Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11361: Colorful one-eyed scorpion (third more)

"Huh! Huh, huh!" Between the lightning and the fire, the shield cocoon demon fern has released dozens of swift vine thorns, directly attacking the evil spirits, although the opponent screamed and dodged and fled in all directions.

But there were still two evil spirits too late to escape. They were pierced by vine thorns, and they were nailed to the nearby rock wall, and then they were absorbed by the Soul Recovering Urn.

"Swish swish swish!" In the next moment, the drunken soul demon bone flower suddenly released a few breaths, and the other evil spirits who were about to escape suddenly felt confused. Before they could react, they were produced by the soul-recovering urn. The suction is absorbed into the urn.

"Okay, really good catch!"

Seeing this, the boy from Heiteng, who was lying on the roof of the tortoise-back ice, stroked his palms and applauded. At this moment, Guan Heng, sisters such as Qinghuang and Xianxin also chased nearby. Seeing the boy on the back of the tortoise, Gu Sangnu raised her voice. Cried: "Little thing, what are you running around? I was looking for you just now."

"Sister Sang, this position is good, it's the best place to watch the game." Heiteng Boy said with a grin, "Let me watch it for a while."

"Okay, okay, I don't bother to care about you. Just remember to hold it firmly and don't fall off." Gu Sangnu smiled bitterly and shook her head, then said: "This guy is really getting more and more disobedient."


Hearing this sound, Feng Xin said solemnly: "This should also be the sound of an evil spirit?"

"Yes, it seems that the strength of this evil spirit should not be weak. Throw it into the soul-recovering urn, and it can extract a lot of soul power." Guan Heng smiled and said: "Attention, everyone, if you run into each other, it's best. Capture alive, don't waste it."

"Okay." After hearing Guan Heng's words, the girls, the group of beasts and other companions all nodded in agreement. In a short while, everyone has already reached the huge mine hole in the rock pile.

"It looks like it is here." Guan Heng glanced at the entrance of the cave, and then said: "This is also the habitat of the group of stone shuttle evil spirits, let's go, go in and clean them."

"Kill, rush--" The Mandrill, the Armour King, and the Unicorn Ice Dragon were very excited at this time, and they rushed into the cave almost at the same time, instead leaving behind the stone turtle beast that was at the forefront.

"Swish swish!"

As soon as they entered the cave, everyone and the group of beasts were faced with a large black shadow with swift wind and sound. Everyone looked closely and found that there were hundreds of stone shuttle evil spirits rushing forward, "Chichichichi!" These guys released a large number of Shi Shuo engulfing evil spirits.

"Huh, the vultures are also shown off, I don't know the so-called!"

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, the grinning demon suddenly released countless bitter cold air, forming an ice shield in front of everyone, "Seize seize! Ding ding!" In an instant, the stone shuttles were nailed viciously. On the surface of the ice shield, none of them can break through the line of defense.

"Taste this!" At the next moment, King Armor rushed forward, spitting out the original flames of the fire, "Woohoo-swish swish -" The fierce flames swept toward the opponent in an instant.

However, Guan Heng had instructed in advance to capture all the evil spirits alive, so King Armor did not dare to neglect. When the flame was released, the power was deliberately weakened, and only the flames surrounded these unlucky ones.

This is so, hundreds of evil spirits were burned to death, and they couldn't help wailing and screaming. Although these guys can create stone shuttles to resist a small amount of fire aura, they still can't escape the misfortune of torture in the face of fierce fire.

"Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) In time, all the other party has been collected into the big belly urn.

"Huh, there are only a hundred, it seems to be a little bit missing." Xianxin said next to him: "If there are more than a few hundred, it will be about the same."

"It's true, the number is a bit less." When Guan Heng said this, he touched his chin, and then continued: "Maybe the other party is hiding in the depths of the mine. spirit."

"Okay." Upon hearing this, the companions all nodded and followed Guan Heng.

At this moment, Baojia Dry Turtle, Stone Snake, and Frost-browed Ancient Donkey, their partners, followed the stone turtle beast, playing and frolicking, while moving forward, suddenly, the little green coccidian in front of everyone suddenly landed. Scream: "Squeak, squeak!"

"Little green ball, what's the matter?"

Hearing this voice, An Yan, who was chatting with Puxing, quickly walked to the little guys, and saw the little green coccidus with his head on a stone in front of the arch, as if he wanted to move this thing away, Puxing said : "Hey, don't have to be so troublesome, I'll help you."

"Pop!" As he said, Pu Xing flew up and kicked on the stone, "Gululu-Dang Dang!" In an instant, the stone hit the rock wall outside Zhang Yu, and everyone subconsciously looked over there.

But at this moment, two colorful guys suddenly emerged from the soil under the original stone, and suddenly rushed towards Puxing's feet and the little green coccidia.

"Uuuuuu!" At the next moment, the extremely fast Baojia dry turtle rushed forward, biting one of them, and the stubborn stone 猲猲 also lifted his claws and squeezed the other one.

Everyone looked intently, and couldn't help but breathe in the air, because these are two one-eyed scorpions with garish and weird patterns. They look very strange, and after being caught, they are not honest, and they are shaking with scorpion claws and tail sting hooks. Revolt.

"Kacha!" The one-eyed scorpion bitten by the dry turtle wanted to stab it with its tail sting. In anger, the precious armor dry turtle snapped its teeth together, forcibly chewed the other side to pieces, and then swallowed it into the stomach.

"Dry turtle, you are eating randomly again, what if this thing is poisonous?" Ruo Tao said dumbfounded.

"Woo, woo." Hearing these words, the dry turtle whispered a few times, which means it's okay, it tastes crunchy and it tastes good.

"Scorpions have seen a lot, but there should be few one-eyed varieties."

As Guan Heng said, he picked up the colorful one-eyed scorpion from the foot of the stubborn stone 猲猲, pinched the other's tail and glanced at it, then said: "Well, there is also an evil spirit, no wonder the evil in this mine The spirit won't deal with you, huh, it's all raccoon dogs."

"Pop!" The moment after saying this, Guan Heng squeezed the colorful one-eyed scorpion to death, and then said: "Everyone, be careful, there should be many similar evil poisonous insects in this cave. I will come across."

"Is that so?" Upon hearing this, the girls looked at each other and then nodded.

After more than ten breaths, everyone has come to the middle section of the cave a few tens of meters away. Here, there are several forks in the road, and Xian Xin said with some embarrassment: "Which way should I take?"

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