Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11552: Force phagocytic fusion

"Hoo--Kolara--Boom!" Seeing that all the evil spirit kings were captured, the one-horned ice eagle waved its claws in the air, and the ice layer immediately shattered into a state of spiritual energy, and was absorbed back by it, and then , Bing Jiao shouted: "Everyone, you can enter the cave."

"Follow me!" Xiong said casually, and immediately led the sisters towards the cave. Guan Heng motioned to the stone turtle beast to follow them. In this way, the girls didn't even have to act when they met the Evil Spirit King. , The soul-recovering urn can automatically **** it away.

After more than ten breaths, Gu Sang Nu yelled: "Here is the Evil Spirit King, come here, everyone."

"Grab!" In the next moment, Gu Sang Nu poked the wooden magic staff into the ground. At the same time, more than a dozen evil spirit kings roared and screamed, rushing towards her like crazy. "Beasts who are overpowered, you are so courageous!"

"Spirit Root Spikes!"


It's too late, it's fast, the ancient sang girl has already controlled the lightning roots rushing from the soil to attack these enemies, "Puff puff puff!" After being penetrated by the spiritual root, the Evil Spirit King screamed and trembled. Moreover, the spirit roots entangled them, making it impossible to escape.

At this time, the stone turtle beast approached, and the soul-recovering urn on its back quickly collected evil spirits as before.

"Who is there?"

"Hey!" In an instant, Qing Huang felt something peeping at her side, and immediately shook her hands and threw an ice thorn condensed by the profound aura of ice.

"Bang!" The ice thorn hit the rock wall and suddenly covered the ice.

"Oh oh oh!"

In the next moment, a wailing and screaming evil spirit king rushed out of a crack in the rock wall. Obviously, this guy hid in the crack to peek at the movements of Guan Heng and his group. He just didn't hide it and was discovered by Qing Huang. Being hit by the cold icy sting is a painful one.

"Do it yourself, hide and spy on us sneakily, you have to pay a terrible price." After that, Qing Huang was about to pull out the Wei Ling Sword and rush towards the evil spirit king, but Guan Heng stretched out his hand to stop him, and said casually: "Don't Catch it in a hurry."

"Why... I understand." Qing Huang was startled for a while, and then suddenly realized: "The reason why the Evil Spirit King spy on us is not because of his own behavior, but by orders, right? "

"Yes, how can the average Evil Spirit King peep at the fine work of the enemy? Unless..." At this point, Guan Heng's mouth curled slightly and said with a grin: "Someone ordered it to do so."

"I understand too!" Ruotao shook her fist and whispered, "It must be their leader, the Great Evil Spirit King, who ordered it to do this, right?"

"Well, it's almost certainly the case." Guan Heng said: "Mother Worm, have you sent a stealth mutant child to keep an eye on it?"

"Yes, master, I have sent a few zichu to follow."

The evil worm mother said in a leisurely manner: "Just now when you said don’t rush to catch it, I have noticed that there are at least five or six evil spirit kings watching in the surrounding area, and they should have been arranged by the great evil spirit king. , For fear of being discovered, they have all escaped quietly."

"Ha ha ha, they must have not expected that they have been targeted by us." Guan Heng nodded, and then said: "Let's go, while continuing to catch the Evil Spirit King alive along the way, while searching for the whereabouts of those who escaped. "

"They will definitely lead us to find the Great Evil Spirit King."

"Haha, let's wait and see." Upon hearing Guan Heng's words, the girls said in unison, and then Gu Sang Nu suddenly pointed to the front and said: "Look, the water spiders seem to be surrounded by a large number of evil spirits."

"It's okay, Xiao Shui Shui and Toad are all by their side, nothing will happen, let's just walk over to see the excitement." Guan Heng said, already stepping forward, his mouth continued: "Even Without our help, it is estimated that they will be settled."

At the same time, the Earth Palace Toad and the Water Profound Spirit Beast, as Guan Heng said, while protecting the large group of water spiders, attacked the Evil Spirit King.

"Crack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack'

Between the lightning and the fire, dozens of small earth toads yelled at the evil spirits, making each other annoying. At the same time, the mud bombs sprayed by the small earth toads hit the evil spirit king one after another.


"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Just in the blink of an eye, the evil spirits were hit countless times, and each of them felt that their spirit body was extremely heavy, which was caused by the invasion of the earth profound spiritual energy.

"Pump, slam!" The evil spirit kings fell to the ground one after another, falling to the ground, and then being sucked away by the soul-recovering urn, thus ending their miserable fate.


When the other Evil Spirit Kings saw this guy so crazy, they were irrelevant to the enemy and they wanted to get away as soon as possible and stay away from this guy.

But at this moment, the crazy evil spirit king began to pounce on his companions, grabbing one and swallowing them all. Seeing this, Ruo Tao, who had never been far away, was a little puzzled and said casually: "This What does the guy want to do?"

"Hmph, I guess I saw that he was definitely not our opponent, so this guy started to devour other companions, intending to use their spiritual bodies to absorb and refine them, to force himself to break through to a higher level, and to resist stubbornly."

Guan Heng said so. "Anyone who is stronger than the Evil Spirit King, isn't that the Great Evil Spirit King?" Qing Huang blinked and said, "Then this guy swallows his companions on the premise of becoming the Great Evil Spirit King. Isn't it a deliberate rebellion?"

"Hahaha, it is not uncommon for evil spirits to fight against each other and seize power." Guan Heng said with a smile, "But, it's a good thing that it has seized this opportunity to break through forcibly."

"Why do you say that?" Xianxin asked.

"First of all, if this guy successfully evolves into the Great Evil King, then the quality of our prey will be one level higher."

Guan Heng explained in a leisurely way at this moment: "Even if it is unsuccessful, it is still an aggregation of many evil spirit kings. This is much better than a single evil spirit king, isn't it?"

"That's right, it's rare to encounter such a stupid thing that thinks that you can eat a few more of the same kind to stand up in front of us. If you don't tease it, how can you be worthy of yourself?"

Ruo Tao almost laughed out loud, squeezed her fists and asked casually: "My son, how long will the guy have to wait for the fusion to be completed?"

"Within ten breaths, if the fusion is unsuccessful, then it will fail completely, and there will be no chance again." Guan Heng said slowly: "And that guy will also become the evil spirit in the form of chaos, even the body of evil spirits. Not on."

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