Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1137: Battle of the gladiatorial field (first)

"Okay, just do that." Imila nodded. She and Guan Heng started to split up, quickly released the human prisoners in the cell, and told them that the resistance army led by Jeffrey had begun to fight the undead The legion launched a general attack, and many prisoners jumped for joy, took up sword weapons, and rushed towards the outside of the underground palace.

Just then, the loudspeaker in the corridor of the palace suddenly heard the voice of the leader of the undead dragon army, Ma Ze.

"The Lord ’s Resistance Army and Guan Heng, you all listen!" The voice of Maze in the trumpet still showed endless indifference: "I was going to let you live one more night, but you actually came to your death. Well then, I will give you a chance to face up with the head of the army, and ten minutes later, I will come to the crater arena just above the underground palace, where I am waiting for you! "

"Brother Guan Heng, have you heard what Ma Ze said?" Imila asked at this time. "Is this a trap?"

"I don't think so. I didn't know until I met Ma Ze that he was quite arrogant."

At this moment, Guan Heng, while examining the magic guide in his hand, analyzed: "Ma Ze should be very confident in his strength, so he will challenge me positively. This is much simpler, we go directly to find He'll be fine. "

"DaDa Da--" A loud, noisy footstep suddenly came from a distance, and a rough voice shouted, "Mr. Guan Heng, we are here."

The visitor was Jeff, the head of the Resistance Army of the Lomon Kingdom. He was followed by a large number of Resistance soldiers and newly released prisoners of war.

"Everyone heard what Maze said just now." Jeff said straightforwardly to Guan Heng: "This is a great opportunity to wipe out the undead dragon legion in one fell swoop, and we can all kill it."

"No, it's too dangerous to go to the crater arena, and everyone has been fighting with the minions of the undead dragon legion in the underground palace for one night, and they are exhausted."

Guan Heng said slowly: "The most urgent task at hand is to withdraw all human race allies from the underground palace to ensure that everyone's safety is the first priority."

"But we ..." Jeff was emotional and insisted to follow.

"You don't know, Imela and I met the ghost dragon before. It wants to swell and explode, poisoning its sharp corpse into mist and covering the entire underground palace."

Guan Heng paused and said, "Although I frozen it with the Frozen Magic Shotgun, but I don't know if this guy can get out of trouble, so for the safety of everyone, please immediately pull out of the purgatory underground palace. "

"That's ... okay." Jeff knew that there were still many wounded soldiers behind him. In order to prevent everyone from leaving his life here, he had to retreat as Guan Guan said.

"Imela and I found the other two companions. After defeating Maze, they would evacuate on their own." Guan Heng said immediately, "so you don't have to hesitate and start immediately outside the underground palace."

Jeff nodded heavily, then said "Treasure", and led his Resistance Army, Hula La rushed towards the martyrdom.

"Yimira, let's go to the crater arena." Guan Heng turned to the female boxer and said, "As long as Borui and Zuo Wei are still in the underground castle, you can definitely hear the notice just now, and then the arena will meet with us. "

Ymira nodded: "It makes sense, let's go."


Purgatory City, a arena in the crater. Ma Ze, covered in golden armor, stood alone in the middle of the ring. He took the keel spear in his palm, looked up at the stars, and whispered, "Before dawn, everything should be over."

"Yeah, sin must be strangled before dawn, so that everyone will feel relieved when they get up." Guan Heng's lazy voice suddenly sounded not far away: "Ma Ze, your subordinates and minions, unfortunately I've been slaughtered, would you like to accompany them? "

As soon as this sentence came to an end, Guan Heng and Imira had already made stride steps to the arena of the arena.

"If you can defeat me, my life is up to you." Ma Ze said lightly, "Bleeding, fighting, fighting, or losing, this is the fate of all soldiers, and I am no exception."

"The leader of the undead dragon legion really has the general's grace." Guan Heng smiled slightly: "If that is the case, I should also take this battle seriously, and I will use 80% of my strength to compete with you. Right. "

"Huh!" Knowing the contempt in Guan Heng's words, he was provoking himself, making his heart irritable, thus revealing flaws, but Ma Ze held the back of his weapon, but still couldn't help but burst out blue veins: "Guan Horizontal, you will pay for your arrogance! "

"To be honest, I don't really look down on you." Guan Heng used his thumb to pick up the sword stab of the dragon dagger. "Wow!" Jian Feng suddenly rushed out of the sheath by three inches. Guan Heng slowly said: "Only However, among the enemies I will defeat in the future, there are Otrow the Dragon Lord and Pawn the Lord of the Abyss, how old are you? "

"Just because you want to challenge the Dragon's Otero and the Lord of the Abyss?" Ma Ze pointed at Guan Heng with a spear tip, and he sneered: "I'd recommend you to beat me with a headache first!"

"It's useless to say more, kill—" Ma Ze shook the keel spear in his palm, stabbing straight forward, the target was Guan Heng's neck throat.

"Ha!" Guan Heng rushed forward in the low roar. Because of his short weapon, he had to bully himself and attack.

"Ding-Ding-Dang-Dang!" The spear-like spear tip hits Guan Heng's dagger in an instant. Both dagger and spear are masterpieces of mountain dwarves. Generally, they are the only weapons for destroying dragons, but Guan Heng only suffers. The place is that his weapon is too short.

So Guan Heng's other hand was not idle, and he pulled out the magic guide around his waist, and while he opened his opponent with a sword, he aimed at Ma Ze's head and hit a magic bullet.

"Eh!" The keel spear in Ma Ze's palm turned a half-circle sharply, and a strong wind pressure was quickly generated. "Squeak-" The ballistic trajectory of the magical ammunition was shaken by half a centimeter in an instant, "Eh! The projectile flew close to Maze's head.

"Bang! Crackling!" This blaster of magic bullets stood on the edge of the ring, suddenly knocking it there!

"It's amazing power." Ma Ze's defense also meant gambling, but he never expected that the magic guide had such a powerful power. If he had deviated just now, his life would be lost.

"What are you doing?" Guan Heng laughed in a cold laugh, and suddenly stabbed Ma Ze's spear with the metal tube of the magic guide, and the dagger of the other hand was immediately pinched and pointed by the wind. It was the flaw in Ma Zeqian's heart that appeared in an instant.

—— [First update of 2016.5.4, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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