Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11401: New clues (third update)

"Huh!" Upon hearing this, Xianxin and the other sisters stared at Guan Heng fiercely, Guan Heng frowned slightly, glanced at Qing Huang, and whispered: "Why are you betraying me?"

"Excuse me, now the balance on my side is tilted, it's heavier on my sister's side." Qing Huang shrugged and said nonchalantly.

Guan Hengxin said, "Dead girl, I'll settle the account with you later." Then, he changed the topic and said: "Okay, it's no good for us to grind our teeth here, let's hurry up and look for mineral deposits. "

After that, Guan Heng hurriedly walked to the front, and shouted: "Hey, Mandrill, Fatty, Frozen, and Old Monkey, you guys, don't linger, just keep up."

"Yes, come right away." The Mandrill said as he ran away, and whispered to the companions next to him: "You all pay attention, Lord Guan is not very happy right now, don't touch the mold. "

"Don't worry, we are not stupid than you." King Armor yawned, and then said slowly: "Everyone has seen the scene just now, and no one wants to be involved."

"Hahaha, what I said is, let's go." As soon as these words were finished, Bingjiao had already followed it first.

It was just seven or eight breaths, and Guan Heng led the group of beasts to a huge gully deep in the cave entrance.

The Mandrill looked down, and then said, "Master Guan, it seems that the mine is at the bottom of the ravine, and I can smell the loess."

"Hehehe, when did your kid's sense of smell become so sharp?" King Jia Yao asked with a smile.

The Mandrill shrugged, and then said: "If you have dug dozens of mines with a gray-brown demon hedgehog in one go, you can determine the location of the mine by just sniffing it."

"Uh, that's right." Upon hearing this, King Jia Yao nodded in agreement.

Guan Heng said, "Munker, you can go down to mine with the ice beasts and gray-brown hedgehogs now. If you need any help, just let us know."

"Yes, I'll go right away." After saying this, the maniac whistle, "cough!" The demon hedgehog and the ice beast immediately trot to concentrate, and then they were taken by the mania to the bottom of the gully.

At the same time, the girls and other companions also rushed over.

"Sister Sang, I really didn't lie to you." At this moment, the boy Heiteng chased Gu Sangnu and said like this.

"Really?" Gu Sangnu turned her head and glanced at him, then said: "Then Guan Heng and I will go over and ask about it."

"What's the matter?" Hearing the conversation between them, Guan Heng walked over to ask, and Gu Sangnu said: "The boy said that he heard the red leaf nourishing soul flower asking for help. The nourishing soul flower said that there seemed to be his own kind in the cave. I want us to help find the signs."

"Well, anyway, it's time to wait for the mandrill mining to be shipped back, and we're still waiting. Let's go and look for it." Guan Heng finished speaking and said to the boy: "Go and bring the soul-raising flower. We will set off right away."

"Then I want to go too." Gu Sangnu said. "And me, how could this kind of thing be less of us?" Ruotao said with a grin.

"Well, Qinghuang, you and the princess will rest here."

"A Heng, be careful yourself, and take care of Sangsang and Taotao."

"Just the two of them? Where do I need to take care of them." Guan Heng said to himself as he walked forward with the second girl, boy and the soul-raising flower: "Maybe I still need them to take care of."

"My son, what are you talking about?" Ruotao asked if he didn't hear him clearly.

"It's nothing, let's go."


After a few moments, under the leadership of Tongzi and Yanghunhua, Guan Heng and the second daughter came to the northeast area not far from the huge gully.

"Hey, the soul-raising flower, is this the place you are talking about?" Guan Heng asked at this time. The red-leaf soul-raising flower immediately shook its branches and shook its branches, indicating that it was here.

"Well, I will let the ghosts look around for clues." As he said, Guan Hengku snapped his fingers, and the group of ghosts flew out immediately, and immediately launched a large-scale search under his command.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and patted the Su insect jade pot on his waist. "Buzzing!" As soon as the wings flapped, the blue stink bug, the little white unicorn fairy, and more than a dozen colorful fierce bugs all flew. After it came out, there was the Ice Evil Tyrant Soul in the dagger gem space.

"...That's it, try your best to help the group of ghosts search around, and report back as soon as you get news."

"Squeaky!" After hearing this, everyone immediately dispersed, Ruotao smiled and said: "Carefully count, there are really a lot of helpers around the son."

"Yes." Gu Sangnu looked at Guan Heng's jade pot of insects with some curiosity, and then said: "You are not a big thing, right? Why can you hold so many insects?"

"It's very simple. I let the insect mother cut a few gaps in the space of the jade pot. In this way, it can form a'miniature different space partition'."

Guan Heng explained: "In other words, there are actually a lot of small separate spaces in the jade pot, including the rooms of the insect mothers, the dwellings of the sons, and the resting places of the little white unicorns and blue bugs. Wait."

"I see." Gu Sangnu said, "In other words, this jade pot with insects and a small storage clam are almost the same, right?"

"Well, it is true." Guan Heng nodded slightly, and then said: "In fact, there is a slightly different place, that is, the worm jade pot can make living creatures stay for a long time."

"Oh, that's the case." Ruotao tilted his head for a moment, then said: "That's right, the storage clam seems to only be able to store some things, and the living thing seems to have never tried it."

"That's because the opening methods of the small clam space and the jade pot space are different, so..." Guan Heng was about to continue to explain, at this moment, Ying Baigui hurried back out of the sky and shouted at him and the second daughter. Voice: "Squeak, Squeak!"

"Oh, I found the clue? Very good." When Guan Heng finished speaking, Hongye Soul Cultivation Flower was already a little impatient. It rushed to the Yingbaigui in a hurry and shook the branches, which meant asking: " Where is my companion?"

Ying Baigui was in the northwest direction at this time, and Guan Heng said, "Don't worry, we can take you there right away, let's go." After that, Guan Heng waved to the second girl, and the two of them immediately followed.


After a while, the Yingbai Ghost and the returning Big Ghost, together with the group insects and the Overlord Soul, gathered in one place, and then Guan Heng brought them to an area with towering boulders.

"There is actually a small-scale stone forest here, which is interesting." Guan Heng glanced around and asked, "Yingbaigui, what are the clues you are talking about about those soul-raising flowers?"

"Squeak!" Suddenly flew down in front of Guan Heng, and Ying Baigui pointed forward.

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