Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11543: Life-saving water (the fifth outbreak)

"That's not necessarily true. The floating stone shell is also quite interesting." Gu Sangnu smiled and said, reaching out her hand and gently rubbing the stone shell, the beast soul also released a trace of breath, touching Gu Sangnu's palm.

"Hehehe, itchy." Gu Sangnu said, "Taotao, have you seen it? This guy is very funny."

"Really?" Upon hearing this, Ruotao asked curiously: "My son, how are we going to tease the stone shell beast soul? I want to try."

"It likes earth aura, crush a thick earth bead, release the aura for it to absorb, this beast soul will entangle you very happily."

Guan Heng said, and casually reminded: "Of course, don't feed too much at one time, otherwise it will be addicted to eating, it will always follow you, the ghost will not disperse."

With that said, Guan Heng made a frightening look. Ruotao snorted and said nonchalantly: "I'm not afraid. We are a little ghost. Only I scare others. Who dares to scare me?"

"Hahaha, that's true, what you said makes sense." Upon hearing this, the other sisters all laughed.

"Sudden!" At the same time, a gray-brown demon hedgehog hurriedly approached everyone in three leaps and jumps, and yelled at Guan Heng and the others: "Squeak, squeak!"

"Huh, what happened?" Qing Huang walked up to the demon hedgehog at this time, took out a small fruit, handed it to it, and said, "Here, eat."

"Kacha." The demon hedgehog immediately opened his mouth and swallowed when he saw the food, but immediately after that, the guy shook his head, indicating that he was not here to beg for food.

Qing Huang smiled and said: "I see, it must be the Mandrill who sent you back to inform about something. Don't worry, this fruit is a reward for running errands for you, just eat it."

Guan Heng walked up to the demon hedgehog at this time, leaned over and touched its forehead, and asked, "What is going on in such a hurry?"

After a few breaths, under the description of the demon hedgehog, everyone finally understood what happened. It turned out that when the demon hedgehog and the ice beast were digging the surrounding loess mines, they accidentally discovered an ancient tunnel.

The Mandrill immediately decided to go in to see where he could get through, and then he took the ice gluttonous beast Pangdun to there.

However, before leaving, the Mandrill asked the Grey-brown Hedgehog a few words. If he did not come out after a period of time, he would immediately notify Guan Heng and the others about his whereabouts.

"Huh, finally the demon man hasn't lost his sense of measure yet, and knows to inform us." Xiaoxin paused for a while, then turned to ask, "Guan Heng, what do you think you should do?"

"Wait, I want to ask about other situations." Guan Heng said to the gray-brown demon hedgehog at this time: "How is your loess digging?"

"Squeak, squeak!"

Upon hearing Guan Heng's question, the gray-brown demon hedgehog whispered a few times, meaning that it was already digging, and it has been transported to the Toad Ding through the small earth toad, and it will be done in a while.

"Very well, you have worked hard." Hearing this, Guan Heng didn't feel anxious, and said casually: "Who wants to find the whereabouts of Mandrill?"

"Master, I'll take Xiaojin and Howard to take a look." The evil worm mother said at this time.

"Okay, after you find the Mandrill, tell it to come back quickly." Guan Heng waved his hand and continued: "Go, be careful yourself."

"Yes, we will go right away."

"Buzzing-buzzing -" said it was too late, then it was fast, all three insects flapped their wings and took off and flew straight ahead.


Let’s talk about the Mandrill. It led Xiao Pangdun through the old tunnel. After walking for a while, he heard a "clap" noise coming from the front.

"Huh?!" The Mandrill was curious, raised his nose and sniffed, and immediately whispered: "It's humid, there may be water in front of it, hey, let's go and take a look."

After all, it pulled its legs and ran forward, and Xiao Pang Dun followed closely behind. Moving forward more than ten feet, the mandrill really saw a thin stream of water dripping from top to bottom in front of him, so it rushed to the front in three steps and two steps.

"Hehehe, this water is pretty cool."

He drank some clear water, and the Mandrill finished a taste, and then said: "It is cool and delicious without impurities. It is not easy to drink this kind of water in the underground area."

"Hey, Xiao Pangdun, come and drink some too." Mandrill said, "We have been walking for a while, since we didn't find anything useful, then go back after drinking the water, so that everyone will not be anxious. NS."

"Wow." Hearing this, Bing Gourd Beast Xiao Pangdun nodded, then opened his mouth, took a few big saliva, and swallowed.

Just when Mandrill and Xiao Pangdun wanted to walk back, they suddenly heard a "rustle" from above their heads. They immediately looked up and saw a huge black shadow hurrying to the vicinity against the top of the wall. .

At this moment, Mandrill waved his hand at Xiao Pangdun, motioning to the other party and himself to retreat aside. It didn't want to do anything when it wasn't sure whether the other party was a friend or an enemy.

"Pump!" At the next moment, the huge black shadow fell to the ground. It trembled and wanted to climb to the water source to take a few sips, but this guy seemed to have injuries, and shook weakly for a few times, and finally collapsed to the ground. land.

"Oh, oh." Seeing that it was a big spider with blue patterns all over, Xiao Pangdun whispered a few times, which meant to ask: "Boss, what do we do with this guy? Can't you help? it?"

"Uh, this..."

Hearing Xiao Pangdun’s words, Mandrill scratched his head, and then said: “This is a kind of zerg called'Blue Veined Water Spider. Wenshui spider has a mild spleen and is generally harmless, so let's save it once."

Speaking of this, the Mandrill came to the front, reached out his hand to hold up a puddle of water, and moved closer to the blue water spider. The opponent's eyes were full of panic and horror, and he couldn't help shrinking his body.

Seeing this, the Mandrill said in a leisurely manner: "Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you. I know you water spiders must drink water every once in a while. Here, this is for you. Drink it."

"Grumbling, gurgling..." After hearing this, the blue water spider couldn't wait to drink water. For the water spider, drinking water every day is more important than eating. Therefore, when it is seriously injured and weak, give it a hand. It is not the enemy who comes to Qingshui, but the benefactor.

"Chirp, chirp." After drinking the water given by the mandrill, the struggling blue water spider nodded to the water source, then crawled to the water source in one breath, opened his mouth again, and began to slurp and drink until a few breaths later. , This guy is really addicted.

The blue water spider turned and walked up to the mandrill at this time, nodded to it and thanked it. The mandrill glanced at it and asked casually, "How did you cause these injuries?"

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