Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11448: The disappearing water polo (the fifth one broke out)

"Guan Heng, what's the matter?" Seeing a smile on his face, Gu Sangnu asked why.

Guan Heng said casually: "Look at the underside of King Scorpion King’s carapace, and there is a thin film between the muscles and muscles. This thing is extremely tough. Even if the enemy breaks King Scorpion King’s outer armor, it can absorb the remaining impact and achieve the effect of protecting the flesh and blood. This is what lizards and badgers are after."

"That's it. Listening to what you said, it seems to be a good thing." Ruotao stepped forward, and then said, "The son, what do you think the little guys want this thing for?"

"Well, I haven't figured it out, but it's okay. Take off this layer of fascia first." With that, Guan Heng stretched out his hand to remove the nails on the surface of the corpse, and then followed the edge of the gap to remove the whole piece. The scorpion king fascia was peeled off, then rolled up and put away.

At this moment, Gu Sangnu pointed to the huge water polo in the air and asked, "Guan Heng, how should I deal with this thing? Take it away?"

"Of course." Guan Heng waved smoothly, and the water polo in the air suddenly turned sharply, becoming smaller and smaller in an instant, and after a few breaths, it disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Ruotao asked a little puzzled: "My son, what about that water polo? Why can't I see it?"

"Actually, it's right in front of your eyes, but I made this thing'invisible'."

Guan Heng smiled and said. "Water polo can also be invisible?" Ruotao scratched her head, and then said: "I don't understand, oh, it's a headache to think about it, son, why don't you explain it to me."

"In fact, I already have a little fire aura, which quickly evaporates the water from the water ball, but instead of dispersing the water, it spreads around me and is protected by the water profound aura. In this way, they can be restored to their original state at any time. It looks very convenient."

"Oh, I understand when you say that." Ruotao nodded. At this moment, Puxing shouted from a short distance: "Hey, come here soon, everyone has new discoveries."

"What is it?" After hearing these words, Guan Heng and the third daughter immediately stepped forward and asked. Pu Xing pointed to a broken rock wall behind him and said: "There are some notable things in it, do you want to go in and take a look? "

"Of course it is." An Yan said, and walked inside, Puxing reminded: "Be careful, there are a lot of rocks inside, don't slap your feet."

"Really, it's just a small matter, do you need to remind you specifically?"

"Fuck!" When she said this, An Yan happened to step on the surface of something elliptical and slippery, and her body suddenly tilted forward. Thanks to Puxing's quick eyes, she grabbed her shoulders. Did not fall.

"Are you okay?"

"It's all you. I didn't find the way ahead. How else would I almost fall?"

"Uh, this..." Puxing didn't expect that he had kindly reminded him, but instead incurred the other party's accusation, he couldn't help being speechless with a bitter face.

Guan Heng walked up to him at this time, patted Puxing on the shoulder, and then said: "Remember, it is the privilege of the girls to be unreasonable. Don't talk back at this time, just admit your mistakes quickly."

"Yes, elder brother is right." Puxing said, whispering to An Yan: "I'm sorry, I'll go ahead and find your way right away."

"Huh, it's almost the same." An Yan nodded pretentiously, and then said again: "Remember, you should be careful yourself."

"Okay." Puxing smiled slightly when he heard this, and then walked in the forefront. At this time, the two little guys, the electric pulse green lizard and the stone demon spirit badger, swagger, following on the left and right sides of Puxing, like two guarding generals. Like a soldier.

"Huh?" At this moment, Guan Heng also stepped on a round object, but he felt that it was not a stone, so he picked it up and took a closer look.

"It turned out to be bones." Guan Heng said to himself: "But it's not the bones of the mutant scorpion. It seems to be the remains of other ancient beasts."

"Really?" After hearing this, the three women looked at each other, and Gu Sangnu asked: "Then how can these animal bones appear here?"

"Unless this place was still an ancient beast tomb before it became a worm's nest." Guan Heng said.

"Big brother said that, it does make sense." An Yan just said here, suddenly seeing Puxing and the second beast in front of him go further and further, he said, "Hey, slow down, wait for us. "

"Understood...Huh, is this?!" Just as Pu Xing answered her, he suddenly noticed something at his feet. At the same time, the green lizard and the badger were all rushing forward, rushing to fiddle with the thing with their paws. .

Puxing immediately said: "Hey, I don't know if the thing is dangerous, don't move around, it's easy to get dangerous."

"Squeak?!" Upon hearing this, the electric pulse green lizard whispered immediately, and frankly retreated to the side. It saw that the stone demon spirit badger was a little unhappy, and patted the opponent's forehead with its paw, and dragged it. Stepping back a few steps, at the same time, Guan Heng and everyone were close.

"Oh, is this what you said?"

Guan Heng stretched out his hand to pick up the object and found that it was an elliptical object in the shape of a jujube. After carefully observing it, Guan Heng said, "It seems to be... an worm egg!"


"Insects, insects, insect eggs?" After hearing this, Gu Sangnu and Ruo Tao stepped forward and looked left and right. They blinked, and then said in unison: "I really can't see what looks like an insect egg. "

"That's because the nearby light is too dark." As he said, Guan Heng opened his palms, "huhuhuhu!" In an instant, a few groups of fire spirits floated and stagnated in the surrounding low altitude, just to illuminate the area within a radius of several meters. Like daylight.

This time, the three women finally saw clearly what was in Guan Heng's palm, it was indeed an oval silk cocoon-shaped worm egg. Ruotao said: "My son, this cocoon should have been here for thousands or 800 years, right? It's probably a stillbirth long ago, and it's impossible to hatch."

"That's not necessarily. You haven't seen the ancient locust king's fetus." Guan Heng shrugged, and then said with a smile: "Anything is possible, how about it, ask for your opinion, do you want to take away this worm egg? ?"

"Uh, this..." Gu Sangnu looked at Ruo Tao, and the other party looked at An Yan again, all undecided.

Guan Heng smiled and said: "Actually, there is nothing difficult to consider. Look around us, are there few zergs? The insect mother, the golden sting king and the roaring scorpion are not dangerous. If it is what is in this egg We can also educate the descendants of the bloodline of the fierce insects so that they can learn well."

"After all, your eldest brother, I, can even be trained to be submissive, right?"

"Well, this is true."

When Guan Heng said this, Ruotao laughed suddenly, and then said: "Then son, please put the worm eggs away, maybe..." Before this was finished, the stone demon spirit badger next to him suddenly called Up.

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