Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11550: Attract evil spirits

"It shouldn't be too late, let's quickly clean up the other evil spirits in the mine." Ruo Tao said.

"What should I do?" An Yan muttered, "Should the water spiders continue to be bait?"

"Well, this is one aspect." Guan Heng said at the moment: "On the other hand, other measures need to be taken, such as..."

"Flying head, come here!" As he spoke, Guan Heng waved his hand into the air, and the beast bead Feito immediately flew down in front of him with the wind. Guan Heng said, "I will catch a few evil spirit kings later, you will Can it be done by devouring refining and then exuding an aura that attracts evil spirits?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" After hearing this, the beast bead Fei Head let out a low cry, indicating that there is absolutely no problem.

"Very good, then do it." Guan Heng waved his hand and said at this time: "Everyone is ready, when you meet the Evil Spirit King, you must first catch a few live ones."

"Okay." After hearing this, all the companions agreed, and then they continued to walk forward.

After a while, the blue-patterned water spiders led Guan Heng and the others to a corner of a tunnel. Suddenly, a water spider made a sharp cry: "Squeak!"


"Let's go!"


It's too late, and it's almost time, Gu Sang Nu and Ruo Tao have already flew forward, and they happened to meet dozens of evil spirit kings oncoming.


Seeing the enemy appear, the first reaction of the evil spirit kings is to roar frantically, and then rush towards this side with all their energies.

"Spirit root thorn!"

"Swallowing thunder and tearing the sky!"


In an instant, the two women’s fierce attack greeted the evil spirits, screaming and screaming to the ground. At the same time, the ancient sang girl once again transformed into countless slender spiritual roots woven cages, and suddenly shrouded the evil spirits that were beaten down. , There are more than a dozen in total.

"Let the soul-recovering urn **** the rest, these ones are enough."

"Stone tortoise beast, come on." Upon hearing Guan Heng's words, Qing Huang waved his hand, and the huge stone tortoise beast next to him immediately stepped forward. The soul-recovering urn on its back was buzzing, and the rest was hummed in a blink of an eye. The evil spirits ingested into the urn.

"Pop!" It was too late, and then soon, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and grabbed an Evil Spirit King's spirit body, abruptly pinched it into a fist size, and then stuffed it into the beast bead flying skull, followed by the second one. ,The third……

"Chuck." When the third evil spirit king was swallowed, the beast bead Feihu's big mouth closed a few times, indicating that the amount of swallowing was almost the same. Guan Heng nodded and nodded: "Okay, you go now. ."

"Huh-" Between the lightning and the fire, the beast bead flying skull soars into the air, and then continuously releases the aura that attracts evil spirits in the nearby area, turning it into a circle of ripples, and spreading rapidly one after another.

After seven or eight breaths, Guan Heng and the others ushered in the second batch of evil spirits. There were two to three hundred evil spirits, and most of them were evil spirit kings.

"Hehehe, it seems that the way the beast bead Feihu uses its breath to attract evil spirits is very useful." Guan Hengyang said: "Everyone, you can do it at will now, but try to stay alive and take all the evil spirit kings. To the soul recovery urn."

"I see, brother." An Yan flashed out the Great Sword of Soul at this time, and said casually: "Sisters, it's my turn to take action this time, everyone is shining!"

"Okay, you go." The sisters, Xiaoxin, Qinghuang, and Ruotao, retreated to the side with a smile, An Yan strode forward, and suddenly swung the sword to release a sword light, "Huh!" At the instant of appearing, Dou suddenly caught the more than ten evil spirit kings rushing to the forefront.

Immediately afterwards, An Yan shouted: "Sword souls, give it to me!"

"Swish swish!"

In the light of thunder, fire and lightning, more than a dozen sword souls suddenly turned into the form of sword light, and rushed towards the evil spirit king trapped in front of them. After piercing the opponent like lightning, the sword light continued to move towards the other evil spirit kings. The attack, scared those guys suddenly lost the guts to besiege, and immediately fled in all directions.

"Want to run? First, ask if my sword spirit agrees or not, and they are all surrounded!" With that, An Yan waved his hand, and all the sword spirits whirled sharply in the air immediately, creating pieces of strong wind pressure, abruptly. Stopped the path of all evil spirits.


"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

There were countless evil spirit kings that were smashed by the rotating sword light in an instant. In a flash, nearly a hundred fell to the ground. Before these injured guys had time to roll on the ground and screamed, they were sucked away by the soul-recovering urn of the stone turtle beast. .

At the same time, the blue-patterned water spider, who saw that all the evil spirit kings were caught, was extremely excited, squeaking, and signaled the water spider companion behind him to rush forward with him. If these evil spirits are all eliminated, Of course they are the happiest ones, so the water spiders are also very hardworking to help.

"Suddenly!" It was too late. It was fast then. The fastest-moving blue-stripe water spider came to a towering rock in three leaps and The terrain is very familiar, if it weren't for that, it wouldn't be the first to run ahead.

After carefully observing for a few breaths, the blue-patterned water spider nodded and nodded, then twisted his head and yelled twice to Guan Heng and others who came afterwards: "Haw!"

"Why, do you have a new discovery?" Xiaoxin stepped forward and asked: "Say, where should we go?"

Hearing this question, the blue water spider raised its front paw and pointed to the northeast.

"It's over there, princess, hurry up." After saying that, Guan Heng waved to everyone, and he already stepped forward.

"Wait for us."

Xiaoxin thought that Guan Heng still wanted to make a move this time, so she said with some dissatisfaction: "Hey, didn't we say it? Let our sisters do it first, why, do you want to go back?"

"Hey, I'm just exploring the way for you, and I didn't say to do it. I really don't know good people." Guan Heng smiled bitterly: "Well, if you are afraid of me stealing the blame, then go ahead by yourself. "

"Huh, just leave!" After saying this, Xiaoxin immediately stepped forward, but then Guan Heng said again: "But I want to remind you that seven steps forward is a big ditch. Be careful. I stepped on it and fell in."

"What?!" Hearing this, Xianxin hurriedly stopped and took a closer look. Sure enough, there was a gully in front of him. Because this place was in a dim environment, if he didn't pay attention to his feet, he would take a step forward. If you do, you will definitely step in.

"Good risk, good risk." Xiao Xin patted her heart, then turned her head and whispered: "Why didn't you say it earlier? Did you want to make me fall in?"

"Hey, you can't wrong me." Guan Heng shrugged and said, "If I really want to harm you, why should I boast to remind you? After all, you are too impatient and don't look at the way under your feet, but luckily you didn't fall. Go down."

"Also, don't stom your feet on the edge of the gully. It is very soft and there is a risk of falling down at any time."

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