Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1166: Landing dive (third)

At this time, Borui said to Guan Heng: "Boss, a few soldiers said to me just now, our Black Rose magic balloon has been repaired, this time still sitting on it to Coral Island?"

"No, the minions of the Ice and Fire Dragon Army all know that we have a magic hot air balloon. If they are in the air, they can easily become the target of the enemy." Guan Heng pondered for a moment and then said to the other three people: "I have one Good idea, let's just go from the sea to Coral Island. "

"Walking from the sea?" Zuo Wei frowned and said, "Isn't that just a boat? Why didn't you ask Mr. Jeff for a boat just now?"

"No, we don't need to take a boat." At this moment, Guan Heng's mouth turned upwards, revealing a mysterious smile, he said softly, "We are going from the 'sea' ..."

A few minutes later, on the beach of Coro Island, Guan Heng asked Borui to make a "rectangular sealed cabin" made of ice with the freezing spell in accordance with what he described.

There are four long breathing tubes above this rectangular sealed cabin, and there are four seats inside. After Borui has finished, he somehow asks: "Boss, what do you want me to do with such a thing? If it is a boat, You do n’t even have a paddle, how do you go forward? ”

"You'll know when you look at it." Guan Heng smiled and waved: "All sit in, I'm going to let the sealed compartment launch."

With a little doubt and anxiety, Borui, Zuo Wei, and Imila all sat in the cabin, pushed their arms horizontally, pushed the sealed cabin into the shallow water on the beach, and jumped into the cabin. in.

"Borui, seal the entrance and exit of the airtight cabin." After hearing Guan Heng's command, Borui hurriedly sealed the entrance with an ice-spelled curse: "Hey!" At this moment, Guan Heng laughed and took two shots. With a chin in the palm, dozens of Samsung giant sea snakes suddenly popped out of the sea. They all surrounded the rectangular sealed cabin, and they were startled.

At this moment, Guan Heng shouted, "Okay, target the coral island ahead, move forward-"

These Samsung giant sea snakes braved their arms to close their sealed cabin, dived into the water for a few meters, and only let the breathing tube rise to the surface.

"Wow, that's fast!" Borui, Zowei, and Imila yelled in unison when they saw the scene: "This idea is awesome."

Because the ice-made sealed cabin is transparent, Borui's view of the sea is clear. Borui's kid is better. He also dived into the sea with Guan Heng last night, so he has been used to the surrounding scenes.

But for the first time, Zuo Wei and Imila swam on the sea floor. The two little girls were very happy, and even talked about the Samsung giant sea snake pushing the sealed cabin forward.

When Guan Heng and Borui saw this, they just smiled and shook their heads, so they had to make a fool of them.

The strength of dozens of Samsung giant sea snakes is extraordinary. Coupled with the buoyancy of sea water, the sealed cabin that the four of them took off was amazingly fast. It took less than ten minutes to come to the waters near the Coral Island where the Ice and Fire Dragon Corps was stationed.

"Coo ... coo ... wow!" Under the support of the Samsung giant sea snake, the sealed cabin slowly floated to the surface to observe the surrounding environment.

"Boss, you really didn't guess wrong." Borui glanced at the air near Coral Island and said, "Sure enough, there are a large number of crimson dragons in the sky alerting us. If we were riding a magic hot air balloon, we might have been discovered by the enemy. It's gone. "

"Huh, the enemy is so cunning, so we want to be ahead of them in everything." Guan Heng whispered, "Only with such a detailed plan can we not be beaten passively."

Imila also observed it, and she asked: "Brother Guan Heng, now there are traces of crimson dragons around Coral Island. How can we go ashore?"

"Wait a moment." Guan Heng gestured to several giant sea snakes outside the sealed capsule, and the other party suddenly swept away, and returned some messages shortly after.

"The giant sea snake detected the cliffs to the left of Coral Island, and there were often lightnings from dry thunder in mid-air, so the crimson dragons would not go there to investigate." Guan Heng said to others: "Let's climb up from the cliff on the left . "

A few minutes later, several people stood on the shoals under the cliffs of Coral Island. At this time, Guan Heng said to Borui: "I will ride the toucan to the cliff first, and after I make sure it is safe, let it come to carry you up."

Several people nodded and said that Guan Heng immediately called out the beak Dragon Lude and rode it quietly to a 100-meter-high cliff. Here the cliffs and mountains were cut sharply, and when Guan Heng went up, he found that there was no movement, so Lude went down to pick up Borui's three, but just as the bird's beak dragon just spread his wings and flew down the cliff, Guan Heng suddenly heard Not far behind was the movement of vocal dialogue.

"Someone is coming, it's really troublesome!" Guan Heng cursed, and then plunged himself into the bushes beside him, thinking to himself that he had to solve this before the toucan dragon could hold Borui and they came up. A few guys, otherwise, everyone is exposed to danger.

Two people came in the distance, wearing green robes with weird patterns, wearing a hood, holding a skull wand in their hands, Guan Heng stealing his eyes to see, for a while I couldn't figure out where the other party came from. For sure, these guys must be the minions of the Dragon Legion.

"Why do you say that the head of our army suddenly joined forces with the Binghuo Dragon Army?" One of the Qingpao men suddenly stopped and asked his companion: "Isn't he rarely associated with the other senior members of the Dragon Army?"

"No one knows the specific situation," said Qingpao's companion. "But one thing is certain, the enemies the Ice Fire Dragon Army will deal with this time, the head of our army also hates it, so he ..."

"Patter, patter!" Two Qingpao men just came here, the sound of flapping wings of the beak dragon Lude had been heard, and the two were startled: "What's going on ?!"

"Wow!" Taking advantage of the half-second effort of these two men, Guan Heng rushed out of the bushes with a thunderbolt, and the keel speared out, "Wow!" Neck throat.

"Tongtong!" The two Qingpao men did not sing and snorted and died directly.

"Woohoo—" One of the corpses slammed a burst of black gas from the top of his head. Guan Heng could see clearly. It was a ghost spirit formed by condensing. Stone.

Picking up the Soul Stone, Guan Heng quickly searched the memory of the Qingpao people. It turns out that these two guys are members of the Demon Dragon Army. In addition to the magic dragon members, the Demon Dragon Army also has some "Demon Monsters". .

These wizards are all visitors to the Demon Realm. Their main abilities, including the curse of the Demon Realm and the Summoning of the Demon Realm, are not too high. They are usually collective actions and are used to winning more.

—— [2016.5.13 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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