Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11432: Compete for the escape route

"Sizzle!" In the next moment, Pu Xing used the tip of his spear to open the dead scorpion belly, and then searched for it.

"Fist-big water aura beads, big brother, look." As he said, Pu Xing handed over what he took out.

"It's not small." Guan Heng took a look at this thing, and then said with a smile: "This can be regarded as the biggest one we have ever seen. You did a good job."

"By the way, how did you find the scorpion hidden in the ground?" An Yan next to him asked with some curiosity.

"It's a shock."

Pu Xing explained at this time: "If this scorpion hides underground and stays still, I might not find it when I get closer, but this guy actually dug a hole in the ground, trying to get close to us. This has become a harbinger of its own death."

"Hahaha, it's really self-inflicted." Upon hearing this, the three women all laughed.

Guan Heng said to the Four Arms Mountain Wei and the Demon King who flew over at this time: "Have you found all the water aura beads in the body of the dead scorpion?"

The two ghosts nodded immediately, and then asked the demon brothers behind them to offer the beads they found, about twenty or so from the right.

"Well, it seems that the scorpions on the second level have been almost wiped out." Guan Heng quickly collected the beads, and then said: "Let's go, let's continue to the upper level."

After a few moments, everyone came to the third floor of the Worm's Nest. Here, they unexpectedly found another kind of scorpion. The other party had a scorpion-like tail sting hook, adding a bit of ferocity and bloodthirsty, but in front of Guan Heng they were just some infamous guys.

"Haw!" A few huge scorpion tail scorpions suddenly screamed and flew forward, "Bang!" Ruo Tao slammed his fist, and in the middle of one of the scorpion heads, this guy spurted blood and mist, and the body suddenly Fell down.

"Dang, plop!" This unlucky scorpion was not only seriously injured, but also hit two of his companions when he flew out. The three guys rolled around in a panic, and were immediately entangled by the spiritual roots released by the ancient sang girl. Tear several pieces of minced meat abruptly.

"Huh, it's all useless scum." Ruotao smiled contemptuously, leaning at the dilemma around the scorpion tail scorpion, and then coldly said: "Isn't it okay to stand in place and wait for death? At least it can reduce the pain a bit."

"Okay, don't talk about these guys anymore, just kill them!"

An Yan said, flexing his fingers at the Great Scorpion Soul Sword, "Chichichichi!" In the flash of lightning, dozens of sword souls rushed towards the scorpion tail scorpion. Those guys screamed sternly, shaking their tail hooks, trying to intimidate the enemy, but unfortunately, it didn't work at all.

"Huh!" Between the lightning and the fire, the three sword souls suddenly changed their forms in the air, slamming the wind in the shape of sword shadows, and piercing through the body of one of the scorpion tail scorpions like lightning. The moment the other party was crushed by the sword shadow, they revealed The start of the sword soul slaughtering the scorpion side by side.

"Sizzle, sizzle!"

"Puff puff!"

After more than ten breaths of time, the scorpion tail screamed screaming, and was continuously beheaded, pierced, and shredded. There was no need for Ruotao and Gu Sangnu to continue to take action. These hapless creatures had already lost their casualties.

"Hey hey, it's easy!"

Seeing that all the targets were wiped out, An Yan triumphantly called back the sword souls and let them rest in the Great Sword of the Last Soul. Guan Heng said, "Sister, the sword souls have cooperated well, in groups like this. A team attack is of great benefit to both offense and defense."

"Big brother said that." An Yan smiled: "You mentioned it before, I remember it all in my heart."

"My son, have all the scorpion tail been wiped out?" Ruotao asked. Guan Heng said, "Sangsang's Mu Lingzhi and I are searching nearby. If there are any remaining scorpions, we should find them."

"Hey, there is something to be gained." At this moment, the ancient sang girl not far away shouted: "Guan Heng, here and here."

"Where?" Guan Heng led his companions hurriedly rushing to the front and asked. Gu Sangnu touched the low-altitude Mu Lingzhi eyes in front of her with her wooden magic scepter, and then said, "Follow it."

After more than ten breaths, everyone came to the left end of this floor, only to see the dark shadow shaking several meters away, Ruotao could not wait to yelled: "Where to escape, stop for me!"

"Squeak?!" Upon hearing this, the giant scorpions on the opposite side shuddered with fright. They didn't dare to fight with powerful enemies that easily slaughtered the same kind. After that place, everyone will be safe.

"It's impossible to leave, so let's keep your life!"



As soon as Ruotao finished speaking, the Thunder-Swallowing Blade in his palm slashed one after another, and several electric blades rushed away.

"Ping pong pong!"

"Sizzle, puff!"

In a blink of an hour, the violent sound of the blade shattering the opponent's body was endless, and immediately seven or eight scorpions died tragically.

"Damn it, Datouwei, burn them with flames!"

"Wow!" After hearing Ruotao's words, the Four Arms Mountain rushed past, releasing a large stream of original fire flames that swept the ground, forcibly burning the broken corpses into ashes, and Ruotao and Guan Heng were only able to move forward. Striding after it.

At this moment, most of the scorpions had already penetrated into a hole in front of them. Due to the eagerness to escape, some of the strong scorpions abruptly squeezed out the weak ones and crawled in first.

Seeing this, the little scorpions wanted to cry without tears. In anxiousness, they jumped on the body of the big guy, twisted and bitten, and fought desperately for the escape channel with the other party. For a while, these guys had begun to kill each other.

An Yan pointed to the front and smiled: "Hey, these scorpions save us trouble. They actually reduce the number of similar species."

"What I said is, if this is the case, then we don't need to rush to do it." Guan Heng put his hands on his shoulders, so he said in time: "Let's wait and see for a while."

"Agree, I can just take a break."

"Look, it's also a good show for bad bugs to kill each other. It's not bad, not bad." After hearing Guan Heng's words, sisters, you all agreed with each other.

"Hiss!" At this moment, the fighting scorpions broke out a series of screams of consternation, as if these guys have provoked something difficult to deal with.

"Hula la—" In an instant, the scorpions automatically separated a path, and a huge black shadow quickly walked over, but not all the scorpions stopped the fight, and some guys were already entangled, it was impossible to separate, and they were fighting freely. middle.

"Huh!" It was too late to say, and then soon, the huge black figure that suddenly appeared suddenly opened the mouth of the blood basin, and bitterly bit the two scorpions that were fighting.

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