Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11469: Born out of the shell (first more)

"Boom bang bang!" When it was too late, it was fast. The three evil spirit kings swooped forward and attacked each other, hitting the snake's left eye and leaving a few on the opponent's abdomen. Dao Biao has deep blood marks.

"His hiss—"

Severe pain hits the body, the flower scale poisonous python screamed in pain, this guy's body trembled suddenly, and then fell towards the ground. The few evil spirit kings saw the enemy knocked down, and couldn't help but overjoy, could not help but scream , But at this moment, the sudden change suddenly arises!

"Hey!" The body of the severely injured poisonous python whirled sharply in the air. The guy opened his blood basin and sucked hard, and immediately took one of the evil spirit kings into his mouth, and his sharp teeth closed instantly.

"Bhacha!" The evil spirit king was bitten to pieces at once, but even so, the evil spirit king can still reorganize the spirit body, it only takes a little bit of work, but in the next moment, the evil spirit king's behavior makes the evil spirit king. Completely finished.

"Hey hey hey!" In the sparkling fire, the poison glands in the mouth of the flower scale poisonous python burst into toxic serous. They covered the fragments of the evil spirit king and continued to corrode them, unexpectedly melting the evil spirit king forcibly.

It can be seen that the poison of this python is not trivial. It can not only kill any living beings, but also melt the belongings of souls and spirits!

"Woohoo!" Seeing his companion melted by the saliva of the scaly scale poisonous python, the other evil spirit kings were also a little frightened and didn't dare to approach easily.

But the next moment, the exhausted and severely wounded scaly scaled poisonous python leaned heavily on the nearby rock wall. This guy gasped for breath, and seemed to have no more power to fight.

Seeing this scene, all the evil spirit kings were extremely excited, staring at the poisonous python with a kind of playful eyes of a cat looking at a mouse. It seemed that they might fly on at any time and tear the poisonous python into pieces.

"Hey, bullying by the crowd, you are really dirty and shameless."

At this moment, the sound of the mandrill sounded, frightening many evil spirit kings to turn their heads and look at them, "Whhhhhh! Phhhh!" Between the electric light and stone fire, the several ice thorns thrown by the mandrill penetrated several of them. The evil spirit king turned it into an ice lump, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Oh oh oh!" In the next moment, the rest of the evil spirit kings all became angry and howled and surrounded them, planning to fight the demon.

"Hahaha, it's my turn to shoot!"


"Sizzle, sizzle!"

The ancient wild roar rushing out of the spur wielded a venomous insect bone sword, twisting the remaining few evil spirit kings into pieces.

But at this moment, those guys are still struggling to death, the fragments swirling sharply in the air, unexpectedly re-assembled a great evil spirit king phantom, and they are about to merge and evolve successfully!

"Hehehe, even if you become the Great Evil Spirit King, you still have to-lose!"

Faced with the dying struggle of the evil spirit kings, Guhuang Roar sneered slightly, and suddenly raised the Insect Bone Sword, and said so.

But at such a time, the scaly scale poisonous python that took a sigh of relief actually gritted his teeth and hissed strangely, which meant to say: "Give them to me. Before I die, I will avenge myself!"

"Oh." Hearing the voice of the poisonous python, Howard turned his head and glanced at it, and found that the other party was hurt too badly, and he was dying, so he nodded and said: "Well, I'll sell you one. Favor, as you wish."

Having said that, Hou Li carried the Insect Bone Sword on his shoulder, floated to the nearby area, and gave up the battlefield.

Seeing this scene, there was a hint of gratitude in the eyes of the flower scale poisonous python, and then suddenly roared into the air. The surface of the Spirit King fragment.

"Hey ah ah ah!" The powerful corrosive sounds continued one after another, and the evil spirit fragments couldn't withstand the poisonous lethality, and they were finally dissolved.

"It's very poisonous, this toxin is very strong." Seeing this situation, Mandrill and Ancient Desolate Roar couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Pump!" At the next moment, the Flower Scale Poisonous Python collapsed to the ground softly. The result of its all-out effort to kill the enemy was to squeeze out the last trace of its own vitality. Now there is only half a breath left.

"Hiss...hiss..." At this moment, the dying scaly snake brought his mouth to the side of Howell, whispering intermittently, narrating some things, and the mandrill next to him scratched his head and asked. : "Hey, howl, can you understand what it says?"

"Well, it seems a bit difficult to understand everything, but it seems that Lord Guan taught me how to communicate with different races, just like this."

With that said, Guhuang Howler put his own aura into the poisonous python's brain, and sure enough, the voice of the other party seemed to be easier to understand from it.

The Mandrill asked: "How is it, what is it talking about?"

"It said that it saw that my worm bone sword also contained fierce poison, and asked me if I am interested in my python poison. If it has, it can be given to me without reservation." Hou said, "Of course there is, so good. It’s a pity that the python poison was wasted."

"Hissing, hissing." At this time, the Flower Scale Poisonous Python screamed again, and the Mandrill asked: "What are you talking about this time?"

"Oh, it said that the python poison was not given to me for nothing, and there are some conditions."

"Hey, Flower Python, what are the conditions?" The Mandrill asked helply from the side.

Hearing this, the Flower Scale Poisonous Python cried again weakly. It could be seen that it could no longer hold on to it, and it might die at any time.

Immediately afterwards, Mandrill and Guhuang Howler looked at each other, looking at each other, both of them were a little surprised.

Obviously, the commission before the death of the Flower Scale Poisonous Python made them feel a little embarrassed, but after thinking about it, they decided to agree.


Time flies quickly, and after a while, Mandrill and Ancient Wilderness Roar returned to their companions, and brought back a few round-python eggs!

"... Lord Guan, that's it."

The Mandrill recounted the previous incident and continued: "In order to protect its python eggs, the flower scale poisonous python confronted many evil spirit kings and died with all its strength. Before it died, it gave its python poison to Howard. , The condition is that we take care of these python eggs, look at this..."

"You don't need to ask me, this is your next step, just take care of it yourself." Guan Heng folded his shoulders and smiled: "It's not me who accepts other people's python poison, roar, that's your own trouble. ."

"Uh, it's true, Lord Guan is right." Hou Yi scratched his head embarrassedly at this time, and then said: "But the temptation of python poison is too great. After my wormbone sword absorbs it, , I feel that the power has increased several times at least."

"Oh, that's really good." Upon hearing this, the mad queen ant approached and smiled and said, "Give me a little too."

"Don't worry, only the two of us use highly toxic attack methods, so I have reserved your share." Ancient Wilderness Roar said.

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