Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11452: Track down the enemy

In the next moment, Guan Heng communicated with the soul of the giant worm in the egg. Because the other party absorbed his own aura, Guan Heng easily shared the memory of the soul body and began to read...

The age of these giant worms is indeed in the ancient years. They originally belonged to a family that had nothing to do with the world, but they did not expect to be involved in many wars due to compelling reasons.

To be used or to survive, I have to say that it is extremely difficult to survive in that **** and murderous age.

After that, I don’t know how long it took until the last period of the ancient troubled times was finally reached. The giant worms made a long journey to avoid war and death. They finally lived a peaceful life for a few days.

But in the end, they can't hide from the changes of the world. With the decline of the era, the living environment has become harsh, food is scarce, and natural enemies have increased sharply, making it difficult for the ancient giants to survive. In the end, they can only sneak into the ground with their wounded bodies. , Lay a grave for himself, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

But before dying, the giant insects lay the last batch of eggs. They are hermaphrodite zygotes, so everyone of the same race can produce them. These eggs that have not had time to hatch become the continuation of the blood of the ancient giant insects. Opportunity.

However, the eggs have not been carefully taken care of, resulting in failure to hatch smoothly.

The strongest among the ancient giant insects, that is, their leader, merged his body with the crystal, and barely preserved the flesh, in order to allow his worm soul to stay around the companion soul body and take care of it.

But things backfired. Although the huge crystal could keep the body and soul indestructible for a long time, it made it difficult for the soul to fly out, so the soul of the giant worm leader could only stay in the spar.

Until today, when Guan Heng and his companions arrived, and by the way, the crystal's restriction on the soul of the giant worm leader was lifted, and it was able to get into a worm egg to take this opportunity to communicate with Guan Heng and transmit messages.

In the memory of the giant insect leader's soul, Guan Heng learned many things. He said to himself at this time: "What are your names? Can you tell me?"

Before the remaining consciousness of the giant insect leader disappeared, he finally told Guan Heng the name of his clan, and then, it fell completely into silence.

At this moment, Guan Heng opened his eyes, and then looked at the worm eggs in his hand. Ruotao next to him was a little strange, so he asked, "My son, what's the matter? Have you figured out the origin of these giant worms? "

"Well, I finally know the name." Guan Heng said casually: "The name of the ancient alien worm is reflected in the pattern on the body of the other party. I named it-the ancient worm with the elephant eye pattern!"

"Uh, this name..." Upon hearing this, Ruotao, Anyan, and Gu Sangnu looked at each other, and then said in unison: "By the way, the pattern on the surface of the giant insect's remains!"

"Yes, is the pattern on its body similar to the elephant's eyes?" Guan Heng said.

"Yeah, it's exactly the same." Ruotao smiled: "Elephant eye pattern ancient insects, this name is really appropriate."

"That's right, son." Ruotao asked, "Is there a way to hatch the eggs in the memory of the giant worm leader?"

"Yes, it's actually very simple. Just place it in a warm place with ample aura. After the worm eggs absorb the aura by themselves, the small elephant eye pattern ancient insect can break out of its shell."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and Guan Heng said again: “Of course, you can also collect the remains of the elephant eye pattern ancient insects here, and stack them into nests. In this way, the nutrients from the remains will slowly penetrate into the nest. The inside of the eggs makes the larvae stronger when they are born."

"There is such a method? It's very strange."

"Yeah, I have never heard of it before."

"It's really interesting." Guan Heng glanced at the remains of the giant worm again, and then asked the worm souls: "Hey, what do you plan to do in the future?"

"Squeak, squeak." The worm soul lying on Guan Heng's shoulders whispered a few times, which meant to say: "The worm eggs that have been taken care of for many years have been entrusted to you. Our task has been successfully completed. Wait for the time to pass, just wait until the day when you disappear."

"Hehe, hearing you say this, it looks a little sad and boring, so let's go with us."

Guan Heng said casually: "I can find a place with ample spiritual energy to place your remains and eggs in the empty toad cauldron space, and you can continue to stay there to take care of the eggs. Wouldn't it be better?"

Hearing this, the ancient worm soul bodies with the elephant eye pattern appeared very happy. After all, they didn't want to separate from the worm eggs, so they all tweeted and agreed.

"Very well, then let's go." Guan Heng raised his voice at this time: "Sisters, go back."

"Okay." Upon hearing this, the three women agreed in unison.


At the same time, on the other side, Xianxin, Qinghuang, and other companions accidentally received a gift from Guan Hengpai several Zixuan, which was the kind of little purple flower they found when they encountered the scorpions.

"The strange scent of purple flowers makes people feel very comfortable after smelling it." Coriander smiled and said, "Guan Heng and the others really found something good."

"Well, I guess it will take a while to come back." Qing Huang squeezed the purple flower in his hand and said: "I regret it now, so I should go with everyone."

"Haha, actually I think so too." Xiaoxin shrugged, and then continued: "But if you miss it, you miss it. Regret is useless."

"That's right. Actually, we have a lot of things to solve here. It might be a good thing not to follow." Qing Huang is quite comfortable with herself, and then she raises her voice: "Hey, Xiaojin, Roar and Insect Mother, Flame Hasn't the golden eagle come back yet?"

"Yeah, I'm very surprised. The eldest and third brother have been there for so long, and they should be back." King Golden Sting said at this time, "I don't know what's going on?"

"Hey, it's okay. Insect Mother and Howler are not weak. Even if they encounter a little trouble, they will be solved immediately." Xiaoxin said nonchalantly: "I have a hunch that when Guan Heng and the sisters return , The worms are almost time to arrive."

"I hope so." The companions all talked to themselves like this.


Let’s talk about the evil worm mother, the ancient roar and the blazing golden eagle. Not long ago, these three discovered the traces of more than a dozen evil spirit bodies. He hurriedly chased it out, but turned left and right in the tunnel, stupefied that he did not meet the other side's trail.

Some flaming golden eagles who could not restrain their irritability roared: "Damn it, I obviously saw those animals appear, but I didn't catch them, just mad at me."

"Brother Diao, stay safe and restless." Guhuang Howard comforted it and said, "When will we have any prey that can escape? Don't worry, the other party won't be able to hide for long, they will be caught by you and I."

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