Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11574: Be chased? ! (First more)

"It doesn't matter whether it is dregs or not, now this guy is more or less useful to us."

When Guan Heng said this, he gave the sludge tentacles a slanted look, and then continued: "Listen well, hurry up and take us to find the great evil spirit king who is staying here. If you can't do it, then it means you are nothing but you. It's a waste, it's useless to keep it, there is only a dead end!"

"Oh?!" Hearing this, the sludge tentacle monster was trembling with fright. This guy shook his body and nodded, promising to take Guan Heng and the others to find the Evil Spirit King.


After more than ten breaths, the sludge tentacles hurriedly led Guan Heng and the others to the depths of the mine ahead. Here, everyone not only discovered more high-quality loess mines, but even a lot of loess spars, Guan Heng screamed Under the order, the mandrill, the gray-brown demon hedgehog, and the ice gluttonous beast all began to work hard.

Ruo Tao looked left and right at the moment, and then said: "My son, I haven't found the Great Evil Spirit King until now, did we let the Mud Tentacle Monster deceive?"

"Yeah, yeah, this guy is so brave, he dares to deceive us, he should be taught severely!"

Gu Sangnu and An Yan said, shaking her fists at the tentacle monster, in order to intimidate each other, but the sludge tentacle monster didn't know whether it was true or not, she was so frightened that she trembled like sifting chaff, and she wanted to go backwards when she shrank her neck. The armor king next to him suddenly lifted his foot and kicked the guy severely.

"Pump!" The sludge tentacles that stumbled on the horse fell to the ground one after another, Ruo Tao, Gu Sang Nu and An Yan shouted: "Beat it, beat it, beat it hard!"

"Oh, oh, oh!" After a few fists, the tentacles trembled with sore pain and almost shrank into a ball. It was really miserable. Guan Heng waved his hand at this time: "It's all right, don't hit it now. ."

"Why didn't you fight?" Ruotao said angrily: "This animal dares to deceive us. This is already a capital crime."

"I thought, maybe this guy didn't lie to us."

Guan Heng turned his hands on his back, walked around twice, and said in his mouth: "The atmosphere of the Great Evil Spirit King is indeed left here, but it is only a little weak. It can be seen that the other party has been away here for a while, but if we do Step up to catch up, you may not find it."

"Is that right?"

Hearing this, Ruotao and several sisters looked at each other, with some suspicion in their eyes, Guan Heng said, "Although this is just a speculation, it is easy to prove it. They are left here for mining."

"Okay, let's go quickly." As he said, Xiao Xin kicked the hapless sludge tentacle monster again, and continued: "Will we be dragged down with this guy now? After all, it was hurt too badly."

"Then leave it." At this point, Guan Heng waved his hand at the sludge tentacle monster, "whoo-whoo-whoo-" In an instant, a large amount of freezing cold gas gushed out, freezing the tentacles. The ice is fixed in place.

Glancing at this guy, Guan Heng said, "Demon, pay attention to this guy after you dig the mine. If it is seriously injured, it may generate a soul body, and then it will be left to the soul resurrection urn. "

"Yes, Lord Guan, I understand." At the same time that Mandrill agreed, Guan Heng had already led his companions away.

The reason why the mysterious great evil spirit king appeared in the loess mine must be looking for "something" here, so as to enhance his strength and even achieve a deeper evolution, but what exactly it is is unknown. .

"The fine loess in this mine cave, and even the big evil spirit king ore spar, can't look down on it. From this, it can be seen that it must be eyeing something more valuable."

As he walked forward, Guan Heng said to his companions: "That's why that guy will wander in the pothole desperately."

"Then are we going to take advantage of it not to find it, look for a chance to destroy it?" Ruo Tao asked at this time.

"No, it's the opposite." Guan Heng glanced at Ruotao and the girls, then said with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth: "Even if we find the Great Evil Spirit King now, we can't do it."

"Why is this?" When she heard these words, Ruotao looked a little surprised and asked.

"I can probably guess what A Heng thinks." At this moment, Qing Huang analyzed: "If the things the Great Evil Spirit King is looking for are of great benefit to him, it may be of some use to us, A Heng, you are Don’t you want the other party to lead us to find that stuff?"

"Yes, that's it."

Guan Heng nodded and nodded, and then said: "What's a big evil spirit king? It's not worth the trouble to keep it alive for that long. From the very beginning, I was interested in what the big evil spirit king was looking for. Up."

"Hahaha, it's interesting, then in order to see what treasure the Great Evil Spirit King is looking for, let's leave this guy with a cruel life for now."

As soon as Xiaoxin said this, the three insects who were investigating the situation in front suddenly fluttered their wings and flew back. "Insect mother, how is it?" Guan Heng raised his voice and asked at this time: "I found the other party?"

"Yes." The evil worm mother replied: "But master, the great evil spirit king we found more than a hundred meters away is a bit strange, because this guy is actively moving closer to us."

"What?" After hearing this, Guan Heng frowned slightly, and asked casually: "What the **** is going on?"

"According to my observation, that guy seems to be chased by something unknown, and he is running for his life at this time." The evil worm mother explained so, and continued: "I left a few cubs to monitor each other's dynamics, this Only then came back in a hurry to report."

"Yeah, I see." Guan Heng touched his chin and asked casually: "Then have you seen what is chasing the Great Evil Spirit King?"

"I really haven't seen this clearly." Upon hearing this, Gu Huang Roar shook his head.

King Golden Sting said: "This is also because we are afraid that we are too close to each other, and it is easy to get rid of the grass and startle snakes."

"That's okay." Guan Heng said nonchalantly, "Anyway, we are about to run into each other soon, and there is a chance to find out what the reason is."

"Let’s go, go and meet the hapless Great Evil Spirit King." Guan Heng smiled jokingly at this time, leading everyone forward, and said, "Whether it’s meeting us or other people Things that are scared are destined to die today."

"Hehehe, this makes sense." Ruotao smiled with her palm. Gu Sang Nu, An Yan, and Xian Xin all pouted and smiled. At this moment, King Jin Xing said: "Master Guan, you see, it's the only way to reach each other soon."

"Well, everyone should lie in ambush first, and wait until the Evil Spirit King arrives, Mother Insect, you, Golden Sting King, and Howell will immediately capture him. As for other things, I can solve it myself." Guan Heng said.

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