Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1157: Undersea adventure (third)

"I won't go!" Borui shouted at this time: "But there is a tomb of seven-star sea snake king, there must be countless venomous sea snakes. If we step in, what is the difference between sending them to death?"

"Stupid, what do you think this is?" Guan Heng took off a storage belt from the robe's body, took out a square box from the inside and shook it in front of Borui: "Do you know what this is? "

Seeing Borui shaking his head blankly, Guan Heng said: "This is a secret recipe developed by the Phantom Dragon Army to deal with giant sea snakes. It is called 'Snake Avoiding Demon Cream'. It has two functions. First, it is applied to the whole body. After that, you can breathe freely when diving into the sea. Secondly, the snake avoidance cream can emit a special smell, which makes all Samsung giant sea snakes avoid it. "

After hearing Guan Heng's remarks, Borui asked inexplicably, "How could there be such a useful baby, how could this guy in the Phantom Dragon Legion be killed by a giant sea snake?"

"That's because this idiot was in a hurry to look at the traces left by the King of the Snakes on the beach, and forgot to apply the snake avoidance cream to himself for a while." Guan Heng choked the corpse around him, and then said to Borui: "This is exactly It's cheaper for us. "

"Uh, I still feel a little risky," Borui said frowningly. "Otherwise, you dive into the bottom of the sea yourself, I'll send you a whistle here."

"Send a whistle? I think you really want to take advantage of the opportunity to slip away." Guan Heng slandered and thought: "There will be brave husbands under the reward, so I will seduce them, not afraid that your kid won't follow me stand up."

"Borui, didn't you hear me just now?" Guan Heng said with his shoulders in his arms and said, "In the Tomb of the King of the Snakes, there is a dragon extinguisher, don't you want it? If you sneak into the tomb of the king with me "How about good things?"

"Eh ?! Are you telling the truth?" After hearing this, Borui suddenly felt that his heartbeat had intensified, but that was the weapon to destroy the dragon, and the temptation was not ordinary.

Guan Heng saw that the other party was already tempted, and simply raised the stakes again. He said: "As the boss, I definitely won't shake my brother, otherwise it would be too innocent, so, even in the tomb of the sea snake No dragon-strike weapon was found in it. The dragon-sword short sword in my hand can also be given to you. It will not let you run for nothing. "

In fact, Guan Heng had long thought about it. He now has the lance of the keel, and the short sword has not been used often. He simply gave it to Borui for affection. He had already planned this, but only said it in advance.

"Okay, that's it." Hearing here, Borui was no longer unhappy, so he bravely agreed to dive into the sea with Guan Heng.

"My God!" When Guan Heng opened the box of the snake avoidance cream and wiped the paste on Borui's face, the boy suddenly screamed: "Smelly, this is the end What a weird thing? It's so disgusting, it's like sock stuffed in leather boots that hasn't been washed for ten years mixed with the taste of old salted fish. "

"Be patient." Guan Heng covered his nose with small stones and sighed, "If you don't want to be bitten by a giant sea snake in the king's tomb, you need to paint this stinking thing all over your body. . "

"I regret it now ..." Borui had just spoken a half sentence and was pushed down by Guan Heng. He yelled, "It's too late to regret it, please obey these things."

After tossing Borui, Guan Hengqiang put up with nausea and applied snake avoidance cream to himself. Then Guan Heng told Borui: "The effect of the magic cream to drive the sea snakes to breathe on the sea floor is one hour, so We must find the Tomb of the Serpent King during this time and take away what we need. "

"I see, let's set off quickly." Borui whispered as he walked into the sea, "I hope that when the water gets in, the odor will be lessened."

"Bang!" Before entering the sea, Guan Heng sent two flames and magic bullets in succession, hitting the black-robed man and the snake-necked dragon with maggots, destroying the dead!

"Coo ... coo ..." Guan Heng said to Borui a few seconds after diving into the sea. "It seems that the snake avoidance cream really works, we can breathe and speak freely in the sea."

"Boss, where is that tomb of the Seven-Star Serpent King?" Borui glanced at the umbrella jellyfish floating around, and then turned his head and said, "For an hour, if it's not long or short, we can speed it up. schedule."

"According to the memory of the detective staff of the Phantom Dragon Army, it may be the entrance to the king's tomb where the Seven Star Serpent King sneaked into the bottom of the sea." Guan Heng thought about it, and then said to Borui: "Right around the island Search of the sea, it should be near here. "

"Oh!" The two discussed properly and immediately stepped into the water. They searched from the left and right. Nothing was found on the right side where Guan Heng was located, but after half a minute, Borui shook his head in the water in the distance. Hands, signaled that they have gained something.

Guan Hengyu slipped past the river, where Borui was, directly below the sea floor, there was a wide and narrow trench. He said to Guan Heng: "I just saw a few Samsung giant sea snakes swimming into this trench. Maybe the king's tomb is also below. "

"Well, let's go and see." After saying this, Guan Heng took the lead to swim towards the inside of the huge trench.

"Woohoo--" Guan Heng just swam near the trench and found that there would be a huge suction there. After struggling a little, he was sucked into the trench by homeopathy, and Borui was immediately drawn in.

"Bang!" Because Guan Heng couldn't control his body swinging, he hit the stone wall on the inside of the trench at the instant of turning. He hurt his teeth and almost did not breathe.

Immediately afterwards, the rotating suction of the trench drove Borui quickly to the distance, and Guan Heng's eyes were fast. He grabbed Borui's wrist, and the two held hands, but still could not afford the powerful pulling force at the entrance of the trench. Go away.

"Borui, immediately turn into an ice wall with the frozen spell!" Guan Hengji Zhongsheng Zhi shouted: "This way we can slide to the bottom of the trench."

"Okay, I understand!" Borui nodded, barely gritted his teeth and pulled out his staff, and put on a freezing spell, "Hey, click!" A thick wall of ice suddenly appeared behind the two, Guan Heng He Borui didn't dare to neglect, and slid down the ice wall directly towards the bottom of the trench.

"Pop! Huh—" But at this moment, Borui was inadvertent, his fingers were slightly loose, and the magic wooden staff in his hand was suddenly swept away by the water waves, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

"My staff!" Borui sighed suddenly. "That's a premium item from Queen Ejin!"

—— [2016.5.10 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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