Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1163: Coincidentally Sambo (third)

Holding a skull-sized spar in his hand, Guan Heng could still hear the original king snake and beast soul crying out there, but Guan Heng had no time to ignore it now, and soon the stone of the soul was put into the storage belt. .

"Borui, is there enough rest?" Guan Heng pushed Borui behind him at this time, and said, "If he recovered his strength, hurry up and find the trace of the dragon weapon. We have no time left. More, that is about ten minutes, hurry up! "

"Uh ... ah ... I said, boss, it is really a crime to be carried by you." Borui said frowningly, "I now feel like my five internal organs are going to be broken."

"Huh, a useless cowardly magician." Guan Heng glanced at the other with a disdainful glance, and then thought: "According to the memory of the beast soul of the original Sea Serpent King that was just searched for, it fell that year and the three human races holding dragon destroyers The strong are related. The original Sea Snake King fought against the three strong, and then both sides were seriously injured and fled ... "

"Borui, the position of the dragon-strike weapon should be not far from the huge stone mound of the first sea snake king." Guan Heng said, "Follow me quickly, time is short!" After saying this, Guan Heng dragged In the arms of Borui, the two swam straight towards the seafloor area in one direction.

A few kilometers away, there was a dark reef area where Guan Heng found a deep cave. He waved to Borui: "Go in and see."

The cave is not very deep. Guan Heng and Borui quickly found three bones. One of them was unusually burly, wearing a battle armor, holding a strangely long cone in his hand, and the other was petite like a woman. There is a staff stick obliquely on the ground next to him, and the last one is also an armour. There is a bright silver round shield shining brightly beside him, deeply embedded in the stone wall.

"Boss, I finally found it this time." Borui was overjoyed, pounced on the wand around the petite skeleton, and yanked it out: "Haha, the magic wand in the dragon destroyer's weapon, here it is. Me. "

"There are dragon tail cones and maneuvering shields." Guan Hengyou went over to pick up the dragon tail cones, grasped the maneuvering shields and pulled them out of the stone wall, he turned his head and said to Borui, "Go, hurry out."

After the two swim out of the cave, Guan Heng completely shattered the cave entrance with a keel spear. He silently prayed: "Three seniors, come and go in a hurry, I can't take you back to shore for burial, but I collapsed the cave entrance. A few can rest here, and there will be no beasts or animals under the sea to disturb your resting place. "

"Boss, pull it out, it won't be too late." Borui said as he pulled his wrist off, Guan Heng nodded: "Okay, snake avoidance cream has just less than half a minute of aging, let's go."

"Yeah! The teleportation spell is activated!" "Oh!" A strange magical light flashed across the ocean floor, and Guan Heng and Borui suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, the two had returned to the island where Mrs. Jiang Ge lived, and descended from the sky, heading down into the beach.

"Ah-oh!" He spit out the sand in his teeth, and Guan Heng got up from the ground and struck Borui. "Why didn't you know when you landed properly? I got a mouthful of sand." "

"Well! How can you blame me?"

Borui is also full of dust, he complained aloud: "I was the first time to take a teleportation spell with someone, and it is good to have no wrong destination. According to Sanqiu's fat old man, the teleportation spell The easiest place to reach is the clearest area in memory, and it would be nice if we didn't take you to Seth City. "

"This time is really dangerous, I almost threw my life on the bottom of the sea." Borui said angrily: "We can all get away by relying on my teleportation magic, don't you have any sense of gratitude to me? ?"

"Fart, I didn't ask you to do white work, and this time you got the benefits from the sea," said Guan Heng, playing with the dragon-tail cone in his hand, and said leisurely: "Did you say, The Dragon Wand 'dropped out of thin air?'

"Hey, this ... oh ..." Borui held the dragon magic wand in his arms, and his face blossomed: "My baby staff, hahaha, love you."

"Looking at your virtue, it's disgusting to be home." Guan Henggang just wanted to continue teasing Borui. At this time, the fat old man Sanqiu came over from the other side of the beach and shouted when he saw the two: "Hey, You two have n’t been back for so long. I thought you both had eaten the giant sea snakes and were buried in the sea. "

"Well, you dead old man, do you want to curse Master Ben to die? Don't dream about it!" Borui said with a triumphant giggle: "I not only have a lot of cold hair, but also got a great deal."

"You see what this is?" After Borui said this, he held the dragon magic wand high above his head: "See? This is the magic wand in the dragon-strike weapon. You gangster has seen it. No?"

"Pop!" Before Borui's arrogance was over, the dragon and magic wand in his hand was snatched by Sanqiu. The fat old man laughed strangely: "Haha, it really is a dragon and magic wand. Lao Tzu. "

"Fart! Why do you belong?" Borui rushed up to **** the staff: "This is what Master Ben found in the tomb of King of the Snakes after his death, and wants to rob my baby? Unless you kill me !!"

"Go to you." The fat old man sat Borui on the ground with his fat, and when he saw that Borui was pale and panting, it was obvious that he had no physical strength, so he shook the dragon in his hand. The magic wand said, "Did you find these dragon-destroying weapons at the bottom of the sea? It must have been escaped by the teleportation mantra handed down by my old man. This dragon magic wand is the tuition."

"Uh ?!" Borui shouted weakly, "Smelly old man, dead fat pig, you are so mean, give me the staff!"

"That's right, Mr. Sanqiu." Guan Heng stood beside his shoulders and looked at the two second-hand goods, and said casually, "When he was against the Seven Star Sea Snake King at the bottom of the sea, Borui used a very strong ice magic, What's the name of it ... by the way! It's 'Icy God's Indifference', wow, that's a great trick, did you teach it? "

"What ?! Bingshen's indifference ... It's still the advanced ice spell used by Mrs. Jiang Ge!"

The fat old man Sanqiu glanced at Borui on the ground and said solemnly: "The indifference of the ice **** is much stronger than the frozen spell and the frozen spell. In the fire spell, there is only My Enrage Wrath can barely hold on to it, but I didn't expect Borui, the stupid kid, to be able to master the advanced spells of both ice and fire at the same time overnight. "

—— [2016.5.12 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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