Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11379: Spotted short-winged bee (first more)

"Go to hell!" The armor king and the devil screamed at the same time, and then shook their bodies to greet them, "Boom!" In a moment, they bumped against the bodies of two large pointed insects, and the armor king smashed directly into pieces. The opponent's body.

The mandrill's icebreaker also pierced into the eyebrows of another pointed insect, and then stirred along the way, shattering half of the opponent's body!



In the next moment, the rest of the frightened dark green pointed worms could no longer bear the fear, and jumped and jumped one by one, trying to seize the road and flee.

"Hmph, if you can let you slip away today, grandpa won't have to come out and fuck."

The one-horned ice worm roared in the air, and then spewed out a large amount of ice mysterious aura, "Huhuhu——Shu 唰唰——" For a moment, the cold wind surrounded a large group of pointed insects. These hapless creatures were struggling to move forward. , And then they froze in place one after another.

The armor king immediately swooped in and used a violent trampling, crushing the bodies of these guys, leaving only the useful blood crystals, so that the mandrill and the old monkey could be collected and gathered together.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Guan Heng let out a surprised voice, and then walked quickly outside Zhangyu. Qing Huang asked by his side: "What's the matter?"

"There is a guy who always hides in the dark. I know it exists. The reason why I ignored it just now is because that guy has been hiding somewhere and not moving."

Guan Heng said lightly at this time: "So I want to wait until all the little guys are resolved before I clean it up, huh, I didn't expect that guy can't wait and wants to come out and die."

"Where is it?" Ruotao, Xianxin and An Yan asked in unison after hearing this.

"Looking to the northwest from the place where I am standing, about three feet away, it is there. It can't be stretched now, and the soil is being excavated. It is estimated that I am planning to make an underground tunnel to escape."

Having just said this, Guan Heng paused for a while, then sneered: "It's quite fast, but you can't run away!"

"Bang!" It was too late. At that time, Guan Heng's feet slammed on the ground, "Boom!" In a short time, the ground within a radius of ten feet suddenly collapsed, and the guy hiding inside suddenly couldn't help himself. , Was directly shaken out of the ground by a powerful force.

"Huh! Hap!" Guan Heng only punched, and there was almost no sound of fists, and when he hit the opponent's body, he seemed to be light and weak.

But the dark green pointed worm leader in the middle fist has an indescribable pain. It wants to scream out, but finds that with the middle fist as the center, its flesh and blood continue to dissipate and turn into powder. It is not that it does not want to scream. , Because at this moment, Guan Heng had shattered its body!

"Pop!" In the next moment, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and grabbed the bloodline crystals in the head of the pointed bug. Then he looked at it and said with a smile: "Yes, the quality is also top-grade, and I punched it in vain. Kill it."

"Toad, then, put it away."

"Okay, Lord Guan."

"Huh!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the earth palace toad took the opportunity and took the crystal into the toad tripod. At this moment, the mandrill asked: "Master Guan, is the dark green pointed worm in this cave? Almost packed?"

"Well, that's true." Guan Heng nodded and nodded, then said: "A lot of crystals have been caught on these guys. You can leave, let's go."


After a few moments, everyone found the periphery of the third evil insect habitat, just in time to see the evil worm mother and the mad queen ant who were looking for them, and they joined Guan Heng.

"Master, we got a lot of crystals this time..." The insect mother just wanted to brag about her own harvest, but when Guan Heng casually said about the number of crystals he had obtained, her head immediately fell down and sighed. Angrily said: "Oh, it's still not as good as you."

"Okay, there is nothing comparable to this, it's all trivial things." Guan Heng said, pointing to the opening in front of him, and continuing: "There is where we should go below."

"Master Guan, let me check it out first to see what type of evil worms are inside." Guhuang Howler volunteered. "Also."

After hearing this, Guan Heng nodded and said casually: "Remember to go and come back quickly."

"I know."

"Hmm! Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

At this time, a few sneaky insect shadows appeared near the entrance of the cave. These guys were covered in pale and gray spots, as if they were covered in thick skin, and they also exuded a pungent stench. There is no doubt. This is the kind of evil worm that makes the most disgusting.

Their appearance is similar to that of slender bees, but their wings are much smaller than that of bees, and they don’t seem to be good at flying, but they crawl very fast.

After seeing the opponent in the low-altitude nearby, the ancient wild roar, after thinking about it for a moment, he had a care. In a short time, it called out the fire claw ape souls, and whispered: "Catch one alive, and all of them will be killed, incinerated, and crystals. If so, just bring it back to me and go."

"Huhuhu----" The fireclaw ape soul who heard the command rushed towards the hapless people below, "Ping Pong Pong!" After a violent thumping, there was another "crackling" burning sound.

After a few more breaths, the ape souls flew back with a "spotted short-winged bee", and then followed the ancient roar back to Guan Heng.

"Master Guan, I..." "It's stinky." Before Huo Chi could finish her words, Ruo Tao pinched her nose and shouted, "Hurry up and let the Ape Soul throw that stinky guy away. It's really unbearable. "

"It's really smelly." The other girls and the group of beasts also complained, and shrugged, spreading their hands, and then said: "Where do I know you will have such a big reaction, well, just do as everyone said."

Immediately afterwards, it waved its hand and signaled the Ape Soul to throw the spotted short-winged bee away from the ground. At the same time, the ancient sang girl also released Mu Xuan aura to purify the surrounding air, so that the smell gradually faded.

"Hey, howl, is this stink bug the "special product" in the hole in front?" Coriand frowned and said, "If there are such disgusting things all over there, I don't want to go in."

"Uh, it seems to be." Hearing this, Howard wiped the sweat from his head, and then whispered: "And just like the princess, you said, there are a lot of bugs in the cave. "

"Then I won't go in." Xiaoxin said, pausing the Starry Spirit Spear in his hand, and the other sisters also said: "Yes, we won't go in either."

"Okay, okay, don't go in if you don't go in." Guan Heng smiled and said: "Then I will go in. Anyway, I have water and wood spirits to purify the air."

"By the way, who of you wants to go in with me?" Guan Heng turned his head and asked other companions at this time.

"We are willing." The mother insect, the golden sting king, and howl said in unison.

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