Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11458: Unicorn rot-eating evil beast (fifth more outburst)

"Hey, you actually said bad things about the master in front of me. I can't pretend to be invisible." As he said, the evil worm mother knocked on the head of howler with her front paws.

"Oh, it hurts." Hou Yi said, clutching his forehead, "Boss, I'm not talking bad about Lord Guan, I'm saying that he is smart. We can't solve it, so we will ask him for help, right?"

"All in all, you remember to keep your words, and don't talk about others behind your back, it's impolite."

When the insect mother finished speaking, she noticed that the flaming golden eagle had passed the corroded corpse of the evil beast at this time and was walking forward. It casually asked, "Hey, golden eagle, where are you going?"

"There seems to be a strange smell coming from the other side." The flame golden eagle said without turning his head: "But it's not the grayish smell. I suspect that there are still corpses abandoned over there. How about it? Do you want to go and watch it? Look?"

"Of course, let's go together." As he said, the worm mother nodding her head had already caught up with the other side with the ancient roar.

Sure enough, just as the golden eagle had speculated, the area surrounded by a few huge stones was filled with the corpses of several large and small evil beasts, some of them had rotted into bones, and some had just died a few days ago.

"Are these the food residues together with the gray and white evil things?" Guhuang Howler said. "Well, it should be correct."

The worm mother nodded and said: "It shows that there are evil beast groups nearby, otherwise it is impossible for the gray evil thing to guarantee that it has a large amount of food, and it will not stay here at ease."

"Yes, boss, your analysis should be right." Upon hearing this, Guhuang Roar repeatedly nodded and expressed his approval.

"Squeak, squeak!" Just when the mother insects were analyzing the source of the corpse of the evil beast, a few cubs fluttered their wings and screamed to everyone.

"Is there any new discovery?" The evil worm mother raised her voice and asked, a mutant child in the lead nodded immediately, then circled on top of their heads, and then immediately swept in a certain direction.

"Go, keep up with it." After the insect mother said this, she was already flying into the air, followed by the roar and the golden eagle.

After a while, Mutant Zixu had led everyone to the place where he found the clue. There was a place full of rugged rocks and rotten soil all over the floor. "There seems to be a lot of bones buried here, right?"

"Maybe it's another place where the gray evil thing left food scraps."

"No." Hearing the discussion between Howell and the Golden Eagle, the insect mother shook her head, and then said: "This is different. According to my guess, this is not a place where food waste is abandoned, but a place where'bait' is put."


"Put the bait, what do you say?" Hou Li and Jin Diao looked at each other, both a little surprised, and then said in unison: "What does this mean?"

"I now understand how the gray evil thing hunts for food, huh, it's a lucky guy."

The evil worm mother sneered, and then said: "No wonder I was surprised just now, why there is no sign of biological aura in this cave, but there are so many remains of evil beasts. Where did they come from? I have been thinking about this question. , Now finally there is an answer."

"Eh?" Hearing the insect mother's words, Guhuang Roar thought for a while, and then a flash of light in the back of his head, it whispered: "Boss, could it be..."

"Yes, third brother, even you can feel it. It's very sensitive." The evil worm mother smiled, and then said: "The place where the evil beasts come from is a gap in the nearby space!"

"Ah? Is there a space gap here?" The flame golden eagle looked left and right, then said puzzledly: "Why didn't I see it?"

"Some hidden gaps in the space are really not easy to find." The wicked worm mother said in a leisurely manner: "Unless the guy living on the other side of the gap tears and expands the gap, they can enter and exit smoothly."

"But why did the other party come over?"

"The wreckage and carrion here must be things that evil beasts like. Once they smell these, the other party will naturally come and search without hesitation."

The insect mother explained: "The gray misty evil objects scattered here indicate that they want to use the dregs to capture the opponent."

"Yeah, I understand." Guhuang Howard said: "Boss, shall we wait here next to pay attention to the other party's movements?"

"Yes, the gray misty evil thing also has to keep eating. Let's stay invisible and wait for the guy's prey to appear. When the time comes, we will control all the guys on both sides."

"Hahaha, good idea."

"Then do it."


"His hiss—His hiss—"

After more than ten breaths, the worm mother who hid with the mutant's stealth ability heard a very harsh sound in the air. The worm mother and the howler have rich experience, knowing that it is the sound of the space gap being torn apart, so Stay quiet and observe carefully.

"Shit!" It was too late, then soon, a long and narrow gap suddenly appeared in the air, and then, a big beast skull quickly came out.

This guy has a mouth full of fangs, a black armor and a single horn, and thin scales all over his body. He fell to the ground greedily, and then took a greedily breath of the surrounding breath. This disgustingly rotten stench looks like nectar to it. Delicacy, immediately afterwards, the unicorn black armored evil beast raised its head and roared wildly: "Woohoo!"



With the sound of this guy's cry, more than a dozen evil beasts passed through the gap in the space and landed one after another.

After these guys got here, they didn't care about it. They flew to the front of the big pit full of corrupted remains, and opened their mouths to devour the disgusting things, even the rancid sludge, which is extremely crazy. .

"Eat even mud, these guys are already starving crazy, right?" Guhuang Roar whispered.

"Hey, maybe that's the case, otherwise this group of evil beasts would not risk their lives to come here to hunt for food."

The worm mother said slowly: "However, the other party's appetite has nothing to do with us. Now we only need to watch them eat those disgusting things and lure out the gray misty evil things."

"Hehehe, that's what I said." The ancient wild roar and the flame golden eagle looked at each other, and then said to themselves: "We have to endure the nausea and look at each other's eating habits. We are also very hard."


It wasn't until more than ten breaths later that most of the remains of the beasts and even the mud in the deep pit were eaten by the evil beasts, and these guys slowly raised their heads to observe the movement around them.

It seems that they also know that some things that regard themselves as prey are staring here. If they are not careful, this may be their last meal at any time.

However, after scanning the surrounding environment, the unicorn black armored evil beast found no signs of danger, so he relaxed a little.

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