Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11745: Kill the Gecko King

"Ow!" In an instant, the gray-brown sarcoma gecko king roared wildly, waving his claws at Ruo Tao who was running over.

"court death!"

Ruo Tao sneered, and suddenly pulled out her Thunder Swallowing Blade, fiercely slashing at the opponent's sharp claws, "Hey!" In the flash of lightning, the Thunder Swallowing Blade's edge suddenly appeared, and suddenly cut off a piece of the opponent's claws, which was painful. The beast let out a roar, and immediately retreated toward the back.

"Kill!" Ruo Tao's eyes filled with murderous intent, and he waved the Thunder-Swallowing Blade to attack the Gecko King again. The other party saw Ruo Tao's unstoppable gesture, and his face was horrified. parry.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Dong Dong Dong!"

In the blink of an eye, Ruo Tao's Thunder-Swallowing Blade Quick Slash had already collided with the opponent's sharp claws more than ten times, and it was not easy for the Gecko King to block all the attacks.

In fact, it was also because Ruo Tao was merciful, and he didn't even use 30% of his strength to use the knife, for fear that he would kill this guy with too much force, it would not be fun.

"Break me!"


Ruo Taojiao shouted, the blade suddenly rubbed against the left front paw of the Gecko King, cutting it off in half, and the pain caused the Gecko King to shake his paws. Now, this guy is in pain and hatred, and his heart has already begun to retreat, knowing that he If you don't run, ninety-nine percent will be dead.

"Boom!" In the flash of lightning, the gray-brown Sarcoma Gecko King turned around and ran away. This guy just broke through a rock wall and made a huge hole before jumping out. At this time, its escape direction is also the gap in the rock wall.

"You bastard, you don't even want to run away, if I catch up with you, I'll chop you into eight pieces!" Ruo Tao shouted, and stood still, pretending to be chasing after.

"Okay, okay, that guy has already got in, you don't need to act." Gusang Nu walked behind Ruotao at this time, reached out and patted her shoulder, then covered her mouth and smiled: "Not to mention your acting skills are so good. Poor, maybe the gecko king can see it if he pays attention."

"My acting skills are poor? You are talking nonsense!" Hearing this, Ruotao suddenly became angry, and immediately shouted: "Your acting skills are poor."

"Heh heh heh heh heh..." After hearing Ruo Tao's words, Gu Sang Nu just sneered slightly, and then said, "Aren't you convinced? Then let the sisters judge."

Saying that, Gusangnu raised her hand and pointed to the back. Ruo Tao turned her head and saw that there was no one behind. At this moment, Gusangnu and Qianxin, Zhenwen and Xiaohei were already laughing. Running forward, he rushed into the gap in the rock wall with all his might.

"Huh?!" Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao stomped her feet and shouted, "Okay, you guys are clearly trying to tease me!"

"Ow, ooh!" At this time, the Four Arms Mountain Wei beside Ruotao let out a low growl, which meant to say, "Eldest sister, don't patronize Kai, hurry up and chase."

"Nonsense, do you still need to remind me? Chase with me!" Ruo Tao scolded angrily at this time, and immediately chased after her. Fortunately, the sisters didn't really want to get rid of her, they were all not far ahead. waiting.

When Ruo Tao ran to the front, she was about to open her mouth to complain when Qin Xin said: "If you say more, the gecko king will run farther, if we can't keep up with it, then we will have to rely on you. "

"Uh, this... hurry up and chase!" After hearing this, Ruotao had no choice but to think that she had suffered a small loss, and rushed to the front. The sisters were giggling and followed closely.

In fact, the injured Gecko King with gray-brown sarcoma did not escape too fast, not to mention that this guy's claws were broken in half, blood splattered, and a lot of blood flowed on the ground along the way. Everyone just needs to follow these bloodstains and chase them directly. After seven or eight breaths, a few of them drove the gecko king.

Just a few feet away, the unfortunate gecko king staggered and fled. He was completely in a state of embarrassment. He had completely lost the arrogant appearance of his only companion who had just appeared.

"Hey, something for you!"

It was too late, but it was so fast, Gusang girl suddenly transformed into a spiritual wood bow in the rush, and fired three spiritual energy flying arrows towards the other side, "Whoosh! Whoosh! Pooh!" His spine and ribs suddenly exploded with impact.

"Ping ping ping pong pong!" The loud noises came one after another, and the Sarcoid Gecko King's body was blown with a few blood holes again. The guy's eyes were black with pain, and he almost stumbled to the ground.

But the gecko king, who had a strong desire to survive, just gritted his teeth and shivered to support the ground with his four claws, barely not falling, and then he pulled his legs and continued to escape.

"Yo, this guy can be endured and has a bit of endurance." Putting away the spiritual wood bow, Gusang girl said with a smile: "You said, where is it going to escape next?"

"Uh, this is not very clear." Ruo Tao scratched her head, and then said: "Keep following it, and you can always find what we want."

"Hold on." Suddenly, Qianxin, who was at the front, whispered, "I have seen the ore area, you see."

After saying that, Qianxin raised his finger and pointed to the place where the Gecko King Ben walked to. At this time, everyone fixed their eyes and said in unison: "It is indeed a heavy ancient iron ore."

"It seems that this guy uses the Chonggu iron ore area as his own nest, but what's the use of it escaping here?" Zhenwen was a little puzzled and said, "Even here, it can't do anything about it. Live."

"Unless, there is something in this place that can save its life, for example..." Qianxin thought for a while, and suddenly said, "For example, what secret channel can it escape?"

"That's right, maybe it's near the mine, chase!" Ruo Tao let out a low voice and immediately chased after him, and Qian Xin and Gu Sang Nu also followed.

"Beep!" The seriously injured Gecko King rushed forward like a madman, and rushed into the mine in one go. Qianxin suddenly roared: "Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

"Huh!" In the flash of lightning, she suddenly threw out her Starry Spirit Spear, which burst through the air in an instant, and then stabbed viciously into the soil at the edge of the mine.

"La La La—" It was too late to say, but it was fast, and the cold ice mysterious aura suddenly rushed out. With the harsh freezing sound one after another, the thick layer of ice immediately blocked the entrance of the mine.

"Boom!" The gecko king, who rushed forward in a hurry, slammed his head into the ice layer, and the guy's eyes were filled with gold stars, and he suddenly fell to the ground with a thumping sound.



The next moment, the sisters all flew to the front, and the swords in their hands fell down one after another, and the King Sarcoid Gecko was wounded on his head, face, and body. This guy let out a dying beast roar in his throat. He also tried shaking to get up, but in the end he lost all his strength and died tragically on the spot.

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