Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11408: The evil spirits of the thornbush (the fifth eruption)

"Yes, yes, hurry up." Hearing this, Fei Liuli stood up, turned his head, and said with a sad face, "Wait for me, our feet are numb."

"Stupid." Fei Liuli was a little bit dumbfounded, biting his opponent's shoulder with one bite, and hurriedly rushing to the mad queen ant with the owl-faced bear.

At this moment, Guan Heng glanced at the evil arm of the broken arm standing in the same place.

"A Heng, what's the matter with this guy?" Qing Huang said as he walked closer, "I don't even know if it hurts or is struggling?"

"Oh, that's because this guy has died." Guan Heng said lightly.

"Really?" Hearing this, Ruotao who walked over said in surprise: "Is it really dead? I don't think cutting off both claws is a fatal injury, especially for this kind of rough skin. For the behemoth."

"The reason why it died was not because of its broken claws. Then I released the murderous coercion while cutting off its claws, which scared the evil spirit to death." Guan Heng said: "According to my estimation, it 'S heart is already shattered."

"That's awesome, let me check it."

"Hah! Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! As Guan Heng said, the broken heart fell to the ground.

"My son, are you too good?"

"That's right, they scared the underground evil spirits to death with murderous coercion." Ruotao, Xianxin, An Yan and the others said so.

"Actually, with a clever effort, the moment Xie Lei wanted to deal with the lioness and the owl-faced bear, this guy's whole body was completely tightened, and his blood was boiling."

Guan Heng explained at this time: "At this time, I cut off its claws with a single sword and released a murderous aura. As a result, Xiezhen couldn't restrain the bloodline disorder at all, and the heart couldn't bear the pressure, so naturally it smashed in a snap."

"Oh, so it is." After the girls heard this, they all nodded, indicating that they understood.

"But speaking of it, the guy who should be scolded has to be scolded, roaring, owl-faced bear, you two get out of here."

"Yes, Lord Guan, we are here." Upon hearing this, the two guys blushed and walked forward with their heads drooping. Guan Heng stretched out his hand and patted each of their foreheads, cursing in his mouth: "I don't know how to be careful, you almost died? Remember to reflect on it!"

"Uh, we were wrong."

"Yes, yes, thanks to Lord Guan for saving our lives this time, we were lucky, and we won't dare to be careless in the future." Fei Liuli and Batwing Owl looked at each other and said in unison. "Well, since you can reflect on it, that's great."

When Guan Henggang said that, the Frosty-browed Ancient Donkey suddenly moved closer, and then began to circle the evil corpse underground. An Yan asked strangely, "What is this little donkey going to do?"

"Although the underground evil spirit is dead, its body is an extremely strong body. It is estimated that the ancient locust king's fetus wants to refine this thing." Guan Heng analyzed at this time: "Although the evil spirit is not a strange insect. Kind, but its flesh and blood are really valuable."

"Ah, ah." Hearing Guan Heng's words, Shuangmei Gu donkey nodded again and again, which meant to say: "Yes, that's what it is."

"Okay, let the worms refining the corpses, we should continue on the road." Guan Heng said and waved his hands, indicating that the other party should do it as soon as possible. The Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey nodded, and the worms in the neck box were released immediately. The grayish breath covered the corpse and began to refine it.

At the same time, Guan Heng began to inquire about the situation around Feiqili and the queen ant. "Oh, we just tracked a few evil spirit bodies to the neighborhood, and the other party disappeared in this area."

Fei Qianli rushed and said, "But everyone has discovered the evil spirit left here."

"Oh, have you figured out where the evil spirit is?"

"Well..." Hearing this, the eyes of the owl-faced bear and the roar fell on the mad queen.

"Yes, Lord Guan, we have already figured it out." The mad queen said: "Before encountering the underground evil spirits just now, I found that the evil spirits were left in the northeast direction and gradually disappeared. It can be seen that the other party must have fled over there."

"Yeah, I see." Guan Heng turned his head and said at this time: "Have you heard that? We are going to chase to the northeast right away."

"Then hurry up," the girls said in unison.

After a few moments, Guan Heng led all his companions to an area in the northeast full of weird thorn plants.

"Is it evil?" "Yes, it's the breath of the evil spirit body. Those **** guys must be nearby."

"Well, maybe this area of ​​thorns is the other side's nest." The Mandrill and King Armour said so, and the Ice Jiao also said: "Master Guan, it is better to burn this thorny area with a fire. It is estimated that the evil spirits will also I can't hide it anymore."

"Okay, this is also a way." Guan Heng nodded, and then said: "Mother Chong, you and the old monkey went to the top of the thorn bushes to prepare to set the fire. In addition, the children were sent to seal the surrounding area to prevent evil. The spirit runs away."

"Yes, master." Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother immediately rose into the air and summoned more than a hundred offspring. After everyone dispersed, it ran to the middle area of ​​the thorn bushes together with the white-browed old monkey.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom—" In an instant, a worm and a monkey were released to raging fire, and the surrounding thorn bushes crackled and crackled. In a short time, it became a sea of ​​flames.

"Oh oh oh oh!" The next moment, many evil spirits screamed and screamed one after another. These guys are indeed hiding in the thorn bushes, but together with the fierce fire, they can't hide, they can only fly in embarrassment. Leaping out, trying to escape.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

"Roar of the scorching wind!"

"Hoo-" In an instant, King Carapace released his ultimate move. This hot air wave hit dozens of fleeing evil spirits. The opponent couldn't bear the pressure of the fierce attack, and they all screamed and fell, and they happened to be on the back of the stone turtle beast. The soul-recovering urn absorbs away.

"Is there only a few dozen? It can't be so few." Qing Huang couldn't help but say this while watching the battle.

After hearing this, Guan Heng nodded: "Well, you are right. It is indeed impossible that there are as few as dozens of evil spirits, and most of these are also small, completely out of line with the normal activities of the evil spirit group. "Then what's the matter with you?"

"It's very simple. There are only two possibilities. First, this group of evil spirits has dropped sharply recently for unknown reasons. The second possibility is that there is a secret passage under the thorn bush, and the other party may have escaped from there."

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