Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11792: Worm awake

"Since you encountered a sharp-horned demon beast, then I don't blame me for returning late."

Guan Heng said at this time: "Actually, before you came back, Qinghuang and I also encountered a few sharp-horned demon beasts. After a short fight, they left a few corpses and all escaped. It is estimated that they happened to be encountered by you. Come on, you deserve to die."

"Haha, what your son said is." Ruo Tao said beside him: "Those **** evil beasts escaped very fast, and they would burrow away again. At that time, I wanted the pure land dry catfish and the subterranean sand catfish to chase after them and destroy them. Well, I didn't expect to die in your hands, not bad."

"Jeji, jiji." Hearing this, the white-browed old monkey became a little embarrassed, scratching his head and making a low sound. At this time, Guan Heng continued: "Since everyone has returned now, let's move on and take the road on the right."

"Master Guan, let's open the way." The demon said, and he had already waved to the one-horned ice dragon and the king of the dragon beside them, and everyone rushed forward in a mighty manner.

Not long after, the crowd and beasts came to the end of the road, and a rock wall blocked the way.

"Dong dong dong." At this moment, the demon stepped forward, reached out and knocked on the surface of the rock wall, and whispered: "This rock wall is very weak, it should only be a few feet thick."

"Well, then just pierce it directly."

Guan Heng said so. "Okay!" Hearing this, the demon roared loudly: "Brothers, show your strength to Master Guan and everyone."

"Yeah." King Jia Yao and the others agreed in a loud voice, and then they gathered all their strength and bombarded the rock wall violently.


"Crash--" In an instant, the large schist wall collapsed, countless debris of soil and stone tumbled to the ground, and the dust stirred and spread.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" At the moment when the rock wall collapsed, the scream of the evil beast suddenly came from the opposite side.

"Boom! Huhuhu!" In an instant, the sound of rushing and rushing came one after another, and more than a dozen swift shadows ran towards the passage on the inner side of the rock wall. They were all evil beasts hiding here.

Obviously, the strength of these guys is much stronger than that of the little gangsters that everyone eliminated before. At the same time, the other party also understands that he is by no means an opponent of Guan Heng and the others and the beasts, so he chose to flee wildly for the first time.

But even so, Guan Heng didn't intend to let these guys go.

"Want to leave? It's too difficult!"

"Dang!" It was too late to say, but it was too fast, Guan Heng's voice fell, and he had already flicked his fingers on the handle of the dagger Xuanbing Guyue at his waist, "Swish swish—" In the blink of an eye, Bing Xie tyrannized the soul. They rushed out, chasing the unlucky evil beasts directly.

"咻咻咻——咰咰嗰——" In an instant, the tyrannical souls sprayed the ice mysterious aura wildly, freezing the opponent's body in the blink of an eye, and then slammed into it.

"Ping ping pong pong!"



The violent impact of the tyrannical souls caused the frozen body of the evil beast to shatter, turning into ice crystal powder and dissipating in the air, leaving not even the slightest scum.

"Go, move on." When Guan Heng said this, he had already taken the lead in walking towards the tunnel ahead, followed by the girls, the beasts and other companions. After a while, everyone came to the depths of this underground cave.

"Buzz!" It was too late, but it was fast, the ancient locust king worm inside the cage on the neck of the Shuangmei ancient donkey trembled suddenly, Guan Heng turned his head and said, "It seems that the worm has killed those green worms. The essence of the Yun Lingfen's remains has been refined and awakened from the slumber."

"This situation is very beneficial to us."

"Oh, is that right?" Hearing Guan Heng's words, Ruotao asked, "What's the specific benefit?"

"Hehe, first of all, the gray-white aura of the worm embryo is very good at tracking the remains of various ancient worms and beasts. Haven't you forgotten this?" Guan Heng said at the moment.

"Yes, thanks to your reminder, we remembered it." The girls' eyes lit up at this time, and they said in unison: "With the smell of worms, we can find the ancient worm battlefield faster, right?"

"Well, that's it." Guan Heng nodded and continued: "It's not too late, I'll let it try now."

Having said that, Guan Heng walked to the cage and said to the worm inside: "Just right, we are near the ancient worm battlefield at this time, and we will see you below..."

After listening to his narration in two words, the ancient locust king worm immediately released wisps of gray breath.

Unlike before, it took a lot of effort to condense a trace of breath. The current worm embryo has absorbed and refined a lot of ancient worm and beast bones, which greatly improved its ability. Therefore, the gray-white aura output is more profound, and it can almost condense into small pieces of fog.

This mist turned into a phantom of the ancient locust king in the air. At this time, he shook his claws at everyone and pointed to the front, which meant to say: "I will lead you to the ancient worm battlefield, come with me. "

"Insect mother, you three accompany the ancient locust king phantom to go forward, pay attention to protect its safety."

"Yes, Master." Hearing Guan Heng's order, the Evil Slug Mother, the Golden Sting King, and the Ancient Wild Roar immediately flew into the air and flew to the left and right sides of the phantom, right as bodyguards.

"Whoosh--" The next moment, the shadow of the ancient locust king swept forward, and its speed was neither slow nor slow, so Guan Heng and the others could keep up.

Just after more than ten breaths, everyone followed the ancient locust king to the end of the tunnel. Looking from a distance, the exit in front was gray, and it seemed that there was a thick fog gathering here.

"Well, here we are, it looks like it's here."

When he said this, Guan Heng also looked at the phantom of the ancient locust king in the air. The other party wandered around his head, and then suddenly retracted into the cage on the neck of the ancient donkey. It seemed that the phantom could not move in the outside world. too long, or you'll fall into a state of weakness.

"But it's enough to bring us here." Having said that, Guan Heng leaned over and picked up a worm bone on the ground, and shook it in front of his companions: "Look, there are such worms everywhere. Bone, it seems that we have come to the edge of the ancient worm battlefield."

"Master Guan, there seems to be a lot of evil spirits lingering around here." Mo Ji said at this time.

"That's right, driving the dogs into the poor alley, those guys have been forced by us to have nowhere to go, so they can only hide in the vicinity, magic mandrill, you take the king of the eagle and the ice scorpion to search everywhere, mother insect, let the colorful worms Block all the entrances and exits, don't let the other party escape, as long as they are in this area, they must be killed."

"Yes, Master (Master Guan)." Everyone agreed, and immediately dispersed, and began to look for the area where the evil beasts were hiding. I believe that it won't be long before those guys have nothing to hide.

"Let's start searching for useful worm bones now. Of course, these must be chosen by the ancient locust king worms." After that, Guan Heng turned his head and glanced at the worms in the cage.

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