Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11734: Bluestone long-armed monster (first update)

Seeing that Guan Heng glanced at himself, Pu Xing waved his hands again and again, and said with sincerity, "Big brother, I didn't teach it. Look at my clumsy speech, how can I teach An Yan bad, it's impossible."

"You didn't teach it, could it be me?" Guan Heng said this deliberately, Pu Xing was too honest, and nodded subconsciously: "Yes, it is possible."

"Bah, stinky boy, you, you are really **** me off." Guan Heng spat at him angrily: "No wonder I was eaten by my sister."

"Big brother, Puxing, what are you talking about?" An Yan turned her head not far away and shouted, "Follow up quickly, otherwise, Qinghuang and I will throw you far away. yes."

"Okay, come here soon." After Guan Heng finished speaking, he winked at Puxing, and the two of them immediately moved forward together.

But at such a time, Qinghuang suddenly felt that something was wrong around her, and then she reached out and grabbed An Yan's sleeve, and immediately shouted, "Go back!"


The moment she heard this, An Yan and Qing Huang subconsciously stepped back, "Boom-boom!" In an instant, a large amount of gravel collapsed from the top of the tunnel ahead. At the same time, Guan Heng and Puxing came to When he got closer, he asked, "Are you two okay?"

"It's okay, thanks for avoiding it in time." An Yan just said these words, suddenly raised her finger and pointed ahead and shouted, "Look there!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on the position she pointed, and they saw a huge black shadow suddenly fall from the top of the wall, and then rolled over towards everyone with the wind.

"Gululu!" This thing is like a huge rolling stone, and it is extremely fierce, but Guan Heng doesn't take this thing seriously, and just said lightly: "Puxing, stop it!"

"Okay!" Hearing this, Pu Xing rushed forward, and the spear in his palm suddenly poked towards the ground, "Crack!" In an instant, a powerful and powerful spear exploded and spread, setting off a large hurricane. splashes of soil.

"Bang bang bang!"


This impact force immediately stopped the huge black shadow that was about to roll over, "Creak!" No matter how the guy spun and turned sharply on the spot, it made a very harsh sound when it rubbed against the ground, but he couldn't move forward half an inch. In the meantime, Puxing growled: "Get out of here!"

"Crack!" In an instant, he swept his spear, and immediately knocked out the huge black shadow, showing his extraordinary strength.

"Okay!" Seeing Puxing revealing his hand, An Yan and Qinghuang applauded in unison. Puxing was in a good mood at this time, shaking the spear in his palm, and was about to continue chasing the opponent, but Guan Heng said: "Stop, don't be in a hurry. If you chase after him, that guy will come by himself."

"Really?" Upon hearing this, the two women and Puxing were a little surprised, but the next moment, the action of the huge shadow on the opposite side confirmed that what Guan Heng said was true.

"Bangdang!" It was too late to say, but at that time, the huge black shadow hit the rock wall more than ten feet away, and then jumped up, "Boom boom boom!" A few ups and downs rushed to the crowd again.

Everyone looked closely, only to find that this guy was an ugly-looking monster with a bluestone-shaped body. There was only one round eye on his head, a pair of forearms as thick as pillars, hanging directly to his feet, and his hind legs were strong and strong. Can't tell what kind of beast it is.

"Oh oh oh!" It was obvious that Pu Xing was the one who stopped him just now, and the bluestone long-armed monster roared wildly, and then rushed towards Pu Xing.

"Beasts are courting death!"



In the flash of lightning, Puxing roared, shaking the spear in his hand and stabbing it in a hurry, as if the stars in the dark night suddenly appeared, hitting the opponent's head, face and body, poking holes everywhere, but the strange thing is that the long-armed monster has been repeatedly injured. , but not a drop of blood shed, which is surprising.

"Isn't this guy an ordinary creature, what kind of monster is it?" Puxing pondered in his heart while typing: "In this case, it is difficult for ordinary attacks to damage this thing, and some extraordinary means must be used."

"Phew—" "Bang!" In an instant, Pu Xing slammed his spear into the other side's one eye.


Under the severe pain, the bluestone long-armed monster screamed and whined, and his feet involuntarily retreated backwards. Immediately afterwards, Puxing, who did not give the opponent a chance to breathe, flew over again, "DuoDuoDuo!" In the blink of an eye , he stabbed the opponent's left leg joint with the tip of the spear.

"Clap!" The leg of the bluestone long-armed monster was suddenly broken, and the guy was unstable and fell to the ground.

"Hey hey, you're done!" Pu Xing, who suddenly jumped to the front of the other side, turned the spear upside down, pierced the other leg joint of this guy with the tip pointing down, and then swung it around to smash the leg. Broke off.

The long-armed monster whose legs had been abolished suddenly couldn't move, and the pain was so painful that it died. The skull was shattered into pieces.

"Okay, this method of handling is very good."

Guan Heng said at this time: "It seems that this monster is also derived from the ore contaminated with evil energy in the mine, and it can't be cleaned up with ordinary means. You first block its movements so that it can't move, that's right. "

"Hehehe, I'm thinking, if the big brother makes a move, he should do the same." Puxing said with a smile at this time. Guan Heng nodded his head: "That's right."

Immediately afterwards, he said again: "However, although you defeated this bluestone long-armed monster, you didn't notice what happened next. Let's take a look there."

"Eh?!" Hearing this, Pu Xing turned his head in surprise, just in time to see the long-armed monster's remnant scattered on the ground suddenly emitting a large black qi, and then the surrounding stumps rolled around and gathered together again. Pushing whispered: "Does this guy have the ability to regenerate?"

"Well, it looks like it is." Qinghuang next to him said: "After all, it is derived from the cave with dense ore, and it can absorb the breath of the ore, so it is not impossible to reorganize the body."

"Damn, then I'll clean it up again." Puxing said, shaking his spear and intending to pounce on it again, Guan Heng said at this time: "What's the hurry, I will give you one thing, you can immediately take action. Pack it up."

"Really?" As soon as he heard what he said, Pushing was surprised and happy, and said, "Brother, please advise!"

"Actually, you have done a good job just now, and you even hit the key point of this guy inadvertently. It's a pity that he didn't continue to give heavy blows, and it will be successfully reorganized and resurrected."

Guan Heng said lightly: "The weakness of this bluestone long-armed monster is its one eye!"

"Huh?!" In an instant, Puxing woke up like a big dream, and he immediately exclaimed, "That's it, I understand!"

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