Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11761: The experience of the flat-mouthed rat (third more)

In the series of violent noises, the giant lizard-headed monster raised its claws and the big hoofs of the king of the eagle, and they were able to attack and defend against the opponent at first, but after a few breaths, the king of the eagle let out a fierce scream: Fuck you, beast!"


"Dong Dong Dong!"

The next moment, King Jia Yao's heavy hoof repeatedly trampled on the opponent's head, face and shoulders, kicking the lizard-headed monster wildly, and he fell out with a somersault and then fell to the ground.

This guy originally wanted to struggle to get up and continue to fight stubbornly, but his body was shaking for several breaths, and he couldn't get up.

Seeing this scene, King Jia Yao, who strode over, laughed wildly: "Hahaha, beast, weren't you very arrogant when you attacked Grandpa just now? Why, can't stand up now? You are really a waste!"


Although I didn't understand what King Jia Yao said, the expression on the other side was obviously mocking him. This lizard-headed monster was originally the leader of a clan, so how could he endure this kind of ridicule and insult, he suddenly flew over with a howl , King Jia Yao grinned: "Want to die? I will fulfill you."

"Tu Tu Tu!" It was too late to say, but at that time, King Jia Yao grinned and spat out three fiery beams, "Pfft!" Two of them hit the guy's left eye and cheek, and a blazing fire suddenly ignited on the other's head. .

"Ow, ooh, ooh—"

The leader of the lizard-headed monster was scalded to death, coupled with the sudden loss of one of his eyes, he suddenly rushed forward like a headless fly. Its original intention was to hit the King of the Armored Raccoon with its body, and then fight to the death with the opponent. .

But King Jia Yao was only on one side, this guy rushed over his head, and with a bang, he hit the skull of another lizard-headed monster, and immediately shattered the other's skull and died.

"go to hell!"

"Crack!" King Jia Yao's left front hoof rushed forward with the wind, hitting the opponent's back, and the monster's back was shattered and broken.

"Hmph, trash is trash." King Jia Yao pouted his lips at this time, and then looked at the other lizard-headed monsters that were surrounded by the magic mandrill and wiped out completely, then nodded and said, "Brother. A, hard work for you to finish."

"Hey, what's this, you can just have fun." Mo Ji said with a smile at this time. King Jia Yao gave it a sideways glance, and said casually, "I suddenly found out why you guys are getting better with me, is there some trick?"

"Bah bah bah, you kid is really heartless." After hearing this, the demon spit fiercely on the ground, and then laughed and scolded: "Isn't it good for you? That puppet beats you three times a day. , will you be grateful?"

"Alright, alright, don't say a word."

At this time, Tu Gong Chan continued to round them up, and said casually: "It's still work time, we'll talk about the fart and bickering later, hey, magic mandrill, Guan Ye asked you to bring the iron-clad ancient clams and the colorful fierce clams with them. Go ahead and look for other deposits, didn't you hear?"

"I heard it, I heard it, I'll go now."

While hilariously laughing, the demon called to his companions and walked straight ahead. At this time, Tu Gong Chan said to King Jia Yao again: "You too, you know that this guy has a lot of things to do, so don't talk to him anymore, understand?"

"Hey hey, it's just two jokes, why take it seriously?" King Jia Yao laughed and said, "I'll also look ahead."

Not long after, Mo Xing and his companions found a mineral deposit at the end of a fork in the tunnel. At this moment, Ruo Tao and the others, who came from behind, suddenly shouted.

"Hey, why are these flat-mouthed monsters following me?"

"Could it be that they're making a bad idea?" Gu Sangnu and Ruotao sang a harmony, deliberately blocking a few flat-mouthed monsters who were sneaking up behind them. group.

"Okay, okay, these weird mice are very timid. If you scare them like this, you may be scared to death." Qing Huang said with a smile at this time: "Don't make it difficult for them."

"Oh, my sister, don't you know us yet? It's just bluffing these guys."

"That is, just a few mice, how can we bully them? They are not qualified." Gu Sangnu and Ruotao said with a smile.

Guan Heng stepped forward at this time, picked up a flat-mouthed monster and asked, "Tell me, what are you guys trying to do with me?"

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing this, the strange rat swung its claws on Guan Heng's palm and called out a few times.

Ruo Tao asked, "Young Master, what did this guy say?"

"Oh, it means, thank you for killing those lizard-headed monsters, because these spotted and flat-mouthed monsters have been chased and killed by each other for a long time, and they almost went extinct a few times. Now that the lizard-headed monsters are gone, they can also Continue to live here safely, so in order to express their gratitude, they want to do something for everyone."

Guan Heng said casually: "The reason why they followed us is that the strange mice originally inhabited the depths of the cave."

"By the way, if you really want to express your gratitude, tell us where the loess mines here are located." Guan Heng said to the flat-mouthed rat: "Since you all live here, it is impossible not to know about them. Case."

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing this, the Flat Mouth Rat nodded immediately in agreement, expressing its willingness to lead the way for everyone.

But soon, two more strange mice surrounded him and made a cry in front of Guan Heng. He frowned slightly and said, "Oh, so that's how it is."

"What the **** is going on, tell us quickly." Qianxin said.

Guan Heng nodded, then said, "Let's go, let the flat-mouthed rat lead the way, and I'll explain it to you in detail on the way."

In this way, everyone began to move forward in the underground tunnel. Along the way, Guan Heng communicated with the strange mouse and told everyone what the other party had described.

It turns out that the spotted flat-mouthed rat has lived in the cave for many years, near the mine pit, and an ancient beast lives in the mine. nice neighbors.

But in the recent period of time, the ancient beasts suddenly seldom showed up, and almost disappeared in front of everyone. The strange mice are very strange, but they dare not go to the mine to visit each other. After all, the ancient beasts don't like other creatures stepping into their living area. .

Later, the lizard-headed monsters appeared. They hunted and killed the fat and flat-mouthed monsters everywhere, making each other miserable. If this was left in the past, the ancient beasts would have appeared to help the monsters out of their predicament, but This time it never appeared.

"So you live next to the mine, right?"

"Squeak, squeak!"

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