Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1144: City battle

"Stop, my soldiers are bleeding, risking their lives to resist the attack of the dragon. How can I go away?" Prince Sisso said loudly, "Never give up lightly, fight evil at the last minute. In the end, this is the difference between us humans and these evil beasts !!! "

"Ha ha ha ha, what you said is really impassioned and shocking." There was a burst of cold laughter at the other end of the city wall. All the guards and Prince Sisso were frightened. The captain of the guard shouted, "Where is anyone? "

"Oh!" A red and blue shadow suddenly swept across the wall aisle and came to the crowd. This guy laughed strangely: "I'm the leader of the Ice and Fire Dragon Army-Zaviu, Prince Sissau, you are indeed a bold character, but since we are against our Dragon Army, then I have to take off your first rank, I believe that you can deter those idiots who are trying to resist. "

"Well, this guy can break through the defensive magic array on the city wall, and his strength can't be underestimated." The captain of the guard thought of this, and immediately drew his sword in his hand. He shouted and stabbed his sword straight: "Mixed things, want to touch the prince His Royal Highness passed me first. "

"嗤 ——" Long sword 挟 wrapped in strong wind and straightened the throat of the evil dragon, but Zaviu was fearless, and instead mocked and waved his blue front paw: "Unknown little pawn, roll away!" "

"When!" The sword and the claws of the dragon collided, and spewed out a lot of Mars, and then the captain of the guard felt that his palms were cold. "Crack!" His entire arm was completely frozen in an instant.

"Ka-chan!" Zawiu nodded his arms, his opponent's arm resembled a crispy cucumber!

"Uh-huh!" The captain of the guard screamed, and Zaviu flew out with a punch.

"Hateful dragons, let's all go together." Three or four guards slashed into the stabs with long swords, and there were two court magicians on the side, and simultaneously held up their staff and yelled, "The flame (Frozen) spell, go with!"

Crimson fireballs and ice-blue chills rushed towards the face, and Zawiu laughed: "Good time, too soon!"

"Oh!" At this instant, Zaviu caught the flame spell with a red front paw, and caught the freeze spell with a blue front paw, and suddenly sucked both magic attacks out of his body.

"What ?! He could **** our magic away!" The two magicians were horrified at seeing the scene, but Zaviu sneered: "Not only can I **** it, but I can return it to you, shouting -Yan Mo Cannon Boxing !! ''

Zaviu suddenly punched a straight fist with a red front paw, and a huge flame fist suddenly smashed the guard.

"Yeah--kill!" The guards of the Kingdom of Luomeng are also not ordinary characters. The four guards swarmed and waved their swords. They even smashed Zaviu's Fire Demon Cannon Boxing with their swords.

"Hahaha, the head of the Dragon Army Corps is just like this. The flames can't help us!" A few guards increased their confidence at this time, but Zaviu said disapprovingly, "Aren't you afraid of the flames? Then come cool!"

"Ice Magic Cannon Boxing !!" After some time, Zaviu used his blue front paw to punch his fist once again, hitting a huge ice fist and hitting the guards. After experiencing the fire attack, everyone was feeling hot and difficult. As a result, he was caught off guard and suddenly was frozen in a layer of frost, his hands and feet froze!

"Ahaha! Look at the trick!" While the guards were shaking, Zaviu rushed forward and knocked everyone flying.

"Oh!" The guards who suffered the double attack of roasting and frosting all had broken bones, and sprayed blood on their mouths and rolled away.

"Hey, now it's your turn, Prince Sisso." At this moment, Zaviu approached Prince Sisso step by step like a **** of death exuding an unknown breath.

"Stop hurting my master!" As soon as the words fell, the last few guards and magics kept Qi in front of Prince Sisso, and they shouted, "We fight with you!"

"Yeah!" A guard rushed to his feet, shaking the spear in his palm, and gazed at Zaviu's heart.

"Ice Devil's Palm Sword!"

"Yeah!" Zaviu's blue front paw suddenly burst out of the three-foot-long ice blade. "Yeah!" Holding the opponent's spear unbiased, he swept forward, "Oh!" The guard's hands The response landed, and he himself was divided into two, and the corpse fell down.

"Go up!" The tragic death of his colleagues did not scare off the rest of the guards, they surrounded Zaviu a few times and began to attack together.

"Flame Fist!"

"Bang!" Zaviu's red front claws blasted out, hitting a guard and burning it upside down, and then wielded the ice devil's hand knife. "Boom!" Cut off.

At this time, the last magician, gritted his teeth and waved his staff and yelled: "Forbidden Curse-Summon Earth Demon Wolf!"

"Booming! Wow!" Under the encirclement of countless magical powers, the surrounding broken brick earth gathered instantly into a huge clay statue. This statue suddenly gave birth to the skull, body and limbs. It turned out to be a sturdy yellow earthen pair Head wolf.

"Oh!" The price of forcibly using the magic forbidden spell caused the magician to spray blood mist, and he knelt to the ground, barely saying: "The demon wolf ... kill with all his power ... that Zaviu "Uh ..." The words didn't end, and the magician was already **** and violent.

"Woohoo!" The two-headed demon wolf raised a loud roar, then shook a pair of huge wolves and fluttered to transform Long Zaviu.

"Oh!" One of the wolves bit the Zaviu's shoulder with a big mouth opening for the first time, but the dragon clan chief did not dodge, but just sneered slightly: "The power of the human race's curse is too bad . "

"Bang, bang! Click, click!" The voice didn't fall, and Zaviu's Fist of Fire and the Ice Devil's Knife waved at the same time. They couldn't stop slicing on the head of the two-headed coyote, making it scream, no Live back!

"Let's disappear, you dirt dog!" Zaviu's roar suddenly sounded, and the last shot was shot between the electric light and flint. The Fist of the Fire Demon and the Blade of the Ice Devil penetrated the body of the two-headed coyote at the same time. Its power is like a vortex of sharp blades of ice and fire. It takes time to twist it into a turquoise powder!

"Protect Prince Sisso!" The last two guards flew forward to Zaviu, who wanted to stop the homeopathic killing. "Oh!" One of them was bombed by the center of the flames, and immediately turned into ashes.

"It's your turn! Go to death--" When Zaviu smirked and handed the ice devil's knife to another guard, a roar suddenly passed in the air: "Extend, Dragonbone Spear!"

"Oh!" The voice didn't fall, and a bit of cold light flew into Zaviu's door.

—— [Second more in 2016.5.6, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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