Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11516: Frequent incidents (third more)

"Mother Insect, those things seem to be very similar to the aura of the Vein of Earth Fire. Collect them all and show them to me."

"Okay, Master."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the insect mother immediately followed her instructions, and saw that its body surface slowly released the aura of fire spirit, which quickly dissipated from the surrounding earth and fire veins. The two sides were attracted to each other, but the insect mother's fire spirit was better. Strong, **** the opponent over at once.

In an instant, the evil worm mother returned to Guan Heng with those breaths. At this moment, Guan Heng has led everyone to the area opposite the ice bridge, and the insect mother said: "Master, look, this is the breath."

"Well, I'll take a look, Tyrant Huo, and you guys will also confirm it." Guan Heng said.

"Yes, Lord Guan." After hearing this, Tyrant Huo all gathered, and everyone circled around the ground fire that had been kneaded and curled into a ball to observe for a long while.

After a while, Burning Heart Tyrant Huo said, "Indeed, this is very similar to the aura of the Earth Fire Vein we discovered earlier. Could this be because of the location of the Earth Fire Vein?"

"Well, it should be so right." Guan Heng nodded, and then continued: "It just so happened that the insect mother caught a barefoot flying wing monster alive. Later, we will be tortured a little bit. This guy will definitely take us to her own. Go to the old nest."

"Hehehe, presumably the place where they live must be not far from the vein of earth fire."

Ruotao smiled at this time: "My son, you guys are definitely going to have a look. Take me with you then."

"Oh, what are you going to do?" Guan Heng was startled at first, then he thought about it, and then said with a smile: "I see, you want Shanwei, the ghost king, and the demons who use the fire spirit to try the new life. Chaos spirit fire breath, right?"

"Yeah, yeah." Ruotao nodded and nodded, and then said: "The son is smart, and he can guess it with one guess."

"That's natural. What thoughts do you have, it's too easy to show on your face."

Guan Heng said casually, and then he said, "Let’s go ahead and look for the whereabouts of the mineral deposits. As for the Vein of Earth Fire, it will not run away with long legs. We will search for its whereabouts later. Too late."

"Yes, Lord Guan made sense." They all expressed their understanding, and volunteered to fly to the front to help find the mineral deposits. In this way, everyone hurried forward.

There seemed to be no evil spirits or evil beasts in this cave, and even the barefoot flying wing monsters just now didn't appear, as if they were extinct.

But this has nothing to do with Guan Heng and the others, and everyone doesn't care if there will be any accidents or enemies, because this is also a time saver.

"Master Guan, look." At this moment, King Armor rushed to the front, raised his hoof and pointed to a place not far away, and said, "Is there a hole?"

"That's right, and the smell of the loess mine is also spreading from there." Guan Heng nodded his head, and then said: "Demon Mandrill, you bring the ice gluttonous beast and the gray-brown demon hedgehog to look for the mine, and then bring it back."

"Okay, I'm going now." The Mandrill said, and said, "Master Guan, when we come back, let's go find the Vein of Earth Fire together? I also want to see and see."

"Understood, you go quickly, hurry up and go back quickly." Guan Heng said casually.



In the blink of an eye, the Mandrill led the group of beasts into the front cave. Not long after, they came to the end of the cave. The place was blocked by a large rock wall, and the opposite area could not be seen.

"Hmph, wherever this stuff can stop us, the little ones, get out of the way and let me collapse this rock wall."

With that said, Mandrill waved his hand in a big manner, and the ice gluttonous beast and the gray-brown demon hedgehog immediately flashed back. The magical mandrill slammed its strength in an instant, and suddenly waved the ancient golden icebreaker and knocked it on the rock wall fiercely, "Boom-Wow! !" Between the sparks and the fire, the rock wall collapsed in response, and earth and rocks flew in all directions.

But at the next moment, a sudden change occurred!

"Oh oh oh!" A roar of anger suddenly sounded, and then several tall figures flew out from the gap and took the mandrill directly.

"Beast, dare to attack me, so bold!"

When the demon saw the opponent, he immediately sneered, and suddenly pulled the icebreaker into the ground, "Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" On the ground, hand planing and pedaling, stupefied that he couldn't make any further progress.

The appearance of these evil beasts is somewhat similar to that of the gibbons, but with four pupils on the forehead, the mouth is full of fangs, and it induces vomiting and stench, which makes people feel extremely sick.

"There will be evil beasts near the mine. This is a bit unpleasant." The mandrill glanced at the other side, and then suddenly released a large amount of ice profound spiritual energy, which swept over these evil beasts and shattered it abruptly. Into ice crystal powder.

The next moment, the mandrill turned his head and said to the ice beast: "Pay attention to protect the safety of the demon hedgehog, there may be other enemies ahead."

The leader of the ice gluttonous beast Xiao Pangdun nodded and said that he understood that, just like this, the group of beasts followed the mandrill and continued to move forward. After passing through the gap in the rock wall, everyone did not walk long before they saw the loess **** everywhere.

Mandrill nodded and nodded: "Well, it seems to be very close to the pit, young ones, when mining the loess soon, please hurry up. Lord Guan is still waiting for me to see the veins of the earth and fire."

"Woo, hoo!"

"Haw!" As everyone agreed, they started to work quickly.

At this moment, the Mandrill looked around in a circle, then pointed to the front left, and said: "The loess ore there is the strongest aura. It should be the location of the mine. You can start from there, but..."

"Woo, squeak!" Before the mandrill could finish this sentence, several gray and brown hedgehogs nearby suddenly made a sharp cry. The mandrill immediately turned his head and looked back, shouting and asking: "Why? What's going on?"


It was too late, and then soon, a few demon hedgehogs flew to the front in a hurry, whispering hurriedly at the mandrill, looking frightened and frightened, seeing this, the mandrill shouted: "Don't panic, I am here, no matter what happens. Anything can keep you safe, you, first talk about what's going on?"

After that, it pointed to the hedgehog headed by it, and the other party immediately leaned in front of Mandrill, wagging his tail, and muttered in his ear for a while. Mandrill slightly frowned, "Are you sure?"

The demon hedgehog shook his claws and gestured, meaning to say: "I can't read it wrong, all my companions can testify!"

"Okay, I believe you." The Mandrill nodded at the moment, and then whispered to them: "Everyone stays quiet and continues to mine. I will take care of the rest. Go ahead."

"Squeak." The ice gluttonous beast Xiao Pangdun next to them also yelled to them a few times, urging everyone to hurry up and work.

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