Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11410: Worm-shaped evil spirit

"All caught!" "Woohoooo!" Guan Heng gave an order, and the big ghosts and the infant white ghosts roared over, and immediately captured the few big evil spirit kings in front of them and threw them into the nearby In the resurrection urn.

"These are the last few great evil spirit kings." Qing Huang looked left and right at this time, and then said: "It is estimated that all the evil spirits have been captured by us. Now it is time to look for the mines in this cave."

"That's right." Guan Heng nodded, then raised his voice and asked: "Hey, Chongmother, Howard and Xiaojin have returned from exploring the way?"

"Not yet, Master." Upon hearing the question, the mother evil worm replied: "But the two of them have been gone for a long time and should be back soon. I suggest that we continue to move forward. I'll meet them soon."

"Well, that's what I said." Guan Heng nodded and said, "Then let's go."


On the other side, the Golden Sting King, Guhuang Roar and the Ape Souls are on a path-finding mission.

"Hey, it's really boring, I can't even run into an evil spirit blocking the road along the way." Hou Li said as he flew forward.

"You can just stop meeting." King Golden Sting said irritably, "It's rare to complete the exploration mission so easily. I think it's good. Could it be that you have to expect something unexpected to happen and make yourself feel ashamed to be happy? ?"

"No, no, second brother, I definitely didn't mean that." Upon hearing this, Roar shook his head like a rattle, and said hurriedly: "Just like you said, what we need now is nothing to be surprised. Complete the task without risk, nothing more."

"Huh, it's almost the same." King Jinzhe said again: "So far, I haven't found any clues about the local mineral deposits. Alas, I don't know how to explain to Lord Guan and the boss after I go back."

"Tell me the truth." Guhuang Houzhen scratched his head at this time, and then said: "After all, you don't have to find out when you come out to explore the road. We used to go back empty-handed without a clue."

"Your attitude is too negative." King Golden Sting said: "Because of this, you are fishing every time..."

"Second brother, you have wronged me by saying that. I have no credit and hard work." As soon as Guhuang Howler said this, the Golden Sting King suddenly whispered: "Hush, don't say anything, there is a situation!"

"What?" As soon as it uttered this word, Roar was taken aback, and then looked towards the front. As expected, more than a dozen rapid shadows approached this side quickly with the sound of the sneer.

King Golden Sting winked at Howler: "Hide first. If the opponent is not a good thing, let the ape soul copy the opponent's back. Let's block in front and catch them!"


Roar nodded in agreement, and immediately hid with King Jinzhe under the dim corners on both sides of the tunnel. At this moment, the sound of the wind moved, and more than a dozen rapid shadows had arrived nearby.

The two insects looked closely and found that the other party was a group of evil spirits, but these guys were not ordinary evil spirits, but insect-shaped evil spirits!

Generally speaking, after devouring a large number of beast souls or other soul bodies, the body of evil spirits will give birth to the "mimicry" of the soul body, which makes it more convenient for itself to attack other creatures and prey and kill them.

There is no doubt that this kind of worm-shaped evil spirit must have carried out a large-scale slaughter of the zerg, swallowing its flesh and soul together, so it will transform into the opponent's form.

"Second brother!" Feeling the monstrous evil this group of evil spirits have done to the zergs, the hand that grabbed the Insect Bone Sword was trembling, and it wanted to rush out to kill the other side. Beheaded.

King Golden Sting whispered: "Calm down, why don't my mind be the same as you, I want to kill the other party, but now they have not entered the circle of the ape soul, wait a minute!"

"Okay!" Howard nodded, then gritted his teeth and thought to himself: "God slain beast evil spirits, grandpa will take care of you later, wait and see."

In fact, the time has passed by seven or eight breaths, but the roar can hardly wait. Fortunately, at the moment when it is about to lose its patience, a burst of beast roars suddenly come from a few meters away. , The signal that completely blocked the other party.


"Kill!" As soon as the word "up" in King Jin's mouth was uttered, Guhuang Roar immediately rushed over frantically.

King Golden Sting originally wanted to remind this guy to remember to keep his mouth alive, but then I thought, the worm-shaped evil spirit is the most disgusted by the zerg, even if it is not an exaggeration to kill all of them, so he swallowed what he wanted to say. go back.


Several of the evil spirits rushed towards the fierce mansions, screaming and rushing towards the roar, and they were suddenly cut off by the worm bone sword, "chacha!" Ancient Wilderness Roar suddenly swung his sword and flew up and down, shouting: "Beast, all go to death!"

"His hiss!" The sword pressure produced by the wormbone sword shaking instantly engulfed the fragments of evil spirits, and in the next instant it would abruptly twist them into powder, and then disappear without a trace.

"Ooooooo!" At the same time, the Fireclaw Ape Souls also attacked frantically, each swinging their claws to fight with the evil spirits, wherever the opponent is their opponent, they have been slaughtered in a few breaths.

Only a worm-shaped evil spirit moves quickly, and it is at the outermost periphery, so it suddenly flew out for a long distance, and escaped from the besieged area, intending to flee.

"Well, it's not bad, I finally left one for me to live." At such a time, Guan Heng's voice suddenly sounded, "Huh!" The fleeing evil spirit froze and tightened its fingers, and the opponent could no longer run away.

"It's Lord Guan!" "It turns out that everyone has already chased me." Seeing this, King Jin Xing and Gu Huang Roar immediately rushed to greet him, Guan Heng nodded, and then looked at the trembling insect in his hand. Shape evil spirits.

At this time, King Golden Sting said with some embarrassment: "Master Guan, I'm sorry, I should have captured these guys alive, but we..."

"I know, this is a worm-shaped evil spirit, and the other party must have killed a large number of zerg species before becoming this state, so it is not surprising that you are angry and want to kill each other."

Squeezing the evil spirit in his palm, Guan Heng immediately said: "Furthermore, according to my estimation, there are definitely more than a few such worm-shaped evil spirits, and I will definitely be able to encounter them later."

As he said, he threw the evil spirit in his hand into the soul-recovering urn, and said casually: "Where did these guys fly from?"

"The area from the east to the north." King Golden Sting said: "I can see clearly, the other party rushed over from there."

"Very well, then let's just move forward directly there. After all, there are evil spirits in that direction, and besides..." Guan Heng said at this point, winking at the insect mother, and the other party immediately understood and summoned. A colorful fierce beetle.

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