Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11387: Anti-kill

"Eh? You don't even know what you are looking for?" Shui Xuan Spirit Beast shook his head and said, "I am confused." As a result, the two of them looked around, but didn't look at it. To any useful clues.

"Hey, what is there nearby? I really don't know."

"Hey, Xiao Shuishui, is there anything you don't know?" Until a while later, King Jia Yao opened his eyes with a yawn, then said with a smirk: "I thought you were a jack of all trades. Woolen cloth."

"Deadly fat, you don't speak, no one treats you as dumb." Shui Xuan spirit beast said, grabbing its big ears angrily and shouting: "Besides, I'm going to screw it."

"Don't don't don't, let go." King Armor shook his head hurriedly, freeing his ears from the opponent's claws, and then said: "Seriously, if we get here and find nothing, you think it won't happen after the magic mandrill come here. Would you laugh at us?"

"Uh, this..." Upon hearing this, the Shui Xuan Spirit Beast scratched its forehead, and then said to the Frosty-browed Ancient Donkey again: "Hey, little donkey, what are you looking for? Just say it. ."


"What, you mean, the enemy's breath suddenly cut off here, so I don't know where to go?"

Hearing this, Shui Xuan Ling Beast smiled and said: "This is simple. You don't know the whereabouts of the other party, but the ancient locust king worm may know it. Ask it."

Hearing the words of the Shui Xuan spirit beast, Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey thought that it seemed to be the case, so he looked down at the cage under his neck. At this moment, the worm fetus was lying quietly in it, there was no movement at all. .

Subconsciously, Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey shook his head, causing the cage to move a few times, "huhuhuhu!" It was too late to say, then soon, the worm's tire released a trace of gray and white breath, and it hovered over everyone's head for a while. , And then slowly flew towards the front.

"Little donkey, chase it." Shui Xuan Ling Beast waved his claws and shouted, "Fatty, don't be idle, just keep up."

"Fine, my little master, please tell me more slowly, I know what to do." The Armored King promised, while trailing behind the Shuangmei Ancient Donkey, and immediately ran towards the gray-white area with the other party. .

After five or six breaths, the three beasts came to the bottom of a dim rock wall. King Jia Yao looked from left to right, but found nothing worthy of attention. Doubts inevitably appeared in his heart. It opened its mouth and wanted to Asked, but still held back and did not speak.

However, this Shui Xuan spirit beast was also a little uncomfortable. It asked, "Could it be that even the ancient locust king's fetus is wrong?"

After hearing this, King Armor shook his head, and then said: "The worm has never made a mistake, maybe the clue is nearby."

"Alright, let's look for it right away." As he said, the Shui Xuan spirit beast flew to Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey suddenly, patted the other's forehead, the ancient donkey nodded, and then searched there with them. .

"Wow...Papa!" It was too late, it was fast, and in the next moment, a small stone suddenly rolled down from the top of the wall, which fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Suddenly, the Shui Xuan spirit beast subconsciously raised its head and looked at it, and then screamed loudly: "Be careful, there is an ambush!"

"What?!" Upon hearing this, King Armor didn't hesitate to block him and Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey, "Huh!" In the next instant, a huge boulder fell from above and slammed directly on all three of them. .

"Roar!" Seeing the stone fall, King Armor suddenly roared and slammed his head against the boulder viciously. "Boom!" In an instant, the boulder was smashed to pieces by the armored king's hammer, torn apart into fragments.

"Suddenly! Hullah--"

In just such a time, dozens of huge one-horned evil beetles flew down. It turned out that this group of guys had been ambushing on the top of the wall a long time ago. They planned to wait until the enemy was negligent to carry out a sneak attack, but a useless companion accidentally dropped it. A stone, this exposed one's whereabouts.

No way, these huge evil beetles can only bite the bullet and desperately.

"Uh, my head is a little dizzy." As he said, King Armor shook his head, and the Shui Xuan spirit beast asked next to him: "It hurts, right? Who told you to hit the stone with your head rashly and even protect your body? No use."

"Hi, when the stone fell, I didn't have time to gather aura."

"Pop!" When he said this, King Carapace suddenly lifted his front hoofs and viciously kicked on the head of a leaping evil beetle. The head of the other party shattered immediately, and the corpse fell out and knocked over. Two one-horned evil beetles.

"Little donkey, helper." After saying this, the Shui Xuan spirit beast suddenly shook its claws and released more than a dozen water arrows and ice cones. , Making it either dead or injured.


In the next moment, the ancient donkey opened his mouth and said, "Suddenly!" Several gravel darts rushed out with the wind and nailed the evil beetle's head. This guy had no time to grunt, and the dead body fell to the ground with the thumping sound.

"Squeak, squeak!" The remaining evil beasts saw that these enemies are really not easy to provoke. If you delay it, you will not be able to escape the doom of annihilation of the entire army, so the two giant beetles in the lead screamed and signaled everything. The companion quickly retreated with him.

"Uhhhhhhhh!" It's a pity that it's too late, because the death cry suddenly sounded, the old white-browed monkey has flew up and jumped on the back of the giant beetle on the left, punching his fist.

"Boom boom boom! Boom!" It was just three punches, and the monkey had already smashed the opponent's head. The giant beetle leader fell to the ground, and the blood mist sprayed from the corpse immediately splashed the one-horned evil beetle next to him. A look.

"Hehehe, you can't run."

"Kiss!" When talking, the mandrill had already descended from the sky. It came over on a unicorn ice eagle. At this time, it landed on the head of another giant beetle as an "airborne soldier".

In an instant, the Mandrill folded his hands into a hammer shape, and slammed the top of the opponent's skull viciously. With this blow, the giant beetle's skull was forced into the body, and the opponent was naturally killed at that time, sorrowful.

"Kill..." King Armor rushed into the enemy group at this moment, and screamed and screamed one by one. When he threw his body out, he either smashed into pieces on the rock wall, or rolled on the spot, and was trampled again.

In just seven or eight breaths, nearly a hundred huge evil beetles were killed, and even the corpses were burned to ashes by the flames released by the white-browed old monkey.

"Have blood crystals?"

"Of course there are, and the number is quite large." Hearing the words of King Armor, the mandrill who was searching for the corpse smiled: "Moreover, the crystals in the huge evil beetle are at least a circle larger than the fist. They are all high-grade. ."

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