Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11804: Weird red beads (first more)

"Ouch?!" Seeing the tragic death of his companion, the evil monster next to him was so frightened that his body trembled, and he almost fell to the ground. Taking advantage of this almost sudden jump, Tugong Toad slapped it with his webbed claws. on the back of the head. "Pacha!" In the next instant, the evil monster's head was detached from the body immediately, soaring into the air, and the headless body again ran out more than ten feet away, and then fell to the ground with a plop. "Guqua, Guqua!" "Boom!" "Huhuhu!" At this moment, a few small toads galloped over and shouted at the Tugong Toad one after another. Said: "We found something good, come and have a look." "Okay, don't rush, I will come right away." Seeing the expressions of the little Toads, the Toads knew that their discoveries must be indispensable, so they immediately Following everyone hurriedly ran towards the front. After a few breaths, a towering soil **** approached, Tugong Toad looked at the thing in front of him in amazement, and muttered to himself, "What is this?" He saw a few huge bones stacked on the top of the slope. In the middle of the pile of bones, there seemed to be something shining with crimson light, and what made Tugong Chan wondered was that thing. "It's strange that this red glow can make me feel vaguely uneasy. Don't worry, get the bones first, and then check the contents."

After saying this, the Tugong Toad suddenly waved his webbed claws, and the little Tugong Toads rushed towards the high **** with a croak. "Ouch!" But at such a time, a roar suddenly came from not far away, "Peng deng deng, deng deng deng!" It was too late, but it was soon, a crazy evil monster rushed from the side of the slope. When he rushed over, this guy was covered in gray hair, his limbs were thick and powerful, and his face was like a wild hog with grinning teeth, which was truly terrifying. "What a beast, how dare you come here to make troubles, you are courting death!" Tugong Toad screamed, "Tug Tu Tu!" In an instant, it spewed more than ten mud bullets, all of which hit the wild hog monster. The guy screamed "woooooooo", and suddenly his long arms kept parrying. "Crackling!" The wild hog smashed all the mud bombs with his claws. Although he felt sore and numb in his arms, the guy was a little proud because he didn't take any damage. Those little toads that bullied the top of the **** swooped. "Hmph, can you still move now? Just try it." "Ouch?!" After hearing Tugong Chan's words, the wild boar demon suddenly realized that his steps were heavy, and even taking a step was extremely difficult. . "Get down." "Gululu! Bang, bang..." Tu Gong Toad's voice fell, and the unlucky wild hog was already fit and rolled, from the top of the **** to Tu Gong Toad's feet, covering his body. It's an injury, a blue nose and a swollen face.

"You just stay here for a while, and when my little Toad brings the pile of bones back, I will concoct you." At this moment, Tu Gong Toad waved his claws at the wild hog monster, "呼 - 嗖嗖嗖 - "Turn the institution, the big stock soil is around the evil monster, forming a huge dirty palm, clunging the body, and constantly tightening. "Ooooooooooooooooooo!" Feeling the severe pain, the wild hog screamed like crazy, it struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the bondage, but unfortunately everything was useless, the earth spirit giant hand only slightly After clenching for a few breaths, the wild boar demon stared at him and lost consciousness, and passed out. "Buzz!" "Huhuhu!" It was too late, but it was too late. The little Toads had already dismantled the pile of bones on the top of the soil **** and transported them to the Tugong Toad one by one. At this time, It stared at a huge spine in front of it, because the red awn burst out from the inside of the thing. Tugong Toad pondered in his heart: "Should we break this bone apart and see the origin of the red glow?" "Guqua, Guqua." At this time, a few small toads dragged the last bone to the big toad. , and called it twice. Tu Gongchan said: "I see, you did a good job, it's all hard work."

After saying that, Tugong Toad happened to see a small Toad jumping to the surface of the bone in front of him, and he got into it. He originally wanted to speak to stop the other party's reckless behavior, but Tugong Toad thought about it: "Well, let It's better to go in and check it out." "Cuck, quack!" It was too late, but soon, the little Toad who got into the closed spine suddenly shouted twice, the Toad's eyes lit up, and then he asked Said: "What's the matter, did you find something!" "Bang!" In the blink of an eye, the little Toad rushed out of the gap between the bones and landed in front of the Toad with a clatter, and then The bite in its mouth was handed to it. "What is this?" After taking this thing and staring at it carefully, Tugong Toad muttered to himself, "This crimson bead has the same aura as the metallic luster bone, and it also seems to be related to the ancient giant insect. , let's take it back and show it to Mother Insect and Master Guan, they will definitely find some useful clues." After making up his mind, Big Toad suddenly opened his mouth and threw the red beads into his mouth, "Huhuhu!" Immediately afterwards, it put all the worm bones into its mouth, turned around and ran away from where it came from. ...After a short while, everyone finally got out of the deep pit in their own place, the magic mandrill, the king of the dragon and the earth palace toad looked at each other, and then the three of them laughed together: "Hahaha, the harvest is quite good. Feng."

Soon, a few of them returned to Guan Heng and other companions. "Looking at the looks of you, you must have found a lot of good things, right?" Ruo Tao walked up to the magic mandrill, stretched out her hand, and said, "Bring it here, we will meet you in half." "Uh, this... Big sister, don't worry. Ah." The devil smiled and said, "Anyway, let Guan Heng take a look at what we got first, and then how much do you want? Isn't it a word?" "Hmph, it's almost the same, it doesn't really matter whether you want it or not." Ruo Tao shrugged and said casually: "But I am very satisfied with your respectful tone of voice, little brother, I am very optimistic about you." "Yes, thank you for your appreciation, eldest sister." Like honey, Guan Heng said: "Hey, don't be in a hurry to flatter your ass, hurry up and show us what you found." "Yes, Lord Guan, please take a look." King Yao and Tugong Chan have already taken out the things with a smile and stacked them in front of everyone. "Oh, they are all metallic worm bones, and there are quite a few." The girls gathered around and began to look at these things as they spoke. "Zhenwen, are these worm bones useful?" Gusang Nu asked. "Well..." After Zhenwen heard the question, she reached out and picked up a worm bone and looked at it carefully.

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