Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11446: Capture the King Scorpion Alive (third more)

"Go!" Guan Heng waved his hand at this time, and the wood Lingzhi eyes in the air immediately wrapped the fireball closest to him and flew in all directions.

In this way, Mu Ling Zhiyan was responsible for investigating every hidden corner on the top floor, and then let the fireball attracted by his own breath fall and burn that place quickly.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!" It was just a few breaths, and the fireballs fell one after another, burning the insect nest into a sea of ​​flames.

"Chirp, squeak!"

Suddenly, the screams kept coming and going again and again, a large number of giant scorpions crawling around, crawling out of their hiding place in an extremely embarrassing manner. These guys were wrapped in fierce fire and burned one by one, some of them didn’t even have time. Struggling to put out the flame, it turned into ashes.

"Very well, all the giant scorpions have come out this time." Guan Heng folded his shoulders and said with a sneer: "Everyone can clean up those who are still alive now."

"Let's go!" Ruotao was a little anxious at this time, pulling out the Thunder Swallowing Blade and immediately rushing over. An Yan, Gu Sang Nu and Pu Xing around her also followed closely, right to those giant scorpions that were still alive. Launch an extermination operation.

But Guan Heng didn't do anything. He let the Mu Lingzhi eyes around him spread out, paying attention to any turbulence within ten feet of a radius.

At this time, Guan Heng sneered slightly, and said to himself: "King Scorpion, in the face of this massacre, you can't not watch it quietly, don't let me catch you where you are hiding, otherwise, hum... …"

"Huh?!" "Huh!" Guan Heng's ears flicked, only listening to the breeze rising, a wooden spirit with wisdom eyes flying down in front of him, it turned out that it had discovered the whereabouts of the other party.

"Haha, good job." Guan Heng said in a loud voice at this time: "Hey, everyone, work harder, make a quick battle, and then let's clean up the king of scorpion."

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, Ruo Tao winked at Gu Sang Nu and An Yan. The three girls released their full strength almost at the same time, and they saw the Thunder Swallowing Blade and the Great Sword of the Last Soul attack fiercely, gathering two auras. A swarm of giant scorpions rushed towards the front.

At the same time, the ancient sang girl released a hundred spirit roots weaved into a huge mallet, and viciously bombarded the ground.


"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

All kinds of earth-shattering violent noises gathered together, leaving more than a hundred giant scorpions almost killed and injured. Next to Pu Xing led the four-armed mountain ridges and they continued to attack the living scorpions, killing each other by three times and five divisions.

"Brother, where are we going next?" An Yan asked.

"The secret water source of the scorpion nest is on the edge of the rock wall in the north, let's go, go and destroy there." Guan Heng said as he walked: "As long as you destroy there, the scorpion king will naturally not be able to hide it."


After a few breaths, just north of the rock wall.

"Roar!" It was too late to say, then soon, the Four Arms Mountain Wei, the Bound Demon King and more than a dozen demon ghosts roared and attacked, fiercely attacking the rock wall, and suddenly the inside collapsed." La La--" There are countless traces of cracks on the rock wall.

"Hmm!" In a blink of an eye, a large stream of water rushed out. Guan Heng waved his hand, and the soft water profound aura instantly engulfed the stream of water, causing it to spin sharply in the air, turning it into a huge water ball. .


After a few breaths, the frustrated King Scorpion finally sprang out screaming. It had been shut down and they were running out of life. All of his men were killed. The other side still wants to take away the water source that he regarded as his life. , Is tolerable or unbearable, the king of scorpion decided to fight to death!

"Hmph, finally came out." Guan Heng's mouth turned up with a sneer, and then said: "Sisters, it's up to you, who has the ability to catch this guy alive?"

"I'm coming." Gu Sangnu volunteered and swayed the wooden magic scepter to greet her with strides.

"Squeak!" The roaring Scorpion King reddened his eyes, and suddenly lowered his head towards Gu Sang Nu. Just when Gu Sang Nu was wondering what this guy was going to do, "Chichichichi!" Soaring to my side.

"Spirit Root Shield!"


When it was too late, it was fast, Gu Sangnu immediately let Linggen weave into a big shield in front of her, "Seize! Pingpong!" In the blink of an eye, the triple Linggen shield was able to block the poisonous tip released by the other party. prick.

Thanks to Gu Sangnu's use of a three-layer spiritual root shield, because two of the layers have been pierced by swift spikes, if there is no third layer of primer, she would be in danger herself.

"Animal, you are so bold!" Seeing this scene, Gu Sang Nu was a little bit ashamed to become angry, but also regretted some negligence, and immediately controlled the spirit roots around her.

"It's crackling!" In the blink of an eye, there was a sudden violent sound, and the king scorpion ate a dozen times on his body, making the guy tremble all over, until finally he couldn't bear it, and he backed back suddenly.

"Want to go? No way!" Gu Sang Nui waved her wooden magic staff, "Whhhhhh!" A sharp-pointed spiritual root broke out of the ground, stabs viciously towards the other party, intending to penetrate the scorpion king through the ground.

"Hullah!" But at the next moment, four thin wings popped out of the back of King Scorpion, and they slammed it into the air.

"It turns out that this guy can fly? I really didn't expect it." Seeing the unexpected situation of the other party, Gu Sangnu's spiritual roots suddenly fell through. She blinked and suddenly sneered: "But don't think that I'm the only one to take action. Now That's the beginning of the good show!"

"Huh!" Before King Scorpion could react, Ruotao had already jumped into the air and slashed on its thin wing with a slash, "Hah! Pooh--" The King of Scorpion smashed blood from behind. Suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

"Gu Lulu——" The **** scorpion king rolled back and forth on the ground. After suffering, he finally stopped. It just wanted to struggle to get up, "Pop!" A fist suddenly stretched out from behind and was hitting it. On the top of the head, the painful king scorpion sprayed bleeding fog: "Puff——"

Immediately afterwards, the guy collapsed to the ground again, and he didn't even see the guy who hit him. After a few breaths, King Scorpion swayed to his feet, "Bang!" I don't know who kicked it. At the waist, abruptly stepped on half of Wang Xiao's body!

This time, King Scorpion finally couldn't stand up, and the Four Arms Shanwei and King Bound Demon Ghost who shot behind him suddenly laughed, their faces full of triumph.

"My son, how big do you think the water aura beads in this scorpion king's body can be?" Ruo Tao said, already gearing up, and then continued: "Let's cut it open and have a look."

"Okay, let's take a look." After saying that, Guan Heng stepped forward, "Huh!" The short sword Xuanbing Guyue on his waist unsheathed like lightning, "Hi!" The next moment, Guan Heng used the sword. The blade opened the abdomen of King Scorpion.

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