Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1178: Magic soldiers in hand (third more)

"Then how to deal with other dragon-strike weapons except Dragon Tooth to board your soul body?" Guan Heng asked, "Will you take them with you?"

"No, as long as my dragon soul returns to Ashton's mainland." Kufa said, "Let the dragon kill gear stay in St. Lomplon, this is also where I fought."

"Okay, I'll take off the dragon's tooth blade first." Guan Heng said, standing on the high platform in the middle of the stone room, reaching out and holding up the stone box. Who knows that the stone box has been weathered and decayed badly because of its age? In a flash, it has turned into dust and powder.

At this time, a pair of three-foot long blades appeared in Guan Hengzhang's palm, he said in surprise: "It was a double-edged sword. This is a very rare blade, not bad."

"Yeah, when I used to be a human body, the weapon I used was a double sword." Dragon Soul Kufa said beside him, "That's why I attached the soul to the blade of the dragon tooth."

Guan Heng's two palms slashed his sword with two points, slashed a few times, and saw tears in the air. Guan Heng whispered, "Good sharp dragon tooth blade, but it's strange. , Why are these knives particularly light in hand? There is almost no weight. "

"Hahaha, that's because my soul is not attached to the blade." Said the Dragon Soul Kufa, suddenly turned into two breaths, and plunged into a pair of dragon teeth.

After a while, Guan Heng's wrist sank: "It's heavy, it seems to suddenly add a few hundred pounds !!"

At this moment, a pair of dragon tooth blades were originally shimmering with ordinary metallic luster blades. For a moment, the whole body was covered with a dazzling light gold light, and the sound of Dragon Soul Kufa sounded again: "Guan Heng, I have a feeling, that The power of the crystal of the red dragon's breath is also applied to the blade of the dragon's tooth. Try it. "

"It makes sense, I have tried this kind of experience on the Dragon Sword before." Guan Heng is now becoming more and more proficient in the call and use of the red dragon's breath, and the group of dragons in his heart beating aloud, "Huh! There was a moment of red light on the double blades, which reflected each other with the original pale gold color, entangled together, it was stunning.

"Yeah!" Guan Hengyi yelled, the dragon's teeth double-edged in the palm of his hand, and he slashed eight knives at the same time. The next moment, the huge stone platform under his feet shattered into dozens of pieces. Smooth as a mirror!

Guan Heng and Dragon Soul Kufa both cried out: "Great!"

"Guan Heng, it seems that after the dragon's breath is attached to the blade, the power of the dragon's blade sharply increased." Dragon Soul Kufa said, "In my opinion, I will encounter that Dragon Master Otero again. My dragonblade will not fear him. "

"Hahaha, rest assured, one day or another, you will meet that guy." Guan Heng smiled with a dragon's teeth in his hands and said, "If that Uterus dares to stand in front of me, I don't mind killing him."

"Guan Heng, usually my soul will fall asleep, only when you call me, my dragon soul will come out to help out." Kufa said, "Let's go, I'll sleep first, good night."

"Good night, Koufa." Guan Heng smiled, and then took the Dragon's Double Blade to his back. He thought to himself: "I will find Mr. Shaharu later, and let him build a pair of Dragon's Doubles. Scabbard so that it looks better. "


After a while, climbed to Guan Heng, the room that collapsed the ground, and walked back to the iron fence, just to see a fat and chubby figure still lingering there, Guan Heng turned over and jumped to the other side. He asked: "Yab ?! Why are you still here?"

"You, you said good rewards, haven't given it to me yet!" Abu the soul-sucking beast hummed. "That dragon soul spar ... I want to eat."

"Haha, don't you say I've forgotten." Guan Heng took out a piece of dark dragon's soul stone and handed it to Abu: "Well, eat."

"Yeah! It's delicious. It's so delicious." Yabu chewed the dragon soul spar, and swallowed his belly three or two times. Finally, he took two mouths and asked, "Do you have any more?" ? "

"How? You haven't eaten enough yet?" Guan Heng asked strangely, "Did you just eat a dozen souls of Warcraft at the gate of the abandoned fortress just now?"

"I don't know what's going on." Soul sucker Yabu Weige said aggrieved, "Our recent appetite has suddenly increased a lot, those ordinary Warcraft souls can't fill my stomach at all, and I dare not run by myself Go out looking for the beast soul, so I can only be so hungry. "

"Well, Yabu, I still have a few dragon soul spar here, you can eat it." Guan Heng said and took out a few more dragon soul stones, the soul-sucking beast swallowed and ate, and finally satiated: "Eh It ’s full, it ’s really full. "

"Yabu, just walk with me." Guan Heng patted the head of the little monster with a long nose: "It is estimated that you can only fill up if you follow me and continue to hunt and **** dragon spirits. If you are stuck here, you will sooner or later Starved to death. "

"Guan Heng, are you willing to take me away? Great." Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, is so happy, because the wonderful taste of Dragon Soul is so attractive to him, even if Guan Heng didn't say it, Yabu also planned to Dead skin followed Guan Heng's face, and the two sides hit it off.

"Well, there are just a few remaining pet cylinders." Guan Heng took out a metal cylinder and said to Yabu, "I usually put you in this cylinder, and I will call you when I open the meal. . "

"Okay." Abu promised, Guan Heng immediately went in and put it in the magic pet tube.

"The Dragontooth Blade is also in hand, and return to Mr. Shaharu's house immediately." Guan Heng let out the beak Longlud, and took him back to the forest bark house.

"Mr. Sanqiu, I have found the Dragon's Fang." Guan Heng entered the door and said to several people sitting around the table: "Look, here it is."

"Where? Let me see the old man first." Shaharu dropped the maneuvering shield he was studying, and waited for no response from others. He rushed to grab the dragon tooth blade in Guanheng's hands. He suddenly cried out. "Strange, why, why is it so heavy?"

"It was originally very light, but there was a Dragon Soul Kufa boarding in the blade body, and suddenly it became heavy." Guan Heng smiled secretly, and then said: "I'll take it, you just observe it, most people still It really can't lift such weapons. "

"This is the legendary Dragon Toothblade? It is said that it is the thundering king of thirteen types of dragon-destroying weapons. I did not expect it to be a double-edged sword." It looks sharp. "

—— [2016.5.17 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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