Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11584: Catch the black centipede alive (first more)

"Kacha!" It was too late, then quickly, the nine-eyed black centipede was fierce, and bit the giant earth monster's waist in one bite. The opponent screamed immediately, and the two corpses fell to the ground immediately.

At the same time, the black centipede sucked fiercely with its big mouth, "Huhu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu!" The remnant of the giant earth monster was immediately swallowed by it.

"Good fellow, eat everything, I have a good appetite." Seeing this, Mandrill and Earth Palace Toad looked at each other, and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha—"

Hearing this laughter, the eyes of the nine-eyed black centipede flashed with cold light, and suddenly looked towards the two beasts. Seeing this scene, the maniac suddenly released his murderous coercion, and then grinned and said: "Bast, what do you want to see? Provoking my uncle?"

Hearing this, and then felt the murderous intent of the mandrill, the black centipede shuddered immediately. It was not the kind of fool who didn't understand anything, and he could feel the murderous aura in an instant. The mandrill was not himself at all. A role that can contend.

At this moment, Mandrill and Earth Palace Toad took a few steps forward, and then said with a joke: "Why, now I don’t have the courage to resist? Where did the arrogant aura that swallowed the giant earth monster just now? Go? You trash!"

When uttering the last four words, Mandrill deliberately raised his voice, so angry that the nine-eyed black centipede shuddered like a sifting chaff. This guy may not understand Mandrill’s words, but the other party’s tone contained that kind of extreme contempt and In contempt, this guy still felt it by instinct.


Suddenly, the grumpy nine-eyed black centipede was still burning with anger. This guy was also a local overlord anyway. He was repeatedly ridiculed and taunted by provocations and taunts, making the black centipede feel unbearable. The next moment, this The fierce bug rushed towards the mandrill like crazy.

"Unexpectedly, your two sentences made this guy anxious." The earth palace toad said: "It's really a bit unexpected. I thought it could bear it a little bit."

"Hmph, beasts are ignorant and live by instinct. Once they have red eyes, they won't care about that much." The Mandrill said lightly at this time: "It doesn't matter if it is stimulated, it will save it if it takes the initiative to attack. Our troubles."

"Huh!" When he said this, the black centipede, covering its eyes with anger, had already approached, and it bit the mandrill's skull with its sharp jaws and big mouth.

"Pop!" But in the next moment, the Mandrill didn't even look at it, suddenly swung his fist and took the bait. It hit the guy's cheek, and the black centipede with nine eyes suddenly collapsed, and the five eyeballs protruded out of the orbit. Burst into blood mist.

"Haw!" "Dang!" The black centipede was screamed and fell down and hit the rock wall, and then slowly fell to the ground.

There is no doubt that the nine-eyed black centipede, who has ruled here for many years, has never suffered such a big loss, but this guy also understands a truth at this moment, that is, he is not an opponent at all, and if he goes up to beg and fight, he will undoubtedly die!

"Hey, it's a waste. You can't even bear a punch from Mandah. What's the point of your being alive?"

At this time, the devil cursed mercilessly, treating the black centipede as a useless waste dregs, but the other party was actually shivering, let alone resisting, even the courage to make a sound was lost.

"Hey hey, Mandrill, don't scare this guy, we still have serious things to do." The earth palace toad smiled at this moment, and then he said: "First ask if this guy has swallowed my little earth toad. , And then decide its life and death."

"Okay, I agree." After hearing this, Mandrill laughed: "Hahaha, little centipede, now decide your life and death, listen carefully."

"Huh!" In a short time, the earth palace toad ordered a small earth toad clone to leap closer to him, and then sternly said to the "Remaining Eye" black centipede: "Have you swallowed a small earth toad like it? After thinking about it clearly? Besides, if you dare to hide something, die!"

The murderous coercion released by the earth palace toad is not weaker than the mandrill, not to mention that it is in the underground area, and the earth aura is everywhere, which further promotes the madness of the big toad.

The most important point is that poisonous insects such as centipedes are most afraid of toads. This is simply the suppression of natural enemies, making the black centipedes shudder with fright. This guy tremblingly glanced at the appearance of the little earth toad, and then he did not. Stop shook his head, and made a low beep in defense at the same time.

It turns out that the nine-eyed black centipede really likes to swallow the rich earth aura, but if this guy is killed, it dare not move its mouth at a guy like a frog.

Because the black centipede would be so scared to move as long as it saw the frog toad, let alone open its mouth to bite, as long as the other party called, it would have to faint.

"Oh, is this guy so afraid of toads?" Hearing this, Mandrill suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha, such a big centipede is afraid of a small toad and frog?!"

"Hey, Mandrill, I don't like to hear you say this." The earth palace toad said slowly at this time: "After all, I am also a kind of toad. Are you despising me?"

"Uh uh uh... just kidding, don't take it seriously." Mandrill was startled, a little regretted that it was not holding back, it said hurriedly: "Don't be angry, I just look down on myself, I don't dare to look down on you. ."

"Huh, it's almost the same." The heart of the earth palace toad is as broad as the empty toad cauldron in his stomach, but he just frightens the demon a little bit, and doesn't intend to really care about it.

At this time, the earth palace toad continued to speak: "Looking at the appearance of this black centipede, you are really afraid of the little earth toad, so this guy didn't have the courage to swallow them."

"So, should it be made by other fierce beasts and evil spirits living in the underground mine?" The Mandrill said, "Then we should look for each other."

"Well, I think so too." The earth palace toad patted the shivering black centipede with its webbed claws, and then grinned and said: "It just happens to be missing a guide, so I can barely use it."

"Hahaha, hello, waste centipede." At this time, the mandrill used the ancient gold icebreaker in his palm to touch the black centipede's forehead, and said: "You should feel lucky. At least, you can live a little longer. Up."

The black centipede seemed to understand the words of the demon, and subconsciously trembled and nodded. The earth palace toad roared: "You haven't gotten up to lead the way, haven't you suffered enough?"

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing this, the black centipede shook his head with fright. This guy barely got up, staggered and walked forward. The mandrill and the earth palace toad looked at each other, and then tightened. After that, hurried away.

After a short while, the black centipede led them to the nest of another underground beast. At this moment, this guy suddenly shook his body, and then stopped and stopped moving.

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