Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11520: Kill target

The Mandrill made an angry complaint, and then, the colorful fierce flies twitched its ears with its front paws and squeaked, which meant: "I definitely didn't lie to you, trust me."

"Okay, I believe you." The Mandrill blinked, and to be honest, it still trusts fierce detection ability, so it nodded and said: "Then let's calculate that guy, hello, Xiaopangdun, you come over."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "

Hearing it, Xiao Pangdun nodded and nodded again and again, and then yelled at the sharp-billed beast, and immediately led everyone to rush forward. After a few breaths, they disappeared in front of Mandrill's eyes.

At this moment, Mandrill said to the two colorful fierce monsters: "Now it's our turn to take action. Come on, you two and I will prepare."

"Khhhhhhhh!" The moment the voice fell, the mandrill had disappeared to a corner not far in front with two ferocious beasts.

After they disappeared for seven or eight breaths, a swift shadow suddenly fell on the top of the upper wall. This guy sprinted to the ground. Although his small size was indeed extremely fast, he had already rushed to more than ten feet away in a few breaths.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu-" At this moment, the small evil beast whispered towards a remote corner.

"Huh! Papa!" Hearing this guy's voice, the evil beast leader hiding here immediately flew out. As soon as the evil beast leader showed up, he had not had time to speak to the little boy who was in charge of monitoring the surrounding area. First, he glanced around vigilantly.

Because the leader is really afraid of the powerful enemy who will kill all of his men, this kind of vigilance is still needed.

At this moment, Xiao Huo whispered to the leader twice, which meant to say: "Boss, don't worry, I saw the opponent walk away with my own eyes, they have already gone elsewhere at this moment."

Hearing this, the leader of the evil beast nodded, and then snarled at the little boy, which meant to say: "You did a good job of surveillance this time, and I want to reward you."

Hearing the leader's statement, Xiaoyu was full of joy, and almost fell to his knees and bowed to the boss's kindness.

But the leader of the evil beast was fierce, and suddenly grabbed the body of this little boy with his sharp claws, and then yelled at it a few times. It turned out that the leader of the evil beast was really too cunning, and he was afraid to take him with him. Walking will drag one's own hind legs, and once the other party reveals his whereabouts, he will be in trouble.

It just so happened that the leader was also hungry, so he planned to slaughter the little girl, first to satisfy his hunger, and secondly, he can kill him and destroy his corpse!

"Squeak, squeak!" Seeing this scene, Xiao 喽啰 was so frightened, this guy wanted to whine a few times begging for mercy, but it's a pity that the ruthless and cold-blooded leader of the evil beast didn't give it this chance at all.

"Fuck!" The leader's claws smashed fiercely, crushing the guy's head and half of his body abruptly, and then swallowed them in two mouthfuls.

"Hehehe, he is a vicious beast, you actually killed him too."

At this moment, the Mandrill Majesty walked out from a hidden place not far away, and it grinned and said, "Unexpectedly, now I will send you to meet those dead guys. You can reunite."

"Wow?!" The stupid evil beast boss never expected that the enemy just pretended to leave. In fact, he was hiding nearby to observe his own dynamics. Now if he wants to run, he has no chance.

"Hey, I decided to give you a chance."

Mandrill smiled jokingly at this time, hooked his finger at the leader of the evil beast, and then said slowly: "You are also the boss of the evil beast anyway, I will give a chance to challenge me, as long as you can be under my hand. After five breaths, grandpa will spare your life, how about?"

Mandrill's words were full of disdain and contempt, and the leader of the evil beast was so angry that his body shuddered like a sieve.

However, the leader of the evil beast was a little unconvinced, thinking that the five breaths time should be able to pass by himself, so this guy decided to take a gamble!

"Well!" For a moment, the fat-bodied evil beast leader kept digging the ground with his claws, making dust soar. Then, this guy suddenly picked up a handful of sand and threw it towards the mandrill, trying The eyes that fascinated it blocked the line of sight, and then took the opportunity to sneak attack.

"Beast, you have a great idea, but unfortunately, it doesn't work for me."

"Huh—" As soon as the words were spoken, the mandrill breathed out a breath, this breath forcibly hit the dust and sand, freezing it into small boulders, and then bursting into ice crystal powder, facing the evil beast boss. Swept away.

"Cracking!" The ice crystal suddenly hit the leader of the evil beast, and unexpectedly froze its left eye. The eyeball immediately slammed into pieces, and the pain caused the unlucky creature to scream immediately: "Woohoo!"

"Hahaha, beast, do you know that Grandpa is great?" Mandrill sneered with contempt at this time: "Grandpa hasn't taken any action yet. Just blowing your breath made you blind. You think you have a chance to escape. ?"

The eye sockets of the black hole couldn't help bleeding, and the pain caused the evil beast leader to tremble. This guy's heart has sunk into the bottom of the abyss. It now understands that he has no chance to survive. If so, then go crazy to the end and fight the enemy. Got it!

"Hoooooo-" In the blink of an eye, the leader of the evil beast roared wildly, almost in a state of hysterics, and then, this guy had already tried his best to rush towards the mandrill.

"Huh, want to kill you? You don't deserve it!" The Mandrill stood leisurely on the spot at this time, with his hands behind his back and motionless, and then exhaled a breath of cold air toward the ground. The ground immediately froze and covered the ice.

"Chuck yo-" The leader of the evil beast stepped on the ice and stood unsteadily, and staggered toward the front.

"Dang!" This guy fell to the ground immediately, and the door touched the ground first. The beast's face was covered with flesh after the fall. It whispered in its mouth, trying to struggle to get up, but he tried several times in a row. , Frozen did not stand up.

Mandrill shook his head, and then said blankly: "Trash, I have already given you the opportunity. It's a pity that it is impossible for Ants to climb into the sky. If you go all the way, Grandpa won't give it away."

"Hey!" As soon as the words fell, the mandrill's ancient gold icebreaker smashed viciously on the opponent's body, abruptly shattering this guy's body, "Dang wa wa!" It was too late, it was fast, inside the dead body. Several crystals came out, all of them rolled down before the mandrill's feet.

"The evil spirits of the evil beasts are crystals? This thing is quite rare." When the demon mandrill saw this thing, he picked it up all at once, and then said to himself: "Good things, I will treat them as unexpected gains."

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