Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1140: Compassion and remorse (first)

"Stop, dead girl! All human races are my enemies. I am a child raised by a dragon. Get out of me !!"

Suddenly, Ma Ze's thoughts fell into madness and confusion. He shouted and swept the Dragonbone Spear, swept across, and flew Zuo Wei, who was caught by surprise!

At the same time, the gold skeleton wielding four weapons also rushed over, and Imira intercepted it halfway!

"Yeah!" Zuo Wei sprayed blood in the volley and flew up. Borui flew forward and caught up with her as a cushion to catch Zuo Wei, so she avoided falling into a bad wound.

"Ma Ze, you are really a crazy dog ​​who barks and bites." Borui helped Zuo Wei with a painful frown, yelling at the other side, "Go to death, you are a shameless thing!"

"Don't talk nonsense to him." Guan Hengyan flew over and threw his hand at the box of the magical ammunition to Borui: "Put me all the fiery fire and frozen spells, I need to replenish ammunition !!"

"I see, Boss Guan Heng!" Borui yelled at the magic shot while he was typing in the magic, and yelled, "Hit this **** fiercely, and take revenge for Zuo Wei."

"When!" Guan Heng wielded the short sword of Tulong, chopped down on Ma Ze's keel spear, and the powerful force shocked Ma Zeyu to retreat. At this moment, Guan Heng was full of anger in his chest. Roared: "Miscellaneous things, I will teach you today!"

"Eh! Eh!" Tu Long's short sword turned into a blast of lightning, inviting Ma Ze's eyebrows, neck voice, and heart, frightening Ma Ze, struggling with confusion.

The situation changed immediately. Guan Heng's continuous attack did not give Ma Ze the chance to pant, and suddenly, the short sword stab turned into a swept, and suddenly drawn a flashing arc of light against the spear.

This sword has no shadow and no trace is called swift and incoherent. In addition, the fan-shaped swept attack has a great range of attack. After listening to Doraemon, Ma Ze's placket that was too late to escape was immediately cut out, even solid gold. The armor was also cut off, "咻-噗 嗤嗤!" A puff of blood soared quickly into the air.

"Uh ah!" Rao is Ma Ze's tough will, and the pain of the wound made him scream. At this moment, Guan Hengfei kicked Ma Ze's leg in a kick, and this guy made a splash Kneeling on the ground.

But after all, Ma Ze was an experienced and extremely arrogant warrior. He rolled forward abruptly, and then passed the keel spear through his armpit, stabbing Guan Heng behind him: "Go to you!"

"Hello!" Guan Heng crossed the dagger with the metal pipe of the magic guide, and instantly blocked the keel spear.

"Still wanting to resist to the end? Unfortunately, you don't have that strength!"

The angry Guan Heng only felt that the crimson dragon's breath jumped abruptly at the position of his heart, and a violent gas suddenly gathered on the dragon slaughtering sword. "Oh! Click!" The sword's cold flashed continuously, Ma Ze The gold armor on his body disintegrated in an instant, and all were cut into pieces by Guan Heng. "Ding Dang!" A legionnaire's token also fell to the ground from Ma Ze's placket.

"Bang!" Without waiting for Ma Ze to make any response, Guan Heng's magic guide 铳 metal pipe knocked on his wrist fiercely, "when!" The keel spear in Ma Ze's palm suddenly threw it to the ground!

"Yeah! Go to yours!" Guan Heng, who was blindfolded by the fire, felt that it was because of her negligence that Zuo Wei had been injured by Ma Ze, so she shot very hard under the anger and hit the horse with a punch. Ze on the bridge of the nose!

Guan Heng's wrath was not trivial. Ma Ze in the middle of the boxing heard the crackling sound of cracks in his face.

"Bang, bang!" On the other side, under the shadowless fist's aggressive attack of Imila, the golden skeletons were also scattered to the ground. Until now, the undead dragon army has lost all its combat power.

"Slap!" Guan Heng held on to Ma Ze, who had not yet fallen, and said angrily, "Don't fall down and jerk, I haven't played enough!"

"Boss Guan Heng, playing well!" Borui shouted aloud beside him: "Fiercely fix this unknowable thing and hit him."

"Okay! Then kill him alive ..." Guan Heng, who raised his fist, did not fall. Zou Wei, who was supported by Imila, suddenly called out, "Brother Guan Heng, be merciful, don't fight."

"Oh, Zuo Wei." Borui said angrily: "You forgot that Ma Ze just hit you and flew away? If you weren't for me, you'd be half dead, and now you'll be interceding for him. Is there anything wrong? ? "

"Okay, Borui." Imila advised: "Just say a little less and listen to what Zuo Wei really means."

"Brother Guan Heng, Ma Ze is also a poor man deceived by the Dragons." Zuo Wei whispered, "If you just kill him like this, in the end it will only make this person extremely sad, forget it."

"Maze, have you heard this bastard?" Guan Heng yelled at Ma Ze's collar. "Zo Wei, who was just injured by you, is begging you, so I'm not interested in killing you now!"

"Tongtong!" Guan Heng threw Ma Ze to the ground, picked up the legionnaire token and the keel spear, and stowed it properly. Then he coldly said to Ma Ze, "You can live now, not because you hate humans. The evil power, on the contrary, is the mercy of mankind who saved you! "

Guan Heng's voice was not loud, but he felt like he was hitting Ma Ze's atrium with a heavy hammer, and Ma Ze knelt on the ground, his tears dripping to the ground. He shivered and said, "You said Yes, scumbags like me are not worthy of pity. I know that the notes written by Master Rasius are all facts, but I refuse to believe them. "

"My hands ... are stained with the blood of innocent people, Master Rasius ... the innocent people of the Kingdom of Lomon who died tragically under the sword of the Undead Dragon Army ... the Resistance ..."

Ma Ze whispered in a low voice: "In the end, I blinded my eyes with hatred and made so many people fall victim to the Dragons. I am really a sinner!"

"Ma Ze ..." Zuo Wei struggled to Ma Ze, and she whispered, "The Dragons and the Six Legions have destroyed too many homes in this world. I don't want you to regret and die tragically. You can live. Atonement for past wrongs? "

"Zowei, you ..." Ma Ze slowly raised his head, tears in his eyes and said, "I'm just a sinner. Why do you have to have mercy on someone who hurt you? I don't deserve it."

"Everyone has a detour, but fortunately, we can get the right guidance. I hope from the bottom of your heart that you will change ..."

"Well, it's really sad!" Before Zuo Wei's words were finished, I heard a weird smile on the cliff at the top of the volcanic gladiatorial arena: "Maze, you are too decent? The leader of the grand undead dragon legion can only survive with the mercy of the enemy, and you have lost all the faces of our dragon soldiers! "

—— [The first change in 2016.5.5, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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