Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11404: Bend-horned evil beast (first more)

"Hey, little things, don't eat it." Gu Huang Hou leaned close to the hunting worm and whispered to it: "Hurry up and take us to find your companion."

But Xianzi ignored the noisy roar, just opened his mouth and chewed on the spirit fruit, seeming not to put it in his eyes at all.

"It's unreasonable, you fellow." Guhuang Howard was so angry that he was almost hit by a punch.

"Stop it." The Mandrill hurriedly dissuaded: "Alright, don't be impulsive, we have to rely on this guy to find other worms, let alone fight it, even if it is frightening."

"Oh, what do you say?" Hou said: "I have to remind you that we can't delay here for too long, otherwise Guan Ye and the girls will definitely be upset."

"Don't worry, hunting for gold worms usually doesn't get too far away from the group. Let's look for them nearby, maybe there will be clues." Mandrill said: "But we still need to let this guy lead the way as much as possible."

"It's true, I need it to cooperate." Guhuang Howard patted the mandrill on the shoulder at this time, and then said earnestly: "It's all up to you next, I'm optimistic about you."

"Uh, are you? You really exalted me... No, no, wait, I have to do everything together?" The Mandrill pointed to a roar, and then whispered: "Your kid wants to buy ready-made cheap. ,Right?"

"Oh, don't you say that. I have done my best. I have moved that rock before..."

"That was moved by the Fireclaw Ape Soul."

"Nonsense, if there is no order from me, would they honestly help you move the stone?" Gu Huanghou said with a rogue face, "And you don't let me scare the worms, then what can I do? ?"

"Uh, this is also true." The Mandrill scratched his head at this time, and then said: "Well, I will find a way to comfort the Golden Clam, I hope this guy can honestly lead us to find its companion."

At this time, Xunjin Xunzi had eaten up half of the spirit fruit, and he was fully satisfied, and then, it flew up and down, intending to slip away directly.

Seeing this, the mandrill was so angry that he suffocated the worm, and then shouted at it: "You fellow, run after eating. It's too shameless, ungrateful, greedy, shameless little thing..."

He whispered all the swear words he knew in one breath, and the magic man squeezed Xunjin Xiaozi and shouted: "If you don't take me to find your companion, you just spit out the fruit that you ate, did you hear it?"

It may be that Mandrill’s tone was much harsher, which made the golden seeker tremble, and then it nodded in a hurry, expressing its willingness to cooperate.


Seeing this scene, Guhuang Roar laughed and said, "Don't you have to rely on words to threaten in the end? What's the difference between this and me just now?"


Hearing this, the old man's face blushed, and then he defended: "Of course there is a difference. My words are deeper than yours, so this guy succumbed, and you don't want to think about it. When you just yelled at the worm, This guy only cares about eating, has he paid any attention to you?"

"Ah, this... it's nothing more, I don't bother to argue with you." Guhuang Roar waved his hand and said: "Since this gold-seeking worm has succumbed, what are you still doing? Hurry up and let it lead the way. what."

"Yes, let's go."

With that said, Mandrill let the mandrill fly by himself. Now the other party dare not play tricks, so he has to show the way honestly. Not long after, Xunjin Jinzi took the mandrill to find his companions, a group of dozens of them. Only, the sluggish, poorly-conditioned worm approached.

"Kacha, khacha..." After a few breaths, there was only the sound of the gold-seeking worms constantly gnawing food on the ground. It was the demon man who saw this group of guys have been hungry half to death, so he had to beat himself with the ancient scream. Take out all the food in the storage mussels and let these guys eat.

As a result, the gold-seeking worms rushed to the food like crazy, gnawing and chewing, it looked like a starving ghost reborn.

"It looks like these guys haven't eaten for a day or two, maybe they have been hungry for a long time?"

"Well, I think so too."

Hearing the words of the ancient wild roar, the demon nodded, and then continued: "Since they can be fed, it is estimated that these gold-seeking worms will be easier to return. When they finish eating, we will take this The group of guys went back to see Lord Guan and everyone."

"Okay, let's do it." After hearing this, Howard nodded, but at such a time, a sudden change occurred!

"Squeak!" It was too late, then soon, a fireclaw ape soul responsible for alert screamed. Mandrill and Howler looked at each other and said in unison: "Is something coming?"



Suddenly, a large group of gold-seeking worms who had just finished eating their food shivered for no reason, and then flied behind the Demon Mandrill and Ancient Wilderness Roar like lightning, seeming to be very afraid of what is about to appear.

"Looking at them shaking like this, obviously there is something wrong."

"That's right, then let's solve the problem before we leave."

Hearing the words of the mandrill, the ancient wild roar smiled slightly, and then waved his hand to let the fireclaw ape souls hide in the surroundings for alert. After a few breaths, the sound of "dongdongdongdong" footsteps from far to near, everyone watched carefully. It turned out to be a weird and evil beast with a length of more than ten years, swaying its head and tail.

"Is it an evil beast?"

"It looks correct."

"Well, do you want to kill this guy directly?"

"Let's take a look at the situation first." The Mandrill said to Guhuang Howl: "Anyway, the moment this guy approaches us, he is already dead."

"Hehehe, it's true." Hou Yi smiled slightly, and stood there watching the changes.

I saw a pair of bends on the forehead, and the evil beast with gray scales walked nearby. This guy did not put the roar and mandrill that converged his aura in his eyes, but turned towards the one behind them. The whole group of hunting gold worms roared: "Woo!"

The roar was full of threats, as if the worm did not hurriedly walk in front of him and prostrate himself, he would be ruined.

Hearing this, all the worms were trembling. They were trembling, and they wanted to walk to the beast with the horns. The mandrill suddenly yelled, "Just wait for me, don't move!"

Suddenly, the gold-seeking worms were shocked by this sound, and stopped immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the mandrill glanced at the crooked beast and said contemptuously: "Beast, you are so brave, these gold-seeking worms are under my cover, so you dare to threaten them? Are you looking for death?"

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, when the demon mandrill said this, he released the murderous coercion of his whole body together with the ancient wild roar, and slammed into the evil beast viciously!

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