Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11440: Fight back and forth

"Pump!" When the last one-eyed giant scorpion fell to the ground and died, all the remaining black scorpions were concentrated in one place, and there were only more than ten of them, and each was covered with blood. Battered all over.

But Wupi's fierce aura at this time hasn't diminished at all, as if they are now possessed by the killing god, whoever dares to stop him from advancing will have to die!


The headed black scorpion hoisted its head and neighed, and then turned and left. They knew that the one-eyed scorpion was a scum, and they were all scumbags. The real danger was that they were trailing behind them, and those selves simply drummed. The strong who can't afford the courage to fight!


In an instant, Wupi scorpion crawled quickly and left here at the fastest speed. Guan Heng summoned several mutant scorpions not far away to keep them in a stealth state, chasing each other, and proceeding quietly. Silent tracking and tracing.

"First treat the scorpion corpse here, you should be able to find a lot of water aura beads." Guan Heng said.

"I'll come, I'll come."

"Well, let's find it too." The three daughters and Puxing took the initiative to take on the work of recovering the beads, and with the help of Four Arms Mountain Wei, Bound Demon King, and Wood Spirit Warriors nearby, it was only more than ten breaths away. In time, hundreds of water aura beads have been collected.

"Buzzing--buzzing--" At this moment, the scorpion scorpion flew back to follow the scorpion, and it quickly landed in Guanheng's palm, making a squeaking sound.

Guan Heng nodded after listening, "Well, I have caught up with the other party and are still monitoring them? That's good, you can lead the way, and we will rush over immediately."

"Huh!" Hearing this, Zifu immediately fluttered his wings into the air and flew towards the distance. Guan Heng and his companions followed closely, and after ten breaths, they drove up the fleeing black scorpions.

But Guan Heng and the others didn't intend to alarm each other, so they still kept quiet, quietly, and kept their distance from Wupi Zhezhe.

"It looks like these guys are quite tired." Gu Sangnu whispered at this time: "Guan Heng, how long do you think they can support?"

"Hehehe, it depends on what kind of hostile the other party will encounter." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then continued: "These guys have a bad reputation among the same kind, I guess this nest No one inside wants to kill their existence."

"Hahaha, the popularity is too bad." At this point, Ruotao and An Yan laughed out loud.

"Shhh, silence." Guan Heng put his index finger to his lips, and said with a smile: "Be careful to alarm them. If you scare a few black scorpions to death, it will be no fun."

"Puff......" After hearing this, even Pu Xing couldn't help laughing.

However, everyone knows the priorities, so they adjusted their status immediately and followed quickly.

In this case, Wupi Scorpion looked quite panicked because of injuries, tiredness and fear on his body, but these guys have been scared and dare not stay any more at this moment, because they know, slow If you take a step to greet yourself, you will have a miserable and dying fate.

But at this moment, an imposing worm shadow rushed in front of him, which could stop the path of Upi scorpion.

This is a group of weird evil worms that are only a few feet long and numerous in number, and they are covered with pustules. They are somewhat similar to ordinary scorpions, but they are really weird in appearance.

Seeing the other side appeared, the scorpion scorpion was unusually shivering, because this group of "poisonous scorpions" is one of the few highly poisonous groups in the nest. The most important thing is that the opponent is not afraid of the scorpion scorpion. The body surface is highly toxic, so it is one of their nemesis.

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous. There are not a few of the fellows of the poisonous and evil worm who died under the claws of this group of guys. Therefore, when they saw the other party, they furiously surrounded him and vowed to kill the Wupi group. Empty.

"Squeaky!" Seeing this scene, Wupi Zhixie had no other way. These guys had to face each other with red eyes, intending to fight to death.

"In this death fight, there is a huge disparity in strength." Guan Heng just glanced at it and said: "If this continues, the whole army will be wiped out in less than twenty breaths. In this way, yes. Our plan is not good."

"Then, what are you going to do, elder brother?" An Yan asked. Guan Heng said casually: "Of course I helped this group of guys so that they wouldn't die so quickly."

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh after you have said this, more than a dozen small fire spirit balloons suddenly appeared in Guan Heng's palm, and then he controlled them to rush straight ahead.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

In the flash of lightning, the fire spirit balloon body was on the heads of the group of poisonous monsters. "Boom--" The fierce fire raged and swept through nearly half of the poisonous monsters. When these guys were burned to ashes, I didn't know what happened. What happened was really wronged.

As for the Wupi scorpion on the opposite side, I don't even know what the reason is. What the Wupis saw was only the unlucky ones that were burned into a fire. The other poisonous scorpions had been scared to death.

Therefore, Wupi scorpion could not miss this excellent counterattack opportunity, so he rushed madly, tore all the remaining poisonous evil scorpions to pieces, and then defeated and won!

But even if they win, it is nothing more than a tragic victory for the Upi scorpions. Their number has dropped sharply by one-third again, and only less than twenty companions are barely alive, but all of them are still alive. His body was bruised and bruised, he was extremely fatigued, and he couldn't even stand steady.

In desperation, the tired and hungry Upi scorpion had no choice but to gnaw on the remains of the dead poisonous scorpion.

If in normal times, they would be dismissive of this kind of disgusting guy who is full of poisonous diseases, but now there is no chance to pick and choose. In order to survive, these guys can only gobble it up.

After eating up a lot of the opponent's body, Wupi Zhezhan finally got on the road again with difficulty.

Now, this group of guys seem to realize that going forward is a dead end, but now that it is dead if you stop, so even if it is to die late, you must shake your head and stick to it!

In this way, after the boss's effort, Wupi Scorpion finally reached the upper level of the Worm Nest.

This is not an ordinary place. Only the most elite troops and leaders of King Scorpion can use this as a turf. They also don't like the harassment of the lower class. Whoever dares to come up without permission must be killed.

"Huh, huh, huh..." The Wupi scorpions who had no choice but to climb here gasped for breath.

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