurriedly stepped onto the Thunderbird King.

Due to the huge size of King Lei Qu and his wings to accelerate his flight, he soon carried Ruo Tao and the others back to the exit.


After a while, Ruotao took the mandrill out of the mine and returned to her companion.

"Oh, where did you go? It took a long time to come back." Xiaoxin said as he walked forward, and the green lizard suddenly jumped into the air, and she stretched out her hands to pick it up.

"Hehehe, where did this little guy come from? It's quite fun." Ruotao asked with a grin while stroking Qingli's head.

Ruotao and Mandrill recounted everything that had happened before in brief and concise.

"This is the demon planting white flower?"

Guan Heng next to him said, waving his hand to Bai Hua and beckoning him to come over. The guy was really obedient. He staggered to the front of Guan Heng, attracted by the aura of Mu Xuan from his palm, and stretched out a slender branch. After holding Guan Heng's fingers, slowly sucking on the spiritual energy.

"Hehehe, quite honest." Guan Heng smiled.

"This guy was naughty before, which caused us a lot of trouble, but later it also played a lot." The Mandrill said, describing the anti-electricity function of the white flower slime.

"Oh, that is a kind of'white glue' that can protect against electricity." Guan Heng said: "In some unknown otherworlds, the growth tree body can secrete this kind of anti-electric glue. Probably the demon plant white flower is similar to them. The place."

At this point, he paused for a while, Guan Heng patted Yao Zhi Bai Hua's body, and then smiled: "I will call you'White Flower Fairy Gum Tree' from now on."

"Hmm!" Upon hearing this, the demon gum tree shook a few times, expressing that he was very happy to have a new name.

"As for this kind of black spar, just choose any name you want." Guan Heng picked up a spar at this time, and then said: "Since it can store the power of thunder and lightning, it is called'storage thunder. Gu Jing', what do you think?"

"Good name, simple and easy to understand." First of all, Xianxin chuckled lightly, expressing his approval. The other sisters also smiled and said, "It's really good."

"Then it's settled." Guan Heng said casually: "This kind of spar has several times the power of thunder and lightning. It is indeed a good thing. If it can be used well, it will be infinitely powerful, but also Need to be carefully controlled."

"By the way, Mandrill, you said before, did King Thunderclap put one of the ancient crystals in his mouth, and then make it contain electric energy, and then spit it out to release a large-scale lightning attack?" Guan Heng asked.

"Yes, Lord Guan, needless to say the power, the dense range is very large, I think we can learn from this method." Mandrill said.

Guan Heng nodded and continued: "Zhenwen, leave these thunder-storing ancient crystals to you to study. Can they be transformed into a long-range weapon for use on a tiger-head flying boat?"

"Yes." After hearing these words, Zhenwen smiled and said: "Brother Guan, you are so amazing, you can think of this, I think it is feasible."

"Well, you can take most of the ancient thunder crystals and study them, and discuss with the ancient soul of Yexuan. It may provide good suggestions."

After Guan Heng said this, he pointed to Gu Jing in front of him and said: "The girls and other companions also left a few of them. I see you staring at these things for a long time, and your saliva is almost flowing down."

"Nonsense, who is drooling, do we look like such dishonest people?" Coriander cursed with a smile, but already stretched out his hand to grab a piece of black spar, grinning and said: "Well, this piece is of good texture. Very smooth."

"This piece belongs to me, Taotao, you have already taken a lot, don't grab it with me."

"What? Sisters, yours is mine, mine... is mine, so give it to me."

"Woo, elder sister, I want the bigger piece, give it to me quickly." I saw the sisters rushing up, chattering, and reaching out to **** the thunder ancient crystal in front of them.

Fortunately, Guan Heng's hand was quick and quick, and suddenly he stretched his arms and pulled over a dozen yuan, and handed them to An Yan three: "Here, let's take it and share with Puxing."

"Thank you, brother, you are the best." An Yan said with a smile, and reached out to take the spar, Guan Heng handed the rest to Zhenwen, and said: "With these for research, should it be enough?"

"Enough is enough, thank you, Brother Guan."

Zhenwen whispered as she took the things: "I will discuss with Ding Ling. It might be able to imitate this kind of thunder-storing ancient crystal with materials in the space. You can't tell your sisters first, otherwise they will be a few. I will definitely **** it up."

"Don't worry, my mouth is very strict." Guan Heng said with a slight smile.

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