Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11562: Capture

"Huh!" The great evil spirit king who gave birth to fear suddenly rushed to the distance. This guy was still in the form of "evil spirit king wild pig" at this time, flying with four hoofs, like a gust of wind and lightning.

"Hmm!" But at the next moment, the flame golden eagle fluttered and landed in front of the Great Evil Spirit King, and roared, "Bastard, return to me!"

"Swish swish!!"

In the sparkling fire, a large amount of flames were spit out by the golden eagle, and they rushed directly to the Great Evil King. The fierce fire is the nemesis of evil things. Where can the Great Evil King dare to hold on, he hurriedly withdrew and retreated, "Boom!" It hits the ground and burns the area within a radius of several meters into a piece of scorched earth in an instant.


"Ping pong pong!"

In the blink of an eye, countless fragments hit the spirit body of the Great Evil Spirit King one after another. These things engulfed the fire spirit and could cause a lot of damage to it. The Great Evil Spirit King roared and screamed in pain. At this moment, Guan Heng and the girls had arrived nearby, and Fang Xin raised his arms and shouted: "Sisters, go!"

"Okay!" Qing Huang and the other sisters agreed, "Chill!" Then they moved forward like lightning. The flame golden eagle felt that his mission was completed at this time, and then suddenly retreated out of the circle. The Great Evil Spirit King thought this. It was a good opportunity for myself to escape, and suddenly vacated.

"Give me down!" By coincidence, the black rattan boy was riding a dream-stealing flying spy in mid-air, and he flicked the rattan whip in his hand and violently pulled it off. With one blow, he slammed to the ground.

"Boy, good job." Seeing this scene, Gu Sangnu praised her, and immediately released more than a dozen spiritual roots that broke out of the ground, and they all swept towards the Great Evil Spirit King.

The opponent saw that the spiritual root was like a snake and a dragon, and immediately attacked him, knowing that this attack was ten times more powerful than that of Heiteng Boy, and he was scared to change direction and ran away.

"Tweet oh, twee oh!"


Suddenly, the swift shadow of a golden wren chick appeared in the air. It screamed, and then fluttered its wings to release dozens of hair-like electric energy. At the same time, Ruo Tao saw the figure of an electric-veined green lizard. Shaking his body also released a large rippling current loop.

"Boom bang bang!" The Great Evil Spirit King was hit by a double electric shock in the air and on the ground. He was immediately killed and rolled on the ground, and finally slammed into a nearby rock wall. By coincidence, it was Not far from the side of Xianxin, Qinghuang and An Yan.

"Hahaha, it's just right to come, let's see how the three of us clean up you!" While talking, Fang Xin let out a squeaky voice, swiping the Starry Spirit Spear, "Sister Yan, go on!"


"Bang!" In the next moment, An Yan swung the Great Sword of the Old Soul, and slammed the opponent with the sword. The Great Evil Spirit King swiftly swirled in the air like a windmill, and fell to Qinghuang's side.

"The Ice Phoenix **** its wings!"

"Swish swish!"

In the next moment, Qing Huang waved the lotus blade and the spirit sword, and instantly transformed into a huge ice phoenix condensed by the bitter cold air, fiercely probing the claws to buckle the spirit body of the great evil spirit king, "Lala!" In an instant, this Half of the guy's spiritual body was frozen, and then burst into pieces.

"Oh oh oh—" The scream suddenly sounded, and the Great Evil Spirit King lost nearly half of his spiritual body, and was immediately seriously injured. Guan Heng waved his hand at this time: "Don't waste it, come here."

"Huhuhu!" His aura instantly wrapped the fragments of the spirit body crushed by the Great Evil Spirit King, and suddenly dragged it into the Soul Recovering Urn.

Seeing this scene, the girls and other companions suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahaha, it's finally used as waste."

"Pump!" Hearing everyone's words, the angry and hateful Great Evil King suddenly fell to the ground. Guan Heng stepped closer at this time and asked, "Sisters, are you interested in playing again?" "

"Hey, it's boring. I thought there was something special about this Great Evil Spirit King, but it's actually a useless scum." Ruotao shrugged, and then said: "Even if this kind of waste is given to me to kill, I still don't bother. It's a knife."

"Yes, at best, it's a little better than the Evil Spirit King." Gu Sang Nui held out a little finger to compare, and then sneered and said, "It can't even compare to us!"

"Yes!" After hearing this, the other sisters also echoed in unison.

"But I always feel that you seem to despise the Great Evil King."

Guan Heng said, walked to the side of the great evil spirit king, kicked the opponent with his foot, and then continued: "The reason why it lost to you so quickly, although there is a reason why it is not as strong as you, but there is another reason. the most important reason."

"Oh, what's the reason?" Qing Huang asked at this moment.

"This guy spent all his energy on hitting that weird rock wall just now, and it consumed a lot of energy."

Guan Heng said: "And you didn't notice just now that the strange rock wall has a special ability, that is, it can continuously absorb the impact of external attacks, and even aura, so it makes the Great Evil Spirit King a lot weaker."

"Really?" After hearing this, Ruotao said, "I really haven't noticed this yet."

"It was the same at the beginning, but because of the cold air released by sister Huang and the princess, the ice layer that formed on the rock wall quickly disappeared and turned into aura and was consumed by the rock wall. I realized this."

"What?!" As soon as Guan Heng said, the girls were shocked, and they all turned their heads to look around, and found that it was so.

Xianxin nodded, and said, "Well, it's a bit weird indeed. The ice layer of Huangmei and I are very thick, and it would be difficult to melt with normal strength. Unexpectedly, they would be ‘eaten’ by this rock wall."

"However, the weirdness is not necessarily the rock wall." Guan Heng said: "Maybe it is something hidden inside the rock wall. We just need to break the rock wall and look inside."

"Just now you said that this rock wall is extremely strong, even the Great Evil Spirit King has spent so much effort, it can't be destroyed..."

Before Gu Sang Nu could finish her words, Guan Heng interrupted her: "I just said that the Great Evil Spirit King cannot be destroyed, but how can this waste compare to us?"

"Hehehe, that's right." Gu Sangnu smiled upon hearing this, and then asked: "Then tell me, what should I do?"

"Well, all in all, let's try your hand first."

Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "Everyone come with me." Three steps and two steps, everyone came to the weird rock face, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Quickly, Guan Heng shook his hands quickly and released five groups of spiritual energy, bullying around the rock wall like lightning.

"Buzzing--buzzing--" In a moment, the rock wall trembled as if there was life, and then quickly absorbed the spiritual energy and moved closer to him.

"Chuck!" At the next moment, a few groups of spiritual energy were absorbed by the rock wall. Guan Heng could see clearly from the side. He nodded and said, "Well, I understand it roughly."

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