Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11789: Burial Ground (First Update)

"It's beautifully done!" Seeing the mad poisonous ant's sharp shot, the magic mandrill gave it a thumbs up, and the ant said nonchalantly, "It's just a trifle."

"Hey, pay attention." The Shui Xuan spirit beast flew into the air at this time, looked into the distance, and then whispered to his companions: "There are more than a dozen evil beasts coming, hurry up and clean up this place. Ambush each other again."

"Okay!" All the companions agreed, and then disappeared in place like lightning. Since the blood, flesh, and bones of the slain evil beasts were all turned into pus and seeped into the soil, there were hardly any traces left around them. Neither will find that there has been a battle here.


In an instant, more than a dozen evil beasts roared and rushed over from the other side. These guys originally came here to meet their companions who had come before, but they looked left and right, but found no trace of their companions, and couldn't help howling anxiously. .


It was too late to say it, but it was too soon. The Demon Mandrill and King Jia Yao had already swooped over with lightning speed. He kicked the opponent's soul, and the moment he broke his bones and tendons, he fell and fell out.

"Give you another ride."

"Whispering - 咻咻咻 -" As soon as he said these words, King Jia Yao suddenly spewed out a large stream of original flames, which suddenly covered the injured evil beasts, and immediately burned the opponent to ashes, the flames churning, Undiminished, he attacked other evil beasts again.

This time, the rest of the demonic beasts were so frightened that their limbs became weak, and they reluctantly gritted their teeth and insisted on twisting to escape.

But at this moment, the attack of the magic dagger also arrived, "Huhuhu——shuhuhuhu——" In an instant, the extremely cold wind swept in, and surrounded the front, back, left and right areas of many evil beasts. With the crackling and freezing sound, they have been blocked by the entire wall of ice.

At this time, let alone the evil beasts escaped, even the shrill screams would be blocked by the ice wall.

"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, the water mysterious spirit beast, the mad poisonous ant queen, the king of the dragon and the mandrill had already smirked and flew towards the evil beasts...

After a few breaths, the Jia Yao Dynasty spit out flames from the corpses of the evil beasts all over the ground, burning the opponent to the bone. The magic mandrill immediately said: "Okay, now we can approach the opponent's nest and continue to investigate the situation."

"Well, it is estimated that Guan Heng and the others should come over to join us." The water mysterious beast said at this time: "Everyone, pay attention, it's okay to investigate the situation, don't startle the snake, it won't be fun."


"Hey hey, our buddies have gone through hundreds of battles, how can we not understand this truth." Both the demon and the king of Jia Yao said so.


After a while, everyone quickly approached the stone cave of the Evil Beast's Nest, which was located several dozen meters in front. As soon as they got there, they found a few Evil Beasts walking back and forth at the entrance of the cave. It seemed that they were guards. Hello.

"Hmph, if this is normal, such little scumbags, Master Yao can burn them to ashes." King Jia Yao glared at this moment and muttered.

"Hey, hey, it's all agreed not to scare the snake, you promise me." The water mysterious beast riding on its back tapped the forehead of King Jia Yao with its small claws, and then said: "Calm down."

"Don't worry, Xiao Shui Shui, I'm just talking." King Jia Yao said nonchalantly: "Besides, what if the evil beasts in the nest are disturbed? I don't believe it. With the strength of the few of us, I can't take care of these beasts."

"You fat idiot, cleaning up the evil beasts is second, have you forgotten? We are mainly here to find the worm-bone battlefield in this group of guys' nests." The Shui Xuan spirit beast said: "If the opponent is disturbed, it will attract some Unnecessary trouble, understand?"

"Oh, that's right, I'm sorry, I didn't think about it before." As soon as King Jia Yao heard this, he felt very reasonable, so he hurriedly admitted his mistake, and the demon beside him whispered: "Hush hush, you two. Speak softly, otherwise you will disturb those evil beasts."

Hearing this, Shui Xuan Ling Beast and King Jia Yao looked at the entrance to the stone cave of the Evil Beast's Nest at the same time. I saw two or three vigilant beasts walking towards him.

"Oops, shouldn't you really be right?" The Water Profound Spirit Beast muttered to himself with an ugly expression on his face.

At the same time, the Mad Poison Ant Queen said, "Don't worry, we still have this." Then, it took out a Hidden Mist Spider Pill and shook it. After seeing this, the three beasts immediately turned from worry to joy. , frowning.

"Shhhhh!" In an instant, the three beasts and the queen ant entered a state of invisibility relying on the Hidden Mist Spider Pill. The few evil beasts hurried over here and looked carefully, but did not find any traces of the enemy or unusual. In this situation, I had to walk back to the cave entrance with resentment.

"Xiao Shui Shui, you should be carrying a mutated mutated scorpion by your side, right?" Mo Ji said at this time, "Even if we can't go to investigate, we can let scorpion go incognito to investigate the situation."

"Yes, I think so too." After hearing this, the water mysterious spirit beast nodded and nodded, and then, everyone summoned three cockroaches, and the other party hurriedly flew towards the entrance of the cave.


After a while, Guan Heng, the girls and other partners rushed here.

"Hey, Moji, how is the situation on your side?" Guan Heng asked at this time.

"Master Guan, you came just in time." The demon said, "Zi Wei, who we sent out to investigate the situation inside the cave of the Evil Beast's Nest, just came back and is about to report. Let's listen together."

"Well, good." Guan Heng beckoned to the cockroaches, and the other party immediately flew into his palm, and then chirped.

"Oh, it seems that you are right in your speculation. This evil beast's nest cave is indeed an ancient worm battlefield, and there are all kinds of worm bones everywhere in the cave, which have been ruined by the evil beasts a lot."

"Damn." Hearing Guan Heng's words, Qianxin almost cried out in anger, and then scolded: "These damned beasts, if the worm bones hadn't been destroyed by these guys, maybe they could still be given to Gu Locus. The king worm embryo is tonic."

"Princess, it's okay, don't be impatient."

Guan Heng said nonchalantly: "According to the investigation results of Ziyu, it was found that those stupid evil beasts only ruined some worm bones on the surface of the cave. Although they have some spiritual energy left, they are all fragile and inferior products, and they are of no use to us. ."

"So, the real good worm bones are buried deep in the ground, and none of them can be found."

"Hahaha, if this is the case, it's more or less the same." Hearing this, Qianxin and the other sisters all laughed.

Guan Heng said at this time: "Okay, it's not too late, we should also enter the cave and take a trip."

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