Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11471: Two Reiki (third more)

"Now Earth Profound Aura, Thunder Power, and Wood Profound Aura have been tried, and they are all inappropriate as the main source of aura for the little white python." Guan Heng touched his jaw and said, "Well, let's start the next one, round It's Jin Xuan's spiritual energy."

"Swishwwwww!" In an instant, a small group of Jinxuanling breath suddenly divided into five hair-like air currents and poured into the little python's body. This time, they still did not respond, and Guan Heng said casually: "Weed out. ."

"Uuuu... let me down too much." Upon hearing this, King Jin Sting ran away in tears: "Let me cry for a while."

"Hey, do you want to be so exaggerated?" Seeing this guy look like this, everyone laughed.

An Yan said: "Now there are only water and fire spirits, haven't you tried it?"

"No, I haven't tried the Bingxuan aura of sister Huang and I." Said Xianxin.

"Then first try the Shui Xuan aura." The Shui Xuan Ling Beast shook its claws excitedly at this time: "Maybe I and the little guy's aura is a good match."

"Maybe it's really possible." Guan Heng said, dividing the water profound spiritual energy in front of him into several parts, and then let them rush into the little white python's body quickly.

This time, all the comrades stared wide-eyed and watched them quietly. Only a few white pythons quickly absorbed Shui Xuan's spiritual energy. This time they became very active, each of them hissed and whispered around Guan Heng. It means that I still want the same aura.

"Well, so far, the probability of assimilation between Shui Xuan Reiki and Little White Python is the highest, not bad."

"Okay!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, Shui Xuan Ling Beast laughed happily: "Hahaha, have you seen it? The little thing still matches me very well."

"Humph, what's so great." After hearing this, Ruotao and Gu Sangnu were a little jealous, and said in unison.

"But, I haven't tried Bingxuan Reiki and Fire Reiki yet, so I'm not sure that the most suitable one is Water Reiki." Guan Heng said, "So I have to try both Ice and Fire Reiki."

"Okay, let's get started."

"Yeah, we can't wait to see the final result."

"Well, since there are only two kinds left, then I will put them in front of the little white python at the same time and let them try to choose by themselves."

Turning his eyes, Guan Heng turned his eyes and deliberately adjusted the two auras of ice and fire to the same amount and purity, and then controlled them to come to the little white python. Seeing these two completely different auras, at first, the little white pythons were somewhat different. Astonished, I still don't know how to choose.

At this time, the mine-eater viper hissed and whispered at the little pythons next to him, which meant to say: "Don't hesitate, just pick the one you like the most. These are all things that are of great benefit to you."

Upon hearing the viper's encouraging voice, the little white pythons immediately made a decision.


Suddenly, the little guys gathered around, surrounded the two auras of ice and fire in the middle, and then opened their mouths to quickly take in. At this moment, everyone found that the little pythons absorbed not a single aura, but two auras of ice and fire. At the same time take it into your own body.

"Little guy, it's too dangerous, isn't it?" Seeing this scene, Gu Huang roared and whispered: "As a result, the ice and fire spirit entangled in the body indiscriminately, it will ruin your body, and you will vomit..."

"Wait, roar, stop talking."

At this moment, Guan Heng prevented the other party from continuing to speak, and then went on to say: "The little guys are ingesting ice and fire aura at the same time, completely following their own instincts. This is the inspiration given to them by the blood of their ancestors, not a reckless decision. Just watch it carefully."

"But..." Although Guan Heng's remarks made sense, Guhuang Roar was still a little worried. Guan Heng said, "Don't worry, we are all here, and the little white python will never be in danger. "

"Oh, that's fine, just listen to you." Hou Di sighed, and said that it would be useless to stop it now, so I had to let it develop naturally.

Just as Guan Heng was talking to Howard, the body of the little white python who swallowed the aura of ice and fire trembled slightly.

Although the Viper is sure of them, he is still a little worried at this time, so he stares at the little guys with a little nervousness. As long as there is something wrong with them, he will try his best to rescue them.

However, as Guan Heng said, after the little white python absorbed the aura of ice and fire, there seemed to be signs of activating the talented bloodline, and he didn't feel any pain.

Soon, their bodies stopped trembling, all discomfort disappeared, and then they crawled between the Viper and Guan Heng, making a cheerful hissing sound, appearing very happy.

"Uh, is this all right?"

Ruotao knelt down at this time and looked at the little white pythons with doubts. She said: "My son, after these little guys absorb the aura, it seems that their bodies have grown a little bit. Others have not changed. What's the situation?"

"Well, you can pick them up and have a look."

"Really? I can hug them?" After hearing this, Ruo Tao was so happy, Guan Heng reminded: "But be careful, tease them first, and then touch them gently. If the little guy is not disgusted , Just hold it up again."

"Okay, I understand." After hearing these words, Ruotao immediately followed her instructions and launched an "offensive" against one of the little guys.

Sure enough, as Guan Heng said, after absorbing the aura and slowly growing up, the little white python's courage also increased, so Ruotao only teased it a little, and the little white python immediately rushed to Ruotao's arms. Play coquettishly.

"Oh, so good, so cute, so cute." Ruo Tao was pleased to laugh, and the people beside Xiongxin and Qinghuang said one after another: "Hey, don't just play by yourself, let us hug."

"Isn’t there still a few little white pythons? You go and hug them, I won’t let you." Then, Ruotao, like an old hen protecting her young, took the little white python in her arms. Blocking it, Fang Xin smiled and cursed: "Dead girl, I'm stingy."

As they said, several of their sisters also teased the little white pythons who were surrounding them. At this moment, only one little white python was not walking towards the girls, but around the mine-eater viper and Guan. Wander horizontally.

Finally, the Viper whispered to it a few times before the little guy came to Guan Heng and wagged his tail.

"Okay, let me hug you." Guan Heng smiled and put the little guy in his arms, and then said: "Hey, heavy, you are much heavier than the other little pythons, you should be a big brother?"

"Hissing, hissing." At this moment, the little python lay on the bend of Guan Heng's arm and yelled happily, which meant that it was very comfortable. Guan Heng said at this time: "Hey, I ask you. After absorbing the aura of ice and fire, is there any special feeling?"

"Hiss..." Upon hearing this, the white python tilted his head for a moment.

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