Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11766: Search and Harvest (third more)

After the continuous earth movement finally stopped, the remaining lions reluctantly searched the devastated tomb, but did not find any trace of the corpse of the lion king, but not long after that, the beast soul of the lion king appeared. , howling and howling day and night around the cemetery of the kin he killed.

But everyone came after hearing the news and searched for a long time, but couldn't find the trace of the beast soul of the Lion King.

"It doesn't matter if these lions can't find the beast soul and the lion's remains, as long as we can find it." Guan Heng said at this time: "With the help of the detective experts such as the Five-colored Vicious Clam, the Ancient Mosquito in the Fog Sea, and the Ancient Iron Armored Clam. , will definitely find clues in a short time."

"That's right, Lord Guan." Tu Gong Chan said, "Let my little Tu Toad clone also join the search team."

"Okay, let's do it like this." Guan Heng thought for a while, then said, "Little Toad is good at searching in the underground area, let the subterranean sand catfish and the pure land dry catfish lead the team, and lead them to join the search."

"Okay, Master Guan, you thought it through." Hearing this, Tugong Toad immediately went to do it, and after a few breaths, the little Tutoad, sand scorpion, and dry catfish set off.

After counting the breaths, Ruo Tao was already getting restless, pacing back and forth in the same place, murmuring, "Why haven't you all come back, haven't you been able to find useful clues?"

"Hey, little girl, are you too nervous?" Guan Heng said with a bit of laughter at the moment: "It's only been a few breaths, look, the little toad who just ran out can still see Where's the shadow, what's the hurry?"

"Uh, am I too anxious?" Hearing this, Ruo Tao scratched her head in embarrassment and muttered, "I'm sorry, son."

"Forget it, I'm not mad at you, this trivial matter is not worth worrying about." Guan Heng said and shrugged, expressing that he didn't care, at the same time, Qinghuang glanced into the distance and said casually Said, "Should we go out and look for it?"

"There's no need for that." Guan Heng put his arms around his shoulders and said calmly, "Although this ancient tomb of lions is not small, there are hundreds of thousands of scorpions, ancient mosquitoes, ancient mussels, and small toads to investigate. Enough is enough, we don't have to go far..."

"Huh?!" At such a time, the mother of evil slugs suddenly whispered, Guan Heng turned his head and glanced at it, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Good news, master." The evil worm mother said with a smile at the moment: "It's the brothers in the northeast who found the clue. I would like to invite you all to come and have a look."

"Okay." Hearing this, the girls and other companions agreed with great interest, and then followed Guan Heng and Insect Mother to rush in that direction.

Not long after, everyone saw that the scorpions who found the clues had already flown over from the opposite side, landed on Guan Heng's shoulders and palms, and screamed.

"Cough, everyone be quiet, don't disturb the master." The mother of evil slugs cleared her throat at this time, and then continued: "If you want to speak, come one by one, first of all... you come."

Saying that, it pointed to one of the scorpions, and the other party immediately shook his front paws in a low voice, explaining to Guan Heng everything he and his companions had discovered.

"Oh, that's what it is, I understand." Guan Heng nodded, and then said, "What the scorpions found were not the beast soul and the skeleton of the lion king, but just a little clue."

"Hehehe, that's already amazing." Ruo Tao smiled and said, "It's better than no clue."

"Yes, yes."

"But we still want to know what the clues are."

"There are a lot of souls around here, do you know?" Guan Heng suddenly said this sentence, everyone was a little stunned at first, and then they all shouted: "Could it be another lion and beast soul?"

"That's right, it's just that these beast souls are relatively weak, and their characteristic is called 'transparency'." After saying this, Guan Heng suddenly spread his palms and called softly, "Hey, everyone, come out, I miss you all. Guarantee, there will be no danger."


As soon as he said these words, the wind around him suddenly picked up, and in an instant, dozens of fist-sized beast souls appeared.

Seeing this scene, the long-mane lion was a little surprised, but it should be the case, because this guy has only guarded the entrance of the tomb for many years, and he has basically never entered, and naturally he does not know the existence of other beast souls.

Guan Heng beckoned to one of the group of lion beast souls, and then released a little spiritual energy, the other party flew over immediately, greedily absorbed these spiritual energy, and it was all absorbed in a few breaths.

"The aura has also been eaten. Now it's time to answer the question. Tell me, do you have any information about the beast soul of the Lion King?"

Hearing what Guan Heng said, the beast soul that was eating spiritual energy shuddered, seeing this scene, Guan Heng said: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, it doesn't matter, you don't want to say it, I'm not forcing it, we can still go. Find other beast souls to inquire."

Hearing this, the beast soul dimmed a few times, as if it had made up its mind, and then floated to Guan Heng's ear, making some low-pitched whines that only he could understand.

"Oh, I understand." Guan Heng nodded slowly while listening. Seeing his appearance, Qianxin said, "Hey, is it too cunning? You are the only one who knows what it is talking about, hurry up and tell us. what."

"Okay, I got it." Hearing the other party's words, Guan Heng said casually: "These beast souls are all derived from the old lion in the ancient times, far earlier than the lion king, so they can witness some of the other's conditions."

"Well, please be specific."

"At that time, the Beast Soul of the Lion King was passing by because of paying homage to his dead companion, and was seen by the Beast Souls accidentally. It was because of this that they knew the area where the other party disappeared. Now the Beast Souls promised to take us to find it."

Guan Heng smiled and said: "At the same time, I also agreed to give them some rewards." "Well, these are all for you, let's eat them."

"Whoosh whoosh!"


After Guan Heng said this, he released a lot of spiritual energy, and the beast souls immediately gathered around happily and ate.

Not long after, the beast souls who were full of spiritual energy led Guan Heng and others to a certain area in the northernmost part of the tomb.

"Woo woo, woo woo!" At this moment, the beast soul that Guan Heng first found whispered in the air, wandering in circles, and finally landed on the edge of a rock wall.

"Oh, I see, it's here, right?" Guan Heng said, he had already stepped forward and reached out to touch the rock wall in front of him.

"Luck la la..." It was too late to say, but it was fast, and there were circles of spider web-like cracks on the rock wall that was only slightly touched. Guan Heng was a little strange, and said casually: "It's so fragile?!"

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