Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11381: Evil Bone Demon (third more)

"Xiaojin, how about you go try it?"

"Master Guan, please be forgiving!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, King Golden Sting almost yelled out in fright. The mother evil worms hurriedly whispered: "Hush hush, stop speaking, you want to stop those short-winged bees from being disturbed. ?"

"I'm sorry, Boss." King Golden Sting shook his head, and then whispered with lingering fears: "Although I know that Lord Guan is joking, I still can't help being taken aback."

"Hehe, you are too courageous, you have to practice." Guan Heng smiled slightly, then just about to continue talking, but at such a time, a sudden change occurred!

"Wow!" It was too late, when it was fast, the black water in the stone pool suddenly surging, and then stretched out a white bone claw, "Pop!" The claw was as fast as lightning, and suddenly grabbed it. The spotted short-winged wasp that only lowered its head to devour the pool water, dragged it into the water.

"Kacha, pucha!" The sound of violent sound one after another, the whole short-winged wasp was torn to pieces in the pool water, and then it was swallowed by something in the water.

But what is strange is that the other short-winged bees completely ignored the encounters of their companions, still drinking the black water in the pool with a dull expression.

"Hey, insect mother, have you seen what the guy in the pool looks like?" Guan Heng asked casually.

"I didn't see it clearly, but..." The insect mother whispered at this time: "Does the bone claw just now explain everything?"

"Hey, I think so too."

The corners of his mouth smiled slightly, and Guan Heng immediately said: “It seems that the short-winged bees drank the pitch black liquid in the stone pool, which caused their brains to be insensitive and slow to respond. Even if they were swallowed by the monster in the pool, It’s sad not to run away."

"It's all evil worms. If you die, you will die in vain." Guhuang Roar said casually: "This kind of guy, living is a curse."

"The third one is right." King Jinzhe also nodded in favor of it.

The white-browed old monkey next to him is even more eager to try, and Guan Yoko said: "Well, I will let the Ice Evil Tyrant soul freeze around the stone pond first. You will solve all the short-winged bees as quickly as possible, and then we will clean up the monster. ."



Hearing this, the three insects and the old white-browed monkey all enthusiastically agreed, and Guan Heng waved his hand: "Okay, let's do it!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Shengsheng freezes the entire rock pool area.

Even a few short-winged bees drinking water around were frozen alive, turned into ice sculptures and fixed in the distance.

"Squeak, chirp!" It seemed that he had a premonition that his time of death was approaching, and all the spotted short-winged bees screamed and tried to flee outside the cave.

But in the next moment, the three insects and the old white-browed monkey have surrounded each other, but only the monkey is the first to start their hands. Because the evil worm mothers all know that when the old white-browed monkey is in high spirits, don’t talk to each other. This crazy monkey robs the blame, otherwise it is easy to be accidentally injured by the angry old monkey.

"Huh! Ping pong pong!"

"Hum! Hum!" All of a sudden, the grim-faced old monkey with white eyebrows slammed his fist on the ground, "Hush! Hush!" Hundreds of rubble rushed up, and then the old monkey suddenly drummed up. A glowing fire aura blew out of his cheeks, causing the flames to be wrapped in the gravel.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The flaming flying stones were like a torrent of rain, rushing all over the swarm of short-winged bees, making these guys riddled with holes and burning them continuously.

"Squeak -" The short-winged bee's screams repeated within a few breaths, and then stopped abruptly, because these guys had been burned to ashes by the flames.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Seeing that the enemy was completely wiped out, the white-browed old monkey triumphantly waved his fists and beat his chest muscles, really excited.

"Well, it seems to be resolved, that's the turn." After saying that, Guan Heng waved his hand, and the stone pool covered in the ice suddenly froze, and then Guan Heng said to the roar next to him. : "Go and say hello to the guy in the pool."

"Good." After hearing this, Guhuang Roar laughed loudly, then grabbed the poisonous worm bone sword and swept towards the stone pond, and shouted: "Hey, the beast in the pond listen. Grandpa is here!"

"I'll go to you!"

"Huh! Bang!" It was too late to say, then quickly, Hou Xie's sword smashed down fiercely, and it just hit the black water surface of the entire pool, causing a huge wave of Zhang Yugao. The next In an instant, the monster in the pool roared and shook his body and stood up.

"Sure enough,'Evil Energy Bone Demon'!" Guan Heng glanced at the monster in the pool, and then said so, the worm mother next to him said: "Master, this guy seems to be different from ordinary bone demon, you found out No?"

Ordinary bone demons are in the form of bones, controlled and haunted by evil, with bloodthirsty and cruel instincts. Guan Heng said, "There seems to be something between the ribs of this guy, right?"

"Yes, that's it." The insect mother nodded, and then said: "From my perspective, it looks like a bright red flower."

"You have good eyesight, and I think so too." Guan Heng said, "The smell of that flower is similar to that of pool water. I guess its existence is probably related to the black water of Shichi."

"Is that so?" After hearing Guan Heng's analysis, the three insects looked at each other and asked in unison: "Then what should we do?"

"Mother Chong, you three pretend to attack, try to find a way to draw each other out of the stone pool."

When Guan Heng said this, he saw the old monkey eager to try, he grabbed the monkey's arm, and said, "You are not allowed to go over, because you are too heavy to frighten the other party, so let me be honest. ."


Hearing this, the old white-browed monkey scratched his head and looked a little unwilling, but he did not dare to violate the meaning of Guan Heng, so he could only shrink his neck and retreat behind Guan Heng. At the same time, the mother of evil worms , Golden Sting King and Hou Zing have rushed towards the evil bone demon and launched an attack.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"


It's too late to say, then soon, the two sharp rays of the insect mother and the golden sting king's fire aura and gold aura attacked the bone demon, "ding and ding!" In a short time, the aura's sharp attack hit the evil spirit bone demon violently one after another. , So annoying this guy.

"Roar oh oh -" The next moment, the evil bone demon roared wildly, and a large amount of evil aura was released in an instant. These auras formed a sharp swirling vortex around its body, abruptly blocking the qi glow attack.

"Hehe, this guy has two tricks." Gu Huang roared and said with a smile: "It's not bad to be able to block our 20% power attack."

"The third child, don't be long-winded." The insect mother said loudly: "Don't forget, we still have a task to lure the enemy."

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