Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11612: There are many windfalls

"Haw, haw!"

Seeing their companions, they were caught alive. The rest of the ancient tabby poplars were shocked and angry, and their bodies trembled with fear, but the next moment, these guys seemed to be crazy, and they rushed to this side in one breath. Fight to death with Mo Shiwei.

At this moment, Shi Jingwei let out a low roar and signaled that Mo Shiwei's companions would all step back, and he had to take care of each other by himself.

"Suddenly!" Mo Shiwei retreated suddenly between the electric light and the fire. At the same time, Shi Jingwei took off the double axe and strode towards the ancient blaster.

"Whoo! Whoop! Whoop!" The next moment, Shi Jingwei swiftly spins her body, dancing a pair of giant axes, and the powerful wind pressure instantly forms a vortex, hitting the oncoming ancient explosive insects, making them one One soared into the air.

The most important thing is that this wind pressure vortex contains a heavy earth aura, which makes the ancient blasting insects swarm into the air, and is drawn into the wind circle.

"Ping-pong-pong!" The violent sound suddenly sounded, and the stiff ancient blasting insect contaminated with the earth's aura directly fainted, and was immediately captured by the earth palace toad.

"Shi Jingwei's trick is not bad." Seeing this scene, Mandrill said with a bit of excitement.

"It's true." After hearing this, the earth palace toad nodded repeatedly, and then continued: "Moreover, its trick makes full use of the function of earth's spiritual energy, so it can be said that it has been thought through."

"Moreover, this trick can be used by all Inkstone Guards." After a little thought, Mandrill added: "Even if the power of a single Inkstone Guard and the earth's aura reserves are not as good as Shi Jingwei, they should be able to do it as long as they work together. arrive."

"Well, it makes sense." Hearing it said that, Earth Palace Toad's eyes lit up, and then said: "Haha, what you said reminded me. Since Shi Jingwei can do it, so can Little Earth Toad."

"This is the benefit of being able to use the earth aura." Mandrill smiled: "I will let the little earth toad and Mo Shiwei try together."

"Well, we all thought of going together." Tu Gongtoad said, jumping forward, and then shouted: "Continue to look for the ancient blaster, try the new trick we thought of."


After a few breaths, driven by the colorful fierce bugs, dozens of tabby ancient poplars hurriedly crawled out of nearby rocks and cracks in the ground, but at this moment, Shi Jingwei and the puppet commander had led their companions. Pounced here and quickly blocked their way.


A big ancient blaster headed by screamed and greeted him, intending to fight to death. As a result, the mandrill hit the guy's face with a punch, and directly knocked the opponent's cheek in half, "Lala!" The Bingxuan aura that burst from his fist immediately completely frozen it in place.


At the same time, the flying winged little earth toad and the ink stone guard flew soaring in the air and smashed on the ground, and in a flash surrounded the other ancient explosive insects.


The earth aura released by the little earth toad and the ink stone guard instantly covered the ancient explosive insects. These dozens of guys were caught off guard, and it was impossible for them to struggle. All the blasting insects fell to the ground, and they couldn't move.

"Hahaha, another group of prisoners." The Mandrill rubbed his palms, then waved and shouted: "Little ones, come on, catch all the ancient poppy insects."

Hearing this, Mo Shiwei and the puppet soldiers swept toward the front, but when they wanted to go over to grab the ancient poplar, the earth palace toad suddenly felt something was wrong, and it roared: " Hello, all back!"

"Boom!" The moment Mo Shiwei and the puppet soldiers heard the order to go backwards, a large area of ​​the ground they were on suddenly swelled, and then a huge tiger-spotted ancient explosive insect with a sturdy body emerged.

After seeing this guy, the Mandrill whispered: "This guy is not strong, surely he is not the leader of the ancient blasting insects, right?"

"I think so too. It's a small boss at best." Earth Palace Toad said: "But even so, the ancient poplar crystal in this guy's body is definitely not small. Grab it and we took it out on the spot."

"Agree, then do it now." The Mandrill said, suddenly raising his arms and saying: "Gu Mosquito King, you come to the front line!"

"Squeak!" The ancient mosquito king who heard these words immediately led many ancient mosquitoes towards the huge ancient explosive insects.

"Haw!" Seeing the ancient mosquitoes attacked by a sea of ​​black and dense fog, the huge ancient blaster roared sharply at them.

"Boom boom boom!" The violent noise immediately shook the ancient mosquitoes that came flying all over with trembling, but everyone's strength is not what it used to be, and as long as it takes a few breaths, it can hold the manic noise. Once again rushed towards the giant ancient blaster.

"Haw?!" Seeing that the ancient mosquitoes in Wuhai were so small that they were able to handle their own noises, the ancient poplars were also a little surprised, but before this guy could react, the ancient mosquitoes started spitting out frantically around it. Mist.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) !

"Lala...Lala..." In an instant, the huge ancient blast insect was frozen by the cold spreading in the thick fog, although the cold of the ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog is not very cold, but ancient blast insects are such a guy. Can't bear the suffering of freezing, can't help shivering.

"The freezing and cold fog of the ancient mosquitoes has worked. Even if this guy wants to blew himself up, it's impossible. Go!"


In the light of thunder and lightning, the Earth Palace Toad, Mandrill and other companions have flew past, and everyone brushed their hands together, "Hiss, puff!" After a few breaths, an ancient blaster was caught in their hands. His sharp weapon was dismembered into large and small corpses.

"Look, this guy has more than one ancient explosive insect crystal in his body." Mandrill stretched out his hand, and everyone's eyes immediately fell on a huge corpse, only to see that there were several large and small crystals embedded on it.

The earth palace toad jumped over to check, and then turned his head and said, "Yes, they are all ancient explosive insect crystals. Unexpectedly, the crystals in this giant insect body are quite rich."

"Hehehe, if only you meet a few more such giant worms." Mandrill said with a smile at this time.

"I have a hunch that what you said may come true soon." Tu Gongchan said in a deep voice at this time: "Don't say anything else, quickly clean up these insect crystals, and let's continue to search."

"Okay." Hearing this, Mandrill nodded, and immediately waved to signal Shi Jingwei and Captain Puppet to dig out the crystals, and then put them away properly.

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, a mutant subterranean fluttered and flew by not far away. It was responsible for investigating the situation in front.

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