Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11564: Deep hatred (first more)

"Whhhhhhhhh!" In a moment, the weapons in the palms of Qinghuang and Xianxin were suddenly covered with a biting ice mysterious spirit. At the same time, Anyan's Great Sword of the Old Soul gathered together Zhang Yulong's sword light, and he let out a low voice. :"superior!"

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"


Guan Heng watched the three women's heavy blows continue to fall on the rock wall, secretly counting the number of their multiple strengths: "One, two, three, four, five... twelve... fifteen!"

"Boom!" Between the lightning and the fire, the multiple strengths of the girls have reached more than ten times. Finally, huge cracks appeared on the rock wall, and they were about to collapse completely.

"Lala...Lala..." But in the next moment, countless irregular holes appeared in the rock wall, absorbing most of the impact of the girls' multiple vigor in one go. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng roared. A cry: "All back!"

"Eh?!" Upon hearing this, Qing Huang pulled Xiaoxin's arm. The latter immediately understood, and then shouted, "Sisters, retreat!"

"Suddenly!" Suddenly, Fengxin, Qinghuang, and An Yan shook their bodies backwards like lightning, Guan Heng flew forward at the same time, and raised his palms to the ground, which can withstand the powerful impact. .

"Boom!" How powerful is the multiple strengths released by the three women's team, even if Guan Heng is strong enough, they were shaken by the shock. Seeing this, Qing Huang whispered: "A Heng, be careful."

"It's not in the way, in fact, I should compliment you."

"Puff, puff, puff!" Guan Heng took three steps back between the electric light and stone fire, taking advantage of the opportunity to remove the impact, and then continued to speak: "You can force me back a few steps, your strength is getting stronger and stronger. Up."

"Why do I think your kid is boasting that you are awesome?" Hearing what he said, Fang Xin said with a wry smile. At the same time, Guan Heng yelled: "Puxing, shoot with me!"

"yes, Sir!"

Pu Xing shook the spear in his palm at this moment, standing majestic beside Guan Heng, and Guan Heng slapped the sword case he was carrying on his back. Guan Heng smoothly pointed to the battered rock wall in front of him, and uttered a word: "Cut!"



"Hurricane Gundam!"

At the same time, Pu Xing's spear twirled in his palm, unleashing a powerful force. His tricks were not as good as the girls' fancy and variety, but he was clumsy and steady, and his power was not weak.

"Ping-pong-pong!" In a short time, Guan Heng's double-sword swordsmen slashed, and Puxing's hurricane gun violently hit the pit in the rock wall, squeezing it to pieces, "Boom-wow!" Countless rubble flew and scattered, and a huge gap immediately appeared here.

"Whhhhhhhhhh!" It was too late, then soon, something on the inside of the rock wall felt the destruction of the protective layer in front of the rock wall. This guy immediately turned into a turbulent vortex, and then fled towards the back.

"Don't want to run away!" Seeing the other party disappear with the wind, Ruotao was angrily and wanted to rush to chase him, but Guan Heng held him back: "Wait first, chasing it rashly is easy to ambush."

"What, there is an ambush?" Ruo Tao shrank her neck when she heard this, and then asked: "My son, how did you see it?"

"It's not that I can see it, but this thing has reacted."

With that said, Guan Heng took out something and continued: "I just asked Zhenwen to keep this Persian Soul Orb that absorbed the fragments of the Breathing Beast Soul, but when she came to this rock wall, she kept talking about it. It’s trembling all the time, it’s weird, right, Zhenwen?"

"Yes, Brother Guan." Upon hearing this, Zhenwen nodded and continued: "Look, what's the matter?"

"I feel that when the rock wall was shattered just now, the aura left by the guy who ran away resembled these soul fragments."

Guan Heng said at this moment: "I wonder if you have the same feeling?"

"Well, I didn't feel it just now." Qing Huang blinked, and then said: "But after you remind me, there seems to be some similarity between the two."

"Is that a huge beast soul that ran away?" Gu Sangnu suddenly said, "Although that guy released a lot of blinding air currents, I think its back is really like a soul body."

"Yes, I think so too." Guan Heng nodded and said, "The Great Evil Spirit King is also a Soul Eater, and its target here might be the other party."

"Yeah, it makes sense." Hearing this, Xiao Xin suddenly looked left and right, and said loudly, "Where is the Great Evil Spirit King? Why didn't he see that guy?"

"Here, here."

At this moment, the mandrill, the old monkey, and the armor king came from not far away, and they were still dragging the dying evil spirit king, and the mandrill said: "Just now Lord Guan told us not to throw this guy. Entering the soul recovery urn, there may be other uses, so we have been guarding it."

"Well, you guys have worked hard." Guan Heng nodded, and then said to the girls: "Now we can investigate the origin of that guy from the Great Evil Spirit King."

"Dark ghost, use the search to read memory, check the information this guy knows."

"Huh!" Hearing this, the big ghost immediately appeared, and it swooped to the front of the Evil Spirit King, stretched out its claws to clasp it tightly, and began to perform the ability of searching for souls and reading memories.


The Great Evil Spirit King, who was already seriously injured, could not withstand the extreme torture of searching for souls and reading memories, and could not help but erupt with a screaming scream. After a few breaths, the Great Evil Spirit King released his paws. At this moment, the Great Evil Spirit King has completely lost consciousness. .

Seeing this, Guan Heng waved his hand and said impatiently: "Demon Mandrill, take advantage of this guy before it collapses and disappears, hurry up and stuff it into the soul-recovering urn, don't waste it."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Upon hearing this, Mandrill and Old Monkey stepped forward and dragged away the hapless Great Evil Spirit King.

At this time, the big ghost leaned close to Guan Heng and passed all the information he had received to him. Guan Heng heard what the big ghost said, nodded slightly, and then said, "Well, I basically understand it."

Xianxin said at this time: "Then you tell us quickly."

"That is, let's talk about it, we are all very curious." Gu Sang Nu and Ruo Tao also spoke. Guan Heng said, "To put it bluntly, there is a hatred of genocide between the guy who ran away and the Great Evil Spirit King."

"According to the memory of the Great Evil Spirit King, many years ago, it led many Evil Spirit Kings to annihilate the alien beasts that had the ability to gather breath and were good at hiding, and swallowed the opponent's flesh and blood and a large number of souls."

At this point, he paused for a while before Guan Heng continued to say: "But the severely wounded leader of the alien animal escaped. It saw that the whole clan had died at the hands of the Evil Spirit King, and began to revenge frantically."

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