Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11743: Taupe sarcoma gecko (the fifth outbreak)

"Huh!" It was too late, but it was fast. The giant mallet of the wood spirit soldier on the left smashed the big evil spirit king facing him with the wind. Then, hurriedly screaming and dodging to the side.

"Boom!" But at the next moment, the giant mallet of the wood spirit soldier on the right smashed it down, smashing it to the ground, and immediately lost consciousness.

In fact, it is very simple for the wood spirit soldiers to attack the enemy. One feint, one actual attack, such a simple tactic, the Great Evil Spirit King can't avoid it, it can only show that this guy is really good, and the soldiers are good enough. The speed is too fast.

"Dong Dong Dong!"


"Ping ping pong pong!"

Using such a simple virtual and real tactic, the wood spirit soldiers frequently succeeded in the following battles, and even knocked out four great evil spirit kings in a row. Ruo Tao took the opponent into the Soul Orb behind, and smiled happily and said: "Sangsang, you two soldiers are amazing."

"Of course, this tactic is taught by me." Gu Sang girl unceremoniously took the credit for herself and said so. "Don't patronize the chat, don't forget that there are three big evil spirit kings ahead."

While talking, Qianxin looked left and right, and then continued: "Shanwei Ghost Kings, they have also cleaned up the rest of the evil spirit kings. When these three great evil spirit kings are captured, we can look for them steadily. The ore has fallen."

"Sister is right."

"It's not too late, let's hurry up!" When they said this, Ruo Tao and Gu Sangnu had already flew towards the remaining three great evil spirit kings. These great evil spirit kings saw the sudden approach of powerful enemies. Dare to make a move, turn around and want to escape.

"Boom! Huhuhu!" But the next moment the strong wind picked up, and the back was already surrounded by the four-armed mountain and the demon king led by the demon king. If these guys want to escape, it is bound to be difficult to reach the sky!

"Ouch!" In the blink of an eye, one of the great evil spirit kings screamed like crazy. This guy's spiritual body suddenly expanded several times. It turned out that he planned to explode himself, trying to perish with the enemy. "Beast, just because you want to play this game? Dream!"


It was too late to say it, but it was too soon. Qianxin who was at the back of the team suddenly shot a stone with the Holy Spirit gun and directly hit the surface of this great evil spirit king. The Evil Spirit King's spirit body was completely frozen.

"Want to blew yourself up? You're beyond your own power!"

"Whoo, whoo-whoosh-la-la-"

The next moment, Ruo Tao suddenly used the Thunder Swallowing Blade to gather the electric energy, creating a large grid, and suddenly covered the remaining two great evil spirit kings, the electric energy raged and wandered, making these two guys want to die, and they didn't even have time to send it out. Screaming in agony, he lost consciousness.

After capturing the three evil spirit kings, Ruo Tao counted the number of captives, and then said to Qianxin: "At least fifteen great evil spirit kings have been captured, and thousands of other evil spirit kings have also been disguised. Most of the Soul Orbs were sent back to the Voidling Toad by the Little Toad, and the harvest this time is really a lot."

"Well, the evil spirit king has been solved. Now it's time for us to look for the ancient iron ore." After saying this, Qin Xin said, "Where's Zixuan who was sent out to find the ore just now? Have you come back?"

"Not yet, I guess they have reached the depths of the cave, they should..." When she said this, Ruo Tao looked left and right, then pointed in one direction and said, "It should be going over there."

"Okay, let's go take a look too." Saying that, Qianxin immediately led the sisters to go there.

At the same time, several mutants who were sent by everyone to look for ores came to the left edge of the cave.

As soon as he came to this area, the head of the cockroach smelled a strong mineral smell nearby, and immediately made him overjoyed.

Because Ruo Tao repeatedly told him to find the ore by himself, and now that there is a clue about this thing, of course, Mutant Ziqi is very happy.

"Shhhhh!" All of a sudden, the scorpions landed on the rock wall in this area, looking left and right, looking for the specific whereabouts of the ore.


But at the next moment, a long and narrow shadow flew from somewhere, and entangled one of the scorpions lying on the rock wall like lightning, and then dragged it into the air, and the rest of the colorful scorpions just moved towards the sky. He glanced over there, but he didn't even look like he was going to help his comrades.

The one who grabbed the cockroach was a large gecko with a gray-brown body and a length of about nine feet. The head was covered with sarcomas and pus-filled scars. It was very ugly and unsightly.

The gray-brown sarcoma gecko used its long tongue to wrap the cockroach, trying to swallow it, but in the next instant, a series of voices suddenly sounded in the air.

"His, hiss..."

"Crack, snap, snap!" It was too late, but it was too soon. The sarcoma gecko suddenly felt a sharp pain in his tongue. It turned out that the fierce cockroach that he had caught was bitten to pieces.

The mutant scorpion's action of biting the sarcoid gecko's long tongue is much faster than it. The scorpion not only ate up the whole tongue of this guy, but also landed on its head and devoured it frantically. At the same time, the rest of the fierce scorpion He flew over unceremoniously and kept biting.

The poor sarcoma gecko thought that he had caught a good meal, but in fact he became the food of others. This is the consequence of overthinking. After a full meal, the multicolored ferocious cockroaches abandoned the skeleton of the sarcoid gecko and let it fall to the ground with a clattering sound.

Just when the scorpions wanted to continue their search for ore, an extremely shrill and piercing scream sounded: "Hahahaha—"



The next moment, hundreds or even more geckos with brown sarcoma sprang out from the nearby rock crevices and burrows, which turned out to be their burrow nests nearby.

Sarcoma geckos are extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty evil beasts. They have a strong territorial awareness and will kill any enemy who dares to invade their own territory.

But now the scorpions dare to kill their own kind, which makes the sarcoma gecko feel dull and angry, so they will try their best to kill the scorpions and take revenge!

It's a pity that anger and hatred are one thing, and whether or not you can defeat the enemy is another.

No matter how arrogant, crazy, bloodthirsty and vicious, the gray-brown sarcoma gecko is only arrogant on this acre in front of their house. Where have they seen guys more fierce than themselves, even the evil spirits in the cave Wang also did not dare to provoke them easily, but now, the good luck of the sarcoma gecko has come to an end!

"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu-" In the blink of an eye, the multicolored vicious mussels have already launched a fierce attack on the sarcoma gecko. Even though there are only a dozen of these feral worms, but in the face of hundreds of gray-brown sarcoma geckos, they are Without fear, attack frequently!

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