Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11488: Sneak attack again (fifth outbreak)


He picked up the spirit body flying profound stone in his hand, Xiao Hei suddenly threw it out, "Pop!" With a soft sound, the flying profound stone had already hit a blue scale giant snake that was behind the team, this guy The body shook a few times, it was the earth profound spiritual energy exerting its effect, causing it to produce a "hysteresis" state.

But Xiao Hei’s hand strength is also not trivial. The flying speed and the weight of the flying black stone itself have broken the bones of the giant snake, and the golden earth mysterious spirit exerts its power together, immediately causing the mouth and nose of the giant snake to burst out. The black blood arrow died on the spot.

"Okay, it succeeded." Seeing this, Xiao Hei cheered happily, and then realized that his voice was too loud, so he closed his mouth quickly.

"Well, this spirit body flying profound stone is indeed very useful." Qing Huang nodded next to him, and continued: "And this is a very suitable weapon for Xiao Hei."

"Ha ha ha, you finally said something fair this time." Xiao Hei said triumphantly.

"Master Guan, what should we do next?" At this moment, the Star Demon Blood Lu, who has been with the Pure Land Dry Catfish and Underground Sand Catfish, asked: "Hey, we have been here for a long time. I haven't seen the shadow yet."

"Hmph, you followed us and didn't do anything. You knew you were thinking about the treasure. Are you embarrassed to complain?"

When Ruo Tao said this, she walked up to the **** tan, whipped it up, and continued: "I, I will throw you to the snake and mouse now. You fight these guys hard, too. It's not for nothing."

"No, don't tell me, please be forgiving, eldest sister." When he heard Ruotao's words, the Star Demon Blood Lu was so scared that he almost fainted. Let me do it, this, this, there is really nothing I can do."


"Puff! Hahaha—" Hearing the words of Xueyu, everyone was amused and laughed out loud. Then they were afraid of alarming the snake and rat in front of them, so they barely lowered their voice, but the laughter was already closed.

Xianxin said: "Which is still wise, I really don't know where you heard this word from. In short, it is too wasteful to use it on you."

"However, if you say that you are a wise general, you can use your brains?" Guan Heng smiled and said, "Then I want to ask you, how do you deal with the two sides of the melee now?"

"Well, it's very simple. I think it can be described and summarized in eight words." The confident Star Demon Xueya said.

"Oh, which eight characters?" the girls asked in unison. "Watch the changes, sit back and reap the benefits."

"Uh..." The girls were petrified on the spot when the Star Demon Bloody said these words.

Immediately afterwards, Ruotao cursed: "This is your trick? Didn't we always use this method just now? You are copying the son's method, so shameless."

"Yes, yes, not ashamed."

"It's so thick-skinned."

The girls all accused the Star Demon of **** horror, and the guy was so embarrassed that his face was flushed. It mumbled: "I'm just kidding, are you like this?"

"Huh, it's not serious." Ruotao poked the forehead of the Star Demon Blood Lu with her finger and said, "You should reflect on it."

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was wrong." The Star Demon stubbornly admitted that it was wrong, and said: "But, I also think Master Guan's method is very good, so I used it."

"So, I have to thank you?" Guan Heng rolled his eyes and said so.

"No, no, the little one has no such meaning." Star Demon Xueya quickly clarified. Then, it raised its paw and changed the subject and said: "Look, everyone, the battle between the snakes and the evil gerbils has fallen into a stalemate. "

"Well, it seems to be so." Guan Heng and everyone looked closely, and then continued: "Go, let's get closer and observe the dynamics."

In this way, under the leadership of Guan Heng, everyone quickly approached the battlefield between the snake and the mouse.

At this time, because Guan Heng and the girls repeatedly took action against the blue-scale giant snake, the number of each other was rapidly reduced, but the blue-scale giant snake king did not notice this, and still madly drove his men to attack the group of rats.

As a result, the group of snakes gradually fell into the siege of hundreds of black-striped evil gerbils, and it was not until more than ten breaths later that the snake king noticed something was wrong.

At this moment, dozens of evil gerbils had already pounced on a nearby area, killing all of the thick giant snakes there, and then tore them to pieces. The blue scale giant snake king felt that its number had dropped sharply, but it felt Not all of his own subordinates killed by the evil gerbils could not help being shocked in his heart.

"Squeak, chirp!"

It was too late, it was fast, and I felt that a great opportunity to counterattack had arrived. The evil gerbil king suddenly screamed hoarsely on the soil platform, signaling the group of rats to make every effort to pounce on the giant snake, even if it was to lose his life. To cause harm to those giant snakes.

It can be seen that the Rat King doesn't care about the lives of these little guys at all, and thinks that as long as the group of snakes is killed, how many little guys die is indifferent.

At the same time, the group of rats are also very blind to the evil gerbil king. At this time, their fighting spirit is boiling. They don't know whether to advance or retreat, and they don't know what painful death is. An enemy who gives up their lives like this is the most terrible, so Blue Scale The giant snake suddenly fell into a passive beating and retreating situation.

"In this case, the evil gerbil will win, right?" Ruotao whispered: "My son, didn't you mean that you want to make the two sides equal and quickly reduce the number?"

"Yes, so now is the time to kill the evil gerbils. Of course, we can't let both the snake and the mouse discover our existence." Touching his jaw, Guan Heng said, "So this time we don't have to do it ourselves."

"Who will let it come?"

"Mutant worms will be invisible, allowing them to lead the seven ghosts, Ruotao's Shanwei ghost king and all the demons, and they can easily kill the evil gerbils."

Guan Heng beckoned to them, and then recounted his plan. The girls nodded and said yes. "That's a good idea."

"Well, it should be successful." Xiao Xin nodded and said. Qing Huang also said: "It shouldn't be too late, then start acting as soon as possible."


In an instant, the more than ten mutants released by Guan Heng fluttered into the sky, and at the same time, a group of ghosts followed behind, all covered by the abilities of Zifu, and fell into a state of invisibility. In this way, they could be unconscious. Slaughtered rats.

After a few breaths, more than a dozen evil gerbils that were besieging the giant snake suddenly felt the bad wind behind them. These guys wanted to turn their heads to check, but they were hit by the invisible force in an instant. He fell to the giant snake in front of him.

Of course, the giant snake didn't know what was going on, and suddenly opened its blood basin and shredded them all.

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