Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11511: Xiaopangdun's Adventures (third more)

"Chichichichi!" In the sparkling fire, the golden sting king opened his mouth and spouted more than ten light golden awns, and drove the wind towards the long and narrow shadow. The poisonous salivating demon leech ate several times at once, and the pain caused the guy to shake his body in a hurry.

"Kacha!" At the same time, the venomous worm bone sword of the ancient wild roar cut down, forcibly cut off one-third of the tail of this guy, and the ice beast little fatdun rolled around, freed from the restraint, and then, this The guy quickly ran to the nearby rocks to escape.

"Beast, you are so courageous that you dare to interfere with our companions, so you must apologize with death!"


As soon as the words were spoken, the wicked worm mother’s thin wire netting fell down, just covering the body of the poisonous leeches, and then tightened it hard, "Hah! Puff!" It was just a moment of time, this The guy's body was strangled into countless pieces of flesh and ended tragically.

"Hey, Xiao Pangdun, it's okay, we can go back." When saying this, the ancient wild roar had already landed beside it, but Xiao Pangdun shook his head, and then hurriedly ran to the insect mother, hum He groaned a few times.

"Uh, this is the information you learned?!" Hearing Xiao Pangdun's narration, even if the evil worm mother was wise and calm, she couldn't help being surprised. At this moment, Xiao Pangdun nodded repeatedly, expressing affirmation.

Immediately afterwards, the ice gluttonous beast rushed to the corpse of the poisonous salivating demon leech again, rummaged through the pile of pieces of meat, took out something, and bit the insect mother that was handed over.

"Well, the kind of breath contained in this thing is indeed the same as I expected."

The worm mother sniffed the smell of this thing, and then raised her voice: "Lao San, use the sound-transmitting puppet you brought with you to inform the master that we have already found Xiao Pangdun, but we have to delay it for a while before we go back. Others I will go back and explain in detail later."

"Yes, boss."

Hearing this, Guhuang Roar didn’t say anything else, and immediately took out the puppet worm to contact Guan Heng. After hearing this, the other side didn’t say anything else, just exhorted: “Just remember to be more careful. , Take good care of Xiao Pang Dun, I am waiting for you to come back."

"Boss, what exactly are we looking for?" King Jinzhe asked hurriedly at this time. "Here, this is it."

With that said, the insect mother showed what Xiao Pangdun had found to King Jin Xing and Howard. They didn't understand at first, and then they whispered together: "This thing looks like..." "Like It's the material of our brother three's treasure-Fenghuo Jinshuo, right?"

"Yes, this texture, this breath... are almost exactly the same." King Golden Sting said excitedly: "Boss, do you know what this means?"

"Of course, I know very well." The evil worm mother said solemnly: "For a long time, Fenghuo Jinshuo has been the assassin of the three of us, but this thing is not high-level as a magic weapon, and if it encounters a strong enemy Something is damaged, and we can’t fix it."

"I discussed with the master, and he said that if we can find the same material, even if it is similar to the Fenghuo Jinshuo, he can recast and reinforce the Jinshuo for us and increase its power."

"But it is difficult to find materials that can replace this thing, so there has been no way to realize the transformation plan."

The worm mother said more and more happily at this time, and continued: "Now it's alright. The crystals in this poisonous saliva leech are almost the same as the material of Fenghuo Jinshuo. This good opportunity must not be missed, right?"

"That's right." King Golden Sting smiled: "Since we got the Fenghuo Jinshuo, this opportunity has been waiting for too long."

"Yeah, I thought it was hopeless." Guhuang Roar paused for a while, and sighed with emotion: "Oh, wait until my hair turns white."

"You stupid brother." The insect mother patted Howard's forehead angrily, and then smiled: "Where did your hair come from, it's still white... nonsense."

"Hey hey, I'm just an exaggerated metaphor." Guhuang Roar rubbed his forehead, and then said hurriedly: "Boss, it should not be too late, let's go find the lair of the poisonous leech."

"One more thing, I'm very strange." King Jinzhe asked, "Boss, how did Xiao Pangdun know that there is a crystal of material similar to Fenghuo Jinshuo in the demon leech?"

"It said by itself, isn’t it once that we used Fenghuo Jinshuo to kill the enemies that threatened the ice gluttonous beast and the gray-brown demon hedgehog? At that time, this guy liked our Fenghuo Jinshuo very much, and he remembered it quietly. The appearance and breath of this thing."

The evil worm mother said, patted Xiao Pangdun's forehead with her front paws, and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate this pudgy, it's very smart."

"Woo, hoo!" Hearing the praise of the worm mother, the ice gluttonous beast Xiao Pangdun was of course very proud, shaking his head and shaking his head so unhappy, the worm mother said: "Hey, do you have anything about the lair of the poisonous leeches? clue?"

Hearing this, Xiao Pangdun really tilted his head and thought about it. Then, he walked back and forth two times in the nearby area, then lay on the ground, sniffed the surroundings with his nose, and after several breaths, Xiao Pangdun raised his head to the insects. The mother yelled twice, which meant to say: "There is a clue, everyone follow me!"

"Hahaha, your kid is really good, it's up to you whether you can find the demon leeches." The insect mother smiled: "If you find what we want, I will definitely treat you to a big meal as a treat."

Hearing this, Xiao Pangdun became more energetic, and then ran towards the front with his legs pulled out. The three insect mothers followed closely. It was just a matter of breath, and the ice gluttonous beast led the three insects to this place. The end of the road.

"Crack—" Suddenly, Bingyu Beast Xiaopangdun stopped his steps, then looked left and right, and nodded again.

Seeing the other's expression, the insect mother, the golden sting king, and the ancient wild roar looked at each other, knowing that it was still looking for the key clues to each other's nest, so no one spoke to disturb Xiao Pangdun. As expected, after a few breaths , Xiao Pangdun raised his head and cried out strangely: "Woo!"

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Pangdun rushed to the insect mother and whispered to it a few times.

"Oh, you understand, just leave it to me." As he said, the evil worm mother suddenly rose into the air. When it scanned the surroundings, it found a few huge rocks lying horizontally and upright several meters away. With a sneer: "Okay, that's it."

"Go!" It was too late, and then soon, the evil worm mother suddenly gathered a ball of fire spirit, causing it to spin into a ball, and suddenly threw it towards the pile of stones.

"Boom!" In an instant, the fireball smashed heavily into the middle of the rock, crushing a few huge rocks abruptly, and in the blink of an eye, there was a sneer, and the fragments flew all around. The area immediately sank and sank directly into it. , A huge pothole appeared!

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